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     The interface section of the DirTTT5 unit includes a variable DTTT of
     type DirDisplay. The elements of the DTTT record have Toolkit defaults
     and do not need to be altered. However, the programmer can change the
     look and feel of the menu by changing any element(s) of DTTT.

     DTTT is defined as follows:

          X           : BYTE;
          Y           : BYTE;
          ROWS        : BYTE;
          COLSWIDE    : BYTE;
          ATTRIB      : BYTE;
          BOXTYPE     : BYTE;
          BOXFCOL     : BYTE;
          BOXBCOL     : BYTE;
          KEYFCOL     : BYTE;
          BACCOL      : BYTE;
          NORFCOL     : BYTE;
          DIRFCOL     : BYTE;
          HIFCOL      : BYTE;
          HIBCOL      : BYTE;
          ALLOWESC    : BOOLEAN;
          ALLOWHELP   : BOOLEAN;
          ALLOWZOOM   : BOOLEAN;
          ZOOMLINE    : BYTE;
          ALLOWSORT   : BOOLEAN;
          INITSORT    : BYTE;
          ASC         : BYTE;
          ALLOWCD     : BOOLEAN;
          SELECTDIR   : BOOLEAN;

     X - the X coordinate of the top left corner of the menu. If TopX is
     set to 0 then the list is centered on the screen. If TopX is too close
     to the right edge of the screen, the Toolkit will automatically adjust
     it. Default: 0.

     Y - the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the menu. If TopY is
     set to 0 then the directory is positioned on line 5. Default: 0.

     Rows - the number of rows of files to display. If Rows is set to 0, a
     value of 8 is used. Default: 0.

     ColsWide - the number of columns of files to display. The value must
     be in the range 1..5. Default: 5.

     Attrib - this identifies the special files to include in the directory
     display. This parameter works in the same manner as the attribute
     passed to Turbo's FindFirst procedure. For example, if the directory
     should include Read Only files and Hidden files, then assign attrib
     the value of ReadOnly+Hidden. Default: ReadOnly+Directory+Archive.

     BoxType - this byte variable indicates which box border to use around
     the menus. The codes are the same as for the box related commands in
     the FastTTT5 unit, e.g. 0 no border, 1 single, 2 double, etc. Default:

     BoxFCol - the foreground color of the box border. Default: lightgray
     for color systems, white for monochrome.

     BoxBCol - the background color of the box border. Default: blue for
     color systems, black for monochrome.

     KeyFCol -  the foreground color of the special keys displayed in the
     information box at the top of the window.  Default: yellow for color
     systems, white for monochrome.

     BacCol - the main background color of the menu. Default: black.

     NorFCol - the foreground color of the normal files. Default: white.

     DirFCol - the foreground color of directory files. Default: yellow for
     color systems, lightgray for monochrome.

     HiFCol - the foreground color of the selected file. Default: black.

     HiBCol - the background color of the selected file. Default: cyan for
     color systems, lightgray for monochrome.

     AllowEsc - a boolean variable to indicate whether the user may escape
     out of the list by pressing the ESC key. Default: true.

     ShowDetails - set to true if the directory listing should be initially
     displayed in the detailed mode. Default: true.

     DisplayInfo - set to true if the directory summary information should
     be displayed at the top of the directory window. Default: true.

     RestoreScreen - set to true if you want the directory listing to clear
     and the screen and  restore it to it's original state after a user
     selects a file. Default: true.

     AllowHelp - set to true if you want the brief Toolkit help screen to
     be displayed when the user presses the help key. Default: true.

     AllowToggle - a boolean variable to indicate if the detail display
     should be available (when the user presses the space bar). Default:

     AllowZoom - set to true to allow the user to zoom (or expand the
     number of rows in) the file list display (when the user presses the
     zoom key). Default: true.

     ZoomLine - this is the Y coordinate of the bottom of the directory
     display in the Zoomed mode. Default: 25.

     AllowSort - set to true to allow the user to change the display file
     sort. Default: true.

     InitSort - the sort field of the files when the directory is first
     displayed. Default: DSortDOS.

     Asc - the initial sort order of the files when the directory is first
     displayed. Default: Ascending.

     AllowCD - set to true if the user is allowed to change directories.
     The user will be able to change directories by selecting a directory
     from the file list or by pressing the directory key. Default: true.

     SelectDir - set to true if you want to allow the user to be able to
     select a directory, i.e. terminate input and return a directory name.
     Default: false.

     AllowInput - set to true if the user is allowed to type in a file name
     (or filemask). When the user presses an alphanumeric key, a dialogue
     box will pop up and prompt the user to enter a file name.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson