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     The interface section of the ListTTT5 unit includes a variable LTTT of
     type L_Display. The elements of the LTTT record have Toolkit defaults
     and do not need to be altered. However, the programmer can change the
     look and feel of the menu by changing any element(s) of LTTT.

     LTTT is defined as follows:

     L_DISPLAY =
          X           : BYTE;
          Y           : BYTE;
          LEFTSIDE    : BOOLEAN;
          LINES       : BYTE;
          TOPICWIDTH  : BYTE;
          ALLOWESC    : BOOLEAN;
          BOXTYPE     : BYTE;
          BOXFCOL     : BYTE;
          BOXBCOL     : BYTE;
          CAPFCOL     : BYTE;
          BACCOL      : BYTE;
          NORFCOL     : BYTE;
          HIFCOL      : BYTE;
          HIBCOL      : BYTE;
          LEFTCHAR    : CHAR;
          RIGHTCHAR   : CHAR;
          TOGGLECHAR  : CHAR;
          END_CHARS   : SET OF CHAR;
          HOOK        : LIST_HOOK; {VER 5.0 ONLY}

     X - the X coordinate of the top corner of the menu. The coordinate
     refers to the left corner if LeftSide is true, or the right side if
     LeftSide is false. If TopX is set to 0 then the list is centered on
     the screen. Default: 0.

     Y - the Y coordinate of the top line of the menu. If TopY is set to 0
     then the menu starts on the seventh line of the screen. Default: 0.

     LeftSide - this boolean variable indicates if the TopX and TopY
     coordinates refer to the left or right corner. Default: true.

     Lines - indicates the number of topics to display in the window. If it
     is set to 0, the unit sets it to an appropriate value based on the
     length of the list and the number of available display lines. Default:

     TopicWidth - this indicates the width of the topics in the menu. If it
     is set to 0, the unit automatically computes the width based on the
     longest topic in the list. Default: 0.

     AllowEsc - a boolean variable to indicate whether the user may escape
     out of the list by pressing the ESC key. Default: true.

     BoxType - this byte variable indicates which box border to use around
     the menus. The codes are the same as for the box related commands in
     the FastTTT5 unit, e.g. 0 no border, 1 single, 2 double, etc. Default:

     BoxFCol - the foreground color of the box border. Default: yellow for
     color systems, white for monochrome.

     BoxBCol - the background color of the box border. Default: blue for
     color systems, black for monochrome.

     CapFCol -  the foreground color of the first capital letter - a user
     can select a topic by pressing the first capital letter of a topic.
     Default: white.

     BacCol - the main background color of the menu. Default: blue for
     color systems, black for monochrome.

     NorFCol - the foreground color of the normal menu topics. Default:

     HiFCol - the foreground color of the selected menu topic. Default:

     HiBCol - the background color of the selected menu topic. Default: red
     for color systems, black for monochrome.

     LeftChar - the character that is used to point to the left side of the
     topic highlight bar. Default: the right arrow, chr(16).

     RightChar - the character that is used to point to the right of the
     topic highlight bar. Default: the left arrow, chr(17).

     ToggleChar - if the user is allowed to select multiple characters, the
     selected topics are marked with a ToggleChar to the left of the topic
     description. Default: tick mark, chr(251).

     AllowToggle - set to true to allow the user to select more than one
     topic. Default: true.

     End_Chars - this is a variable of type "set of char". It can include
     one or more characters that will terminate or end the list procedure.
     Default: Enter, [#13]. For example, to activate the keys F10 and Alt-X
     as terminate characters then:
          END_CHARS := [#196,#173];

     Select_Chars - this is a variable of type "set of char". It can include
     one or more characters that the user can use to select a topic, when
     the AllowToggle is set to true. Default: space, [' '].

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson