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     The NestTTT5 unit includes the following procedures:

Menu Building
     Initialize_Menu          creates a menu shell
     Add_Topic                adds a topic to the menu
     Assign_Despatcher        identifies the despatcher procedure.
Menu Modifying
     Modify_Topic_Name        changes the topic description
     Modify_Topic_Active      makes topic selectable or non-selectable
     Modify_Topic_Hotkey      identifies the menu quick-key character
     Modify_Topic_Retcode     changes the return code passed to despatcher
     Modify_Topic_Submenu     changes the sub-menu assignment
     Modify_Topic             changes all topic settings
Topic Deletion
     Delete_A_Topic           delete an individual topic
     Delete_All_Topics        delete all topics for a menu
Menu Display
     Show_Nest                display a menu

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson