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     The interface section of the PullTTT5 unit includes a type Pull_Array
     which is defined as follows:

         MAX_PULL_TOPICS = 60;
         MAX_PULL_WIDTH  = 30;

     A variable of type Pull_Array is simply an array of strings that is
     used to hold the descriptions of the menu topics. Each string in the
     array is loaded with a topic description. The topics are divided into
     main topics and sub-topics. The main topic strings must begin with a
     backslash character "\".

     The strings must be loaded into the array in a specific order. A main
     topic is assigned to the first element of the string, e.g.

          MYMENU[1] := '\FILE OPTIONS'

     The main topic is then followed by the sub-topics that will "pulldown"
     when the main topic is selected, e.g.

          MYMENU[2] := 'LOAD';
          MYMENU[3] := 'SAVE';
          MYMENU[4] := 'DELETE';

     The next entry in the string array would then be the next main
     heading, followed by all the sub-topics within it. This process is
     repeated until all the main topics and sub-topics have been defined.
     The last sub-topic of the last main heading should be succeeded with a
     double backslash topic "\\" to signify the end of the menu definition.

     Note: the Toolkit allows null topics within the string array. This
     allows a menu to be created with "spare" topics, thereby avoiding the
     chore of trying to insert a new topic in the string array when the
     menu expands.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson