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     The KeyTTT5 unit includes the following procedures and functions:

Main Procedures
     GetKey                   returns the key a user pressed
     Assign_Idle_Hook         calls user proc. when keyboard idle
     Assign_Pressed_Hook      calls user proc. when key pressed
Mouse Specific
     Mouse_Installed          returns true if mouse detected
     Show_Mouse_Cursor        makes mouse cursor visible
     Hide_Mouse_Cursor        makes mouse cursor invisible
     Move_Mouse               moves mouse to specific screen location
     Confine_Mouse_Horiz      restricts horizontal movement
     Confine_Mouse_Vert       restricts vertical movement
     Set_Mouse_Cursor_Style   changes mouse cursor shape
     Get_Mouse_Action         returns button and cursor activity
Special keys
     Alt_Pressed              returns true if Alt depressed
     Ctrl_Pressed             returns true if Ctrl pressed
     LeftShift_Pressed        returns true if left shift pressed
     RightShift_Pressed       returns true if right shift pressed
     Shift_Pressed            returns true if left or right shift pressed
     CapsOn                   returns true if Caps Lock is on
     NumOn                    returns true if Num Lock is on
     ScrollOn                 returns true if Scroll Lock is on
     Set_Caps                 sets Caps Lock on or off
     Set_Num                  sets Num Lock on or off
     Set_Scroll               sets Scroll Lock on or off
     DelayKey                 pauses program for time period or until key

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson