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Purpose   Assigns a word variable to an input field.

Decln.    Word_Field(ID:byte;var WVar:word;Fmt:Lstring;Min,Max:word);

Remarks   ID is the field ID number.
          Wvar is the name of the word variable that will be updated with
          the user's input.
          Fmt is the format of the input field. Pass a null string '' for
          the default.
          Min, Max are the minimum and maximum values for range check. Set
          to 0 to accept any word value.

          The field must be declared with Add_Field prior to calling this


    WORD_FIELD(1, AREA, '', 0,120);
    WORD_FIELD(2, VOLUME, '', 1,31);

See Also: Add_Field Byte_Field Integer_Field LongInt_Field Real_Field
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson