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Purpose   Provides single line input of any characters, offering full line
          editing features, optional prompt display and optional box

Decln.    Read_String(X,Y,L:byte;Prompt:strScreen;Box:byte;Var

Remarks   X, Y are the coordinates of the first character of the prompt or
          the first character of the input field if the prompt is null.
          L is the length of the input line.
          Prompt is an optional prompt. The prompt is normally displayed to
          the left of the input field. If the prompt begins with a carat
          '' and the box border is on, the prompt is drawn in the upper
          box border. If the prompt begins with an underscore '_' and the
          box border is on, the prompt is drawn in the lower box border.
          Set the prompt to a null '' if no prompt is required.
          Box is a box code. The codes are the same as for the Box
          procedure in FastTTT5. To suppress the box, use a code of zero.
          Str is the string that will be updated with the user's input.

          The display characteristics of the input line are contained in
          the global variable RTTT.

          The global variable R_Char is updated with the last character
          pressed by the user. This can be checked to see how the user
          terminated input, e.g. Esc, Up Arrow, etc.


    TTT := '';
    READ_STRING(5,10,40,'STREET ADDRESS ===> ',1,TTT);

See Also: Read_Alpha Read_String_Upper Read_YN
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson