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  AlphabetOBJ  METHODS

  Controls how the Toolkit determines upper- and lower-case characters,
  and how to change the case of a character.

  procedure AssignUpCaseFunc(Func:caseFunc);
  procedure AssignLoCaseFunc(Func:caseFunc);
  procedure SetUpper(Letters:CharSet);
  procedure SetLower(Letters:CharSet);
  procedure SetPunctuation(Letters:CharSet);
  function  IsUpper(K:word):boolean;
  function  IsLower(K:word):boolean;
  function  IsLetter(K:word):boolean;
  function  IsPunctuation(K:word):boolean;
  function  GetUpCase(Ch:char):char;
  function  GetLoCase(Ch:char):char;

  The syntax for the functions to be passed to AssignUpCaseFunc and
  AssignLoCaseFunc is as follows:

  function MyConverter(Ch:char):char;

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