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  constructor  Init(X,Y: byte;Pic:string);
  destructor   Done;
  procedure    Activate;
  function     GetID: word;
  function     GetValue: string;
  procedure    SetIns(InsOn:boolean);
  procedure    SetRules(Rules:byte);
  procedure    SetDispChar(Ch:char);
  procedure    SetPadChar(Pad:char);
  procedure    SetActiveStatus(Selectable:boolean);
  procedure    SetAllowChar(Str:string);
  procedure    SetCase(Cas:tCase);
  procedure    SetCursor(Curs: tCursPos);
  procedure    SetDisallowChar(Str:string);
  procedure    SetForceCase(On:boolean);
  procedure    SetHotkey(HK:word);
  procedure    SetID(ID:word);
  procedure    SetJust(Just:tJust);
  procedure    SetLabel(Lbl:string);
  procedure    SetMessage(X,Y:byte; Msg:string);
  procedure    SetValue(Str:string);

  The picture is comprised of non-editable characters and the following
  four, pre-defined, format characters:

     #     Allows the input of the characters (0-9 . -) and indicates
           that only numbers may be input.

     @     Allows only letters of the English alphabet and punctuation

     *     Allows any character the user can find.

     !     Converts all alphabetical characters to upper case.

  Any other characters embedded in the picture are treated as fixed and
  for display only.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson