Program name: LOTTO FEVER version 2.0 LOTTO FEVER is an interesting combination of Astrology and Lottery simulation. The program first asks for the year and date of your birth and then gives your astrological forecast and a description of your personality characteristics. You are then asked for a range of numbers for the lottery simulation, since each state has different combinations of range and numbers chosen. The program then randomly chooses numbers and shows your lucky lotto numbers. Note: The program will not display your lotto numbers on a monochrome monitor. You must have a printer in order to see your numbers. This is not a problem with color monitors. Usage: Entertainment System Requirements: 256K, color graphics, one disk drive, and a printer is optional How to Start: Type: TYPE MENU (press enter). Suggeted Regisration: $9.00 File Descriptions: 1 BAT Batch file to run install program. 2 BAT Batch file for Hercules graphics installation. 3 BAT Batch fle to print documentation to printer. 4 BAT Batch file to start LOTTO FEVER. 5 BAT Batch file to print CURSE.DOC to printer. 5A BAT Batch file to type CURSE.DOC and readme files. A BAT Batch file to type SIMCGA.DOC and run Hercules installation. B BAT Batch file to copy SIMCGA.DOC to printer. C BAT Batch file to type readme file. CURSE DOC Authors introduction to program. DAILYS DAT Data file used by LOTTO FEVER. F_ASTRO DAT Data file used by LOTTO FEVER. FILEFILE DAT Data file used by LOTTO FEVER. HERCINST Hercules graphics installation program. INSTALL DOC Documentation for installation procedure. LF COM LOTTO FEVER program. MENU Menu screen. Instructions on starting program. NUMBERS SCR Screen to show numbers chosen in lottery simulation. README BAT Batch file to type menu file. SCR_SCR SCR Display screen used by LOTTO FEVER. SETCGA COM Program to set CGA mode on. SETMONO COM Program to set monochrome mode on. SIMCGA COM Program to allow LOTTO FEVER to run on a Hercules system. SIMCGA DOC Documentation for SIMCGA.COM. START COM Moniter setup program. START DTA Data file used by START.COM. START MSG Message file used by START.COM. USER DAT Contains data about LOTTO FEVER users.