** ANSICV.ZIP \GRAF ANSI CONVERT A utility to convert .GIF files to ANSI format. ** AREND1.ZIP \GRAF AUTORENDER A powerful shading program for generating rendered images from ** AREND2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 4 ** AREND3.ZIP \GRAF DISK 3 OF 4 ** AREND4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 4 ** COURIER.ZIP \GRAF COURIER A set of fixed-pitch courier fonts for HP Laserjet 2 printers. ** CPR-I.ZIP \GRAF IP (1/3) Cooper Graphics ** CPR-II.ZIP \GRAF (2/3) ** CPR-III.ZIP \GRAF (3/3) ** CSHOW.ZIP \GRAF COMPUSHOW Widely considered as one of the best file viewers. Works with just about any kind of monitor. ** CURVE1.ZIP \GRAF SHAREWARE CAD PROGRAM FIRST OF TWO FILES ** CURVE2.ZIP \GRAF CGA/EGA CAD Curve Digitizer #2 ** CURVE3.ZIP \GRAF DISK 3 OF 4 ** CURVE4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 4 ** DANCAD1.ZIP \GRAF 3-D Animated Drawing & Design Package (1/2) ** DANCAD2.ZIP \GRAF 3-D Animated Drawing & Design Package (2/2) ** DANCAD3.ZIP \GRAF DISK 3 OF 4 ** DANCAD4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 4 ** DIGIPLOT.ZIP \GRAF DIGIPLOT A tool for digitizing curves using a Hewlett Packard or compat ible plotter. ** DRAFTC.ZIP \GRAF AN OBJECT ORIENTED CAD WORKS WITH EMS ** DT-HP.ZIP \GRAF DEAR TEACHER An interesting handwriting soft font for HP Laserjet II printe rs. ** EASEL.ZIP \GRAF EASEL A program for displaying; manipulating; and converting vario us format picture files. Runs under Microsoft Windows. ** EDRAW.ZIP \GRAF ELECTRONIC SCHEMATIC DRAW PROGRAM ** EGRAPH.ZIP \GRAF EXPRESSGRAPH Allows the visual graphing of data from database or spreadshee t files; in a variety of different patterns. ** ENTRPRIS.ZIP \GRAF ENTERPRISE Background wallpaper with a "Star Trek" theme; for Windows 3.0 . ** FANTASY.ZIP \GRAF Article: In Defense of Fantasy! 090 ** FONTEDIT.ZIP \GRAF Create interesting char. fonts & graphics ** FP.ZIP \GRAF ASCII FILE DUMP OF A SCREEN ** FPCLIP1.ZIP \GRAF FIRST PUB CLIPART Clip art to be used with First Publisher and other commercia l desktop publishers. ** FPCLIP2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2 ** FRACT1.ZIP \GRAF Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint ** FRACT2.ZIP \GRAF Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint ** FRACT3.ZIP \GRAF Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint ** FRACT4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 5 ** FRACT5.ZIP \GRAF DISK 5 OF 5 ** GEMCAP.ZIP \GRAF Screen Capture to .GEM (Ventura) format ** GIF-I.ZIP \GRAF IP A collection of fabulous .GIF graphics files for viewing on VG A systems. These require a file viewer like Compushow; or VPi c. ** GIF-II.ZIP \GRAF ** GIF-III.ZIP \GRAF ** GIF2ICON.ZIP \GRAF WINDOWS 3.0 CONVERT .GIFS TO ICONS ** GRAFWRK1.ZIP \GRAF GRAPHIC WORKSHOP A program for working with computer graphics files in most of the popular formats. ** GRAFWRK2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2 ** GRASP.ZIP \GRAF GRAphics System for Presentation 1.10c Sept040 ** ICONDRAW.ZIP \GRAF ICONDRAW VERSION 1.1 FOR WINDOWS 3.0 ** ICONLIB.ZIP \GRAF WINDOWS 3.0 ICON LIBRARY CONTAINS ICONS ** ICONMAKR.ZIP \GRAF WIN30: Interactive Graphic Icons in 3 Modes ** ICONS.ZIP \GRAF ICONS MAC READMAC OF MANY ICONS ** ICONVERT.ZIP \GRAF CONVERT TO FROM DIFFERENT GRAPHICS FORMATS ** KEYDRAW1.ZIP \GRAF PC-KEY-DRAW Graphics package with CAD capabilities. Many consider this to be the ultimate graphics program! ** KEYDRAW2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 4 ** KEYDRAW3.ZIP \GRAF Full graphics without a mouse ** KEYDRAW4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 4 ** LIPS.ZIP \GRAF WINDOWS 3.0 LIPS .BMP (LOOK LIKE LIPS FROM ** MACPNT1.ZIP \GRAF MACPAINT A program to read and otherwise manipulate files produced by M acpaint on the Macintosh; as well as RLE files. ** MACPNT2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2 ** NEWGRAPH.ZIP \GRAF PRINTSHOP CLIPART Lots of new clipart for the New Printshop Gra ** NORTH3D.ZIP \GRAF NORTHCAD-3D A design and modeling program for creating viewing; and editin g three-dimensional objects and images. ** OLD-ENG.ZIP \GRAF OLD ENGLISH downloadable font for HP Laserjet 2 and compatible printers. ** P-LORD.ZIP \GRAF PRINT LORD Similar to Print Master and Printshop Graphics. Prints either vertical or horizontal combinations of pictures and text. ** PARTYDOT.ZIP \GRAF fun and configure your own graphic kalidascope ** PICPAK.ZIP \GRAF PICPACK Clip art and icons to to used with Ventura Publisher; PC-Paint ; and others. ** PINNARTX.ZIP \GRAF ASCII Clip-Art Graphics, Many Uses ** PLEIADES.ZIP \GRAF PLEIADES Backdrop of the Pleiades for Microsoft Window ** PLOTFRAC.ZIP \GRAF PLOTFRAC A general purpose fractal graphics generator which works with the Mandelbrot or Julia sets. ** PM-I.ZIP \GRAF .ZIP A wide selection of super clipart in all categories; for use with PrintMaster. ** PM-II.ZIP \GRAF ** PM-III.ZIP \GRAF ** PM-IV.ZIP \GRAF ** PPARTNER.ZIP \GRAF PRINTPARTNER Finally; a true PrintMaster; Printshop clone; with better reso lution; and the abiltity to use PrintMaster graphics files. ** PRINTART.ZIP \GRAF PRINTART Loads of great ASCII text art to be copied to printer. Warning ! Some is "R" rated. ** PS-I.ZIP \GRAF PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS Lots of interesting clipart for use with Printshop Graphics. ** PS-II.ZIP \GRAF ** PS-III.ZIP \GRAF ** PS-IV.ZIP \GRAF ** PS.ZIP \GRAF Para sort sorting utility 014 ** PSTOOLS.ZIP \GRAF Tools for Print Shop ** QFONT.ZIP \GRAF QUICK FONT Soft font editor for HP Laserjet downloadable fonts. ** REPP.ZIP \GRAF REVERSE-ENGINEER PRNTR PICTURE Converts printer art into graphics images; does slide shows; + a whole lot more! ** SCALE.ZIP \GRAF Scaleable Soft Font for HP Laser Jet ** SD.ZIP \GRAF Switch subdir w/o typing full path, w/ASM 011 ** T-DRAW.ZIP \GRAF TURBO DRAW An entry-level CAD program that combines an easy point-n-click user interface; and the ability to generate symbol libraries. ** THEDRAW1.ZIP \GRAF THEDRAW A screen image generator/editor that allows th creation of gra phics screens; and storage in many modes. ** THEDRAW2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2 ** TIFFANY.ZIP \GRAF WINDOWS TIFF SCREEN CAPTURE PROGRAM ** VGACAD1.ZIP \GRAF VGACAD An all-purpose graphics editor; image processor and paint prog ram to create; enhance; or colorize digitized images. Quite possibly the most powerful shareware graphics package aroun d. ** VGACAD2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 8 ** VGACAD3.ZIP \GRAF DISK 3 OF 8 ** VGACAD4.ZIP \GRAF DISK 4 OF 8 ** VGACAD5.ZIP \GRAF DISK 5 OF 8 ** VGACAD6.ZIP \GRAF DISK 6 OF 8 ** VGACAD7.ZIP \GRAF DISK 7 OF 8 ** VGACAD8.ZIP \GRAF DISK 8 OF 8 ** VGAPAINT.ZIP \GRAF VGA PAINT NEEDS VGA GRAPHICS & MOUSE ** VPIC.ZIP \GRAF VPIC The "best" file viewer for .GIF; .PIC; .PCX; .MAC + others. F or EGA; MCGA; or VGA. ** WPGRAF-1.ZIP \GRAF WORDPERFECT CLIPART Loads of super clipart for WordPerfect 5.0. Includes lots of cars and animals. ** WPGRAF-2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2 ** WPSAMPL1.ZIP \GRAF WP SAMPLE Sample clip art for use with Wordperfect 5.0 ** WPSAMPL2.ZIP \GRAF DISK 2 OF 2