Program Title: DEAR TEACHER DEAR TEACHER is a sloppy hand writing soft font for the HP LaserJet II. "What's a sloppy hand writing soft font?" you say. It's a wonderful font that will make anything you print look like a little kid wrote it. From backwards letters to capitals in the middle of a word, it looks great and brings back memories. The character set will print 84 characters per line, 75 lines per page and gets a C- for neatness. The font comes with source code, written in Microsoft C, for those who wish to create even stranger fonts! This is one of several special font programs developed and donated to programming world by Daniel Ross. Usage: Laser Printer Font. Special Requirements: HP LaserJet II. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: None. File Descriptions: CL_TCH2C BAT Compile batch files. CL_TCH2L BAT Compile batch files. CL_TCH2S BAT Compile batch files. TEACHER BAT Downloads font from hard disk. TCH2LOAD C C Source files. TCH2SFP C C Source files. TEACH2C C C Source files. TEACHER C C Source files. TCH2LOAD EXE Generates TEACHER.LOD TCH2SFP EXE Generates TEACHER.SFP TEACH2C EXE Initializes character pattern data. TCH2LOAD LNK Linker files. TCH2SFP LNK Linker files. TEACH2C LNK Linker files. TEACHER LOD Contains commands and font for exclusive font download. READ ME Documentation. TEACHER SFP Contains commands and font for shared font download. TEACHER TXT Character patterns as drawn by text editor. TEST TXT Sample print files. TEACH BAT Batch file to install font from floppy.