This file was added to the Sierra Arcived file after I played around with my copy of HELICOPTER. Since some things didn't work the way I thought it would, it took me a long time to do it. Then one time I tested what I just did in the DEBUG session and pressed , I went ugh ! But when I tried to and go back to another DEBUG session. You guessed it. The HELICOPTER game started, You know the rest of this story. The patch given in the SIERRA.DOC file does work for HELI.COM , which is the Loader for HELICOPTER version 1.00 . Here are the steps to follow : DEBUG HELI.COM -N SIERRA.DAT -L 141 Loads SIERRA.DAT -E 395 XXXX:0395 32. When you see something like this, you will type 90 90 90 the above is really "90 90 90" but when you do it you will see why I typed it that way. -N HELIBAK.COM -R CX CX 0080 :0AF6 Enter here the size of the file HELIBAK.COM (which is 0AF6) -W Save your work on disk -Q Exit DEBUG Now here is the trick : At the DOS prompt run HELIBAK.COM When it asks you to put the "ORIGINAL" Disk in the drive and press , YOU DON'T !!! You press the key and the Program should Continue just fine. You guessed it by now I'm sure, ... It's not a "proper" patch but its one that works. After you give it a good test, and know everything works fine , COPY HELIBAK.COM HELI.COM DEL HELIBAK.COM AND YOU ARE DONE . . . enjoy !!!