EP_CAP To further illustrate the operation and features of The Instrument Flight Trainer (C), we will continue the flight in progress. This will not be a "real time" demonstration. It will be a series of "snap shots" of the Instrument Panel and the MAP Screen with additional comments as we go along.i When we started the program, we began out flight mid-way along the 120 degree radial from Flat Rock VOR (FAK) which is the Initial Approach Fix for the ILS-7 approach into Richmond, VA.j There are 314 unique, individual approaches, each with its own Instrument Approach Plate in this flying area (US Northeast, Vol 3, VA). For most of them, there are many variations to each approach. The ILS-7, Richmond approach, has 3 types: Straight in ILS, Straight in LOC, and Circling. There are different minimums for some of the 4 Categories (A, B, C, D). And there are two IAFs. In all, there are 12 major variations to this one approach.e For this illustration, we will continue from the FAK IAF, and shoot the Circling approach in Category A. We will set cloud base at minimums (452 feet AGL), visibility of 1 nautical mile, and crank in a cross wind of 13 knots from 020 degrees. We will intercept the localizer and then fly the glide slope down to minimums.