$0<0u r*QRU (C) Nostradamus Inc., 1984, 1985 $0<0u PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE Model: Attack: Defense: Damage Theater: Location: Carrier Submarine Crusier Convoy Battleship Destroyer Kamikazi Mtr.Ptl.Bt. Planes Unlimited In port Ships in Port Enter ? for help PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE Up/Down cursors select ship Left/Right switch theater/port ENTER moves ship END completes selection S or s displays ship status Space advances theater Q or q terminates game PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE. Battle Phase BATTLE RESULTS Battle is a draw Convoy VP Convoy VP wins battle Turn VPs = of needed to win advantage ATTACK RESULTS attacking Turn Round Shot DISABLED HIT!!!! Damage = has been sunk. 6Attacker and target are highlighted. Enter ? for help. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE Up/Down cursors select target ENTER fires on target W or w withdraws attacker END completes firing S or s displays ship status Q or q terminates game WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN IS A DRAW