TPOVU COLORS.INFU <.t0<"t,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cannot find is this a new file? U U Employee No: >>>>> Marital Status Fed : > State: > Pay Period: ## Last Name: #################### First Name: ####################+Street: ################################### City: #################### State: >> Zip: &&&&&-&&&& Phone: (&&&) &&&-&&&& SSAN: &&&-&&-&&&&"Date Employed (MM/DD/YY): &&/&&/&& Cost Accounting Code: ## Pay Rate: #####.## Overtime Rate One: #####.## Rate Two: #####.##!Number of Exemptions Federal : ## State: ## California State DE-4: ## Exempt from W/H? (Y/N) FICA: > Federal: > Local: > SDI: > Additional W/H Federal: #####.## Additional W/H State: #####.## Allocated Tips: #####.###Employee Type - H, S, C, N, or U: >U E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 & F2 for HELP, F10 for MENU Page One of Three Pages Employee No: >>>>> Marital Status Fed : > State: > Pay Period: ## Last Name: #################### First Name: ####################+Street: ################################### City: #################### State: >> Zip: &&&&&-&&&& Phone: (&&&) &&&-&&&& SSAN: &&&-&&-&&&&"Date Employed (MM/DD/YY): &&/&&/&& Cost Accounting Code: ## Pay Rate: #####.## Overtime Rate One: #####.## Rate Two: #####.##!Number of Exemptions Federal : ## State: ## California State DE-4: ## Exempt from W/H? (Y/N) FICA: > Federal: > Local: > SDI: > Additional W/H Federal: #####.## Additional W/H State: #####.## Allocated Tips: #####.###Employee Type - H, S, C, N, or U: > E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 for HELP, F10 for MENU Page Two of Three Pages 0Constant Period M.T.D. Q.T.D. Y.T.D. EARNINGS Gross Pay: Bonus paid: Reported Tips: Collected Tips: Vacation Pay: Net Check Paid: DEDUCTIONS Federal Tax: FICA Tax: Medicare Tax: State Tax: Local Tax: SDI Deduction: : ######.##U E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 for HELP, F10 for MENU Page Three of Three Pages #Regular Hours Worked: ####.### Regular Hours Worked: ####.### ####.####Overtime One Hours Worked: ####.####Overtime Two Hours Worked: ####.####Vacation Hours: ####.### Vacation Hours: ####.####Commission Paid: ######.## ######.##U .IXN0Employee files missing. Create new files (Y/N) U U O Employee No: >>>>>,Enter the last name and first name if known.5Press the F10 key to find Employee. F1 key for help. Last Name: #################### First Name: ####################U a?f? ?0@5@ AUAZAiA A$B)B8B ClCqC C;D@D E`EeEtE E/F4FCF GwG|G GFHKH IkIpI I:J?JNJ KQLVL L M%MvM{M MENJNYN O\PaP P+Q0Q QPRURdR S$S3S TgTlT T6U;U V[V`VoV V*W/W>W XrXwX XAYFY ZfZkZzZ Z5[:[I[ \L]Q] ^ ^q^v^ ^@_E_T_ `Wa\a a&b+b|b bKcPc_c dbege e1f6f gVg[gjg g%h*h9h imiri icB u dB<+u >^A-} >`B.u >`B.u/ >bB.u >`B.u >dB*t >`B%t `B<+u >`BMu; >^A-}4 >`BKu; >`BDu? 9 U r E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 & F2 for HELP, F10 to END Page One of Three Pages 6Company Name: ########################################3Street Address: ################################### City: #################### State: >> Zip: &&&&&-&&&&%Federal I.D. Number : ################State I.D. number : ################Local I.D. number : ###############U Page Two of Three Pages -Cost label one : #########################-Cost label two : #########################-Cost label three : #########################-Cost label four : #########################-Cost label five : #########################-Cost label six : #########################-Cost label seven : #########################-Cost label eight : #########################-Cost label nine : #########################-Cost label ten : #########################U Page Three of Three Pages ,Deduction one : #########################,Deduction two : #########################,Deduction three : #########################,Deduction four : #########################,Deduction five : #########################,Deduction six : #########################U .EMR3Employer data file missing. Create new file (Y/N) U Single Standard Deduction Married Standard Deduction Minimum Standard Deduction Maximum Standard DeductionU E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 for HELP, F10 to END Page One of Three Pages Name of Local Tax ############ Maximum on wages to tax (Y/N) > Cut off amount ########.## Limit of Unemployment ######.## Rate ##.### (Employer only) Local witholding (Y/N) >%Calculate by Table or Percent (T/P) > Rate ##.### % Base on Gross or Tax (G/T) > G Base on State or Federal (S/F) > F/Amount or Percent on Standard Deduction (A/P) > Amount ######.## Percent ##.### %6Standard Deduction Before or After Calculation (B/A) > B%Single Personal Exemption ######.##%Married Personal Exemption ######.##?Subtract Personal Exemption Before or After Calculation (B/A) >(Exemption Amount per Dependent ######.##@Subtract Dependent Exemption Before or After Calculation (B/A) > Deduct FICA (Y/N) >!Deduct Federal Witholding (Y/N) >*Deduct Before or After Calculation (B/A) >U Table for Single Persons Minimum of Range Amount to Withhold Percent over MinimumU Page Two of Three Pages ######.## ##.### % Table for Married Persons Minimum of Range Amount to Withhold Percent over MinimumU Page Three of Three Pages ######.## ##.### % .LTX/Local Tax file missing. Create new file (Y/N) U O U 4 C R c v i n !V![! !C"H" "0#5# $"$l$q$ %Y%^% %E&J&`&$':'G' (#(2(C(P(_(p(}( )$):)T)j) )`*e* +M+R+ +:,?, ,'-,-v-{- .c.h. /P/U/ /=0B0 0*1/1y1~1 2f2k2 3 3S3X3 3@4E4 4,515G5 6!6.6G6 767Q7`7q7 8(8>8H8 9(9B9G9T9Y9f9k9z9U Single Standard Deduction Married Standard Deduction Minimum Standard Deduction Maximum Standard DeductionU E PgUp for Previous Page, PgDn for Next Page, Up-Arrow for Previous, E Down-Arrow or Return for Next, F1 for HELP, F10 to END Page One of Six Pages Name of State ############ Abbreviation >> Maximum on wages to tax (Y/N) > Cut off amount ########.## Limit of Unemployment ######.## Rate ##.### (Employer only) Is there SDI type Tax (Y/N) > State witholding (Y/N) >%Calculate by Table or Percent (T/P) > Rate ##.### % Base on Gross or Tax (G/T) > G/Amount or Percent on Standard Deduction (A/P) > Amount ######.## Percent ##.### %6Standard Deduction Before or After Calculation (B/A) > B%Single Personal Exemption ######.##%Married Personal Exemption ######.##?Subtract Personal Exemption Before or After Calculation (B/A) >(Exemption Amount per Dependent ######.##@Subtract Dependent Exemption Before or After Calculation (B/A) > Deduct FICA (Y/N) > Deduct Federal W/H (Y/N) > All or Half (A/H) > H*Deduct Before or After Calculation (B/A) > Page Two of Six Pages SDI Employee Rate ##.### % Cutoff ######.## Training Tax Rate ##.### % SDI Employer Rate ##.### % Table for Single Persons Minimum of Range Amount to Withhold Percent over MinimumU Page Three of Six Pages ######.## ##.### % Table for Married Persons Minimum of Range Amount to Withhold Percent over MinimumU Page Four of Six Pages ######.## ##.### % Table for Heads of Household Minimum of Range Amount to Withhold Percent over MinimumU Page Five of Six Pages ######.## ##.### % Page Six of Six Pages :----------------ESTIMATED DEDUCTIONS----------------------:----------------STANDARD DEDUCTIONS----------------------- 0 or 1 Allowances 2 or more:-----------------TAX CREDIT TABLE-------------------------0Table D 0 1 2 Increment5Amount for each itemized deduction ######.##!Standard Deduction ######.## #####.## Tax credit single #####.## Tax credit married #####.##U .STX/State Tax file missing. Create new file (Y/N) U O U ' < Q p *!/!y!~! "f"k" # #S#X# #@$E$ $-%2%|% &i&n& 'V'[' 'C(H( (0)5) *"*l*q* +.,>,M,^,k,z, -.-?-L-[-l-y- -$.E.T.e. .!/&/p/u/ 0]0b0 1J1O1 172<2 2$3)3s3x3 4`4e4 5M5R5 5:6?6 6'7,7v7{7 8c8h8 9P9U9 ;%;4;E;R;a;r; <&<3W>\> >D?I? ?1@6@ A#AmArA BZB_B BGCLC C4D9D D!E&EpEuE F]FbF GJGOG G7H Key - Exit entry session abort changes F1 Key - Display help screen F2 Key - Display help screen in some data entry prompts F3 Key - Built in calculator in data entry prompts Press Any Key to Return You did not enter a 'Y' when asked if there is an 'SDI' type tax. If you want to use this type of tax go back to the first screen and make the necessary change. Press Any Key to Return You did not answer with a 'T' when asked if you wanted to calculate by 'Table or Percent' on the first page. If you want to use tables, return to the first page and make the change. Press Any Key to Return The only entry allowed here is a valid letter for the following: M - Married S - Single Press Any Key to Return Please change to the other PROGRAM DISK so I can find the proper files to run the selection that you have made. Press Any Key to Return FIND - The find function will allow you to find or look up a particular record. You will be prompted for the employee number. If you do not know the number you may look for the employee by name. In normal practice you would just keep using the NEXT command to pay all employees. ENTER - This is the command to make the payroll entry screen active and allow you to enter the payroll information. The box around the data entry screen will be high-lighted to tell you that it is active. The page down key will move you from the left box to the right box and back as needed. Press Any Key to Continue QUIT - This will allow you to return to the main payroll data entry menu. PREVIOUS - Will browse backwards through file searching records. NEXT - Will browse forward through the file searching records. Press Any Key to Return There is no help screen. This entry should be self explanatory without help. Press Any Key to Return When asked for the I.D. numbers, we are looking for the TAX I.D. NUMBERS assigned by the Federal, State, and/or Local Gov- ernments. Press Any Key to Return The Cost Labels are the department titles for your employees. The following are some examples: Administration Sales Office Help If you have 1099 employees use Cost Label #10 and enter: Non Employee Workers Press Any Key to Return The Deduction Labels are for your user defined deductions. Below are several examples: Medical Retirement Fund Savings Bonds Also if you have 1099 workers use #6 and enter: (Non Employee Pay) The left and right brackets denote a credit rather than a debit. You may also use this method for non taxable payments such as reimbursed expenses. Press Any Key to Continue If any of your files are MISSING you must go into the data file menu and create the missing files. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN A PAYROLL WITH ANY OF YOUR FILES MISSING! Press Any Key to Return ADD - The ADD function is used to add additional employees to you payroll data base files. The keys available for use in the entering and editing of your entries are shown in the help screen available when in that mode. To invoke the help screen use the and keys while in the ADD mode. FIND - This is used to find an employee for editing or deleting. You may look up an employee by either the employee code or the employee name. The code will be requested first and if you do not know the code just tap the enter key to look up the record by employee name. Press Any Key to Continue EDIT - Will allow you to edit the current employee data. PREVIOUS - Will browse backwards through file searching records. NEXT - Will browse forward through the file searching records. DELETE - Will "TAG" the employee as "UNEMPLOYED". The reason for not really "deleting" the employee is that the record is needed until the end of the year reports are run. Press Any Key to Return WARNING - WARNING - WARNING This employee has too many deductions for this pay period. The deductions are greater than the monies available. Reduce some of the deductions to get a positive figure in the net pay. Press Any Key to Return Your PASSWORD level is not high enough for this choice you will have to change the level in the utility menu to do what you want. Press Any Key to Return The only entry allowed here is a valid letter for the following: M - Married S - Single H - Head of Household Press Any Key to Return Only valid pay periods are allowed here. This is the number of pay periods per year. Following are the only numbers allowed: 52 - Weekly 26 - Biweekly 24 - Semimonthly 12 - Monthly 4 - Quarterly 2 - Semiannually Press Any Key to Return Only valid date entries are allowed here. You must enter them in the order of month/day/year and remember there are only 12 months in a year and certain months are limited to a certain number of days. Press Any Key to Return Only the requested letters may be entered here as you see in the prompt. H - Hourly S - Salary C - Commission N - Non Standard U - Unemployed (U - Unemployed is used to delete employees from the active payroll until they are removed at the end of the year.) Press Any Key to Return ERROR: You have entered a duplicate employee code. Please select an unused number to continue. Press Any Key to Return ERROR: Employee code not found. If the number is unknown clear the field by using the backspace key or the arrow keys and delete key. After clearing the field you can press the < Enter key which will then allow you to look for the employee by name. If you don't know the name you can page through the file by pressing the F10 key when prompted for the name. Press Any Key to Return If the prompt asks for a (Y/N), only answer with a Y or N. Do not enter any other response in order to have your system work in a proper manner. Press Any Key to Continue You must have an entry in the EMPLOYEE CODE as this is an index field. You may use any alpha numerical entry and each employee must be different. Press Any Key to Continue You must have an entry in this data area as it would make some of the reports print strange results. If you are not using the cost accounting feature just enter a number 1. ONLY 1 THRU 10 IS ALLOWED! Press Any Key to Continue There is no help screen. This entry should be self explanatory without help. Press Any Key to Return Pay rates are as follows: A salaried employee would have the pay period salary entered such as 300.00 per week and no overtime entries. An hourly employee would have their rate per hour entered under the rate, then the hourly rates for overtime. (eg. regular rate is 10.00 per hour, 15.00 for overtime one and 20.00 for overtime two.) A commissioned employee may also have a salary as the salaried employee above. The non-employee compensation workers rates are to be left blank. Press Any Key to Return You do not have all of the necessary data entries filled in to have what we call "data integrity". There are special fields which tell the payroll what to do. You may finish entering the data or press the Esc key to abort this record entry. Press Any Key to Return This is for entering the ALLOCATED TIPS figure for tipped employees at the end of year for W2 forms. Press Any Key to Return )!P!^!l!w! "$"*"B"H"`"f"~" #2#8#P#V#n#t#y# $$$<$B$Z$`$x$~$ %,%2%J%P%h%n%s%f& '%'+'C'I'a'g' '-)T)b)p){) *(*.*F*L*d*j* -)-7-E-P-e- .!.9.?.W.].u.{. /)///G/M/e/k/p/w2 363<3T3Z3r3x3 4&4,4D4J4b4h4 545:5R5X5p5v5 7%737>7S7s7y7 8'8-8E8K8c8i8 8U?|? @2@8@P@V@n@t@ A"A(A@AFA^AdA|A B,B2BJBPBhBnB C"C:C@CXC^CvC|C F/F5FMFSFkFqF G%G=GCG[GaGyG H%H*H/H4HgI J&J,JDJJJbJhJ J>LeLsL M!M9M?MWM]MuM{M O!P/P=PHP]P}P Q1Q7QOQUQmQsQ R R!R'R?RER]RcRhR T5TCTQT\TqT U'U-UEUKUcUiU V"VfX Y%Y+YCYIYaYgY Z3Z9ZQZWZoZuZ [#[)[.[I\p\~\ ]&],]D]J]b]h] ]J`q` a'a-aEaKacaia b5b;bSbYbqbwb d?@ABCD KMGOS F&