COVERED AND CONFIRMED ? This is YES or NO, selected with the arrow keys. Be sure to mark all loads after they are dispatched so that the possibility of two or more dispatchers on a network do not accidently "double cover" a shipment. This field shows up on the DISPATCH TABLE VIEW. BILL DATE, BILLING MODULE The bill date field should not be entered with any date other than TODAY. It should ONLY be entered on the day you are ready to PRINT and MAIL the freight bill. This is very IMPORTANT ! Proper batch printing of freight bills once per day can not be accomplished otherwise. BRK BASE RATE ENTRY Enter the BRK carrier's base pay scale in this form. BRK carriers are usually paid on percentage of gross or rate per mile basis. In transactions, dispatchers can access this base pay, but calculate other pay on any individial transaction. TLC BASE PAY Enter a trip lease carrier- owner base pay rate here. Triplease is usually done on a percentage of gross basis. DRV DRIVER BASE PAY RATE Company drivers and permanent lease O/O's are paid in a variety of ways and in combination. Enter the base pay rates for DRV here. (HOURLY, MILEAGE, PERCENTAGE OF GROSS REVENUE) ACCESSORIAL SERVICE LABEL Put the label describing the accessorial service performed here. Accessorial services are things like driver assist to unload, tarping charges, etc. Type 3 - 4 characters of the label or description and press ENTER. The table will appear. Locate the labels record you want and press ENTER to return to the form. If the label record is NOT in the table, press INS at the table to ADD one for future use. CALC DRV DRIVER PAY The calculator knows the miles and gross revenue of the order you are dispatching. By viewing the base pay rate first, you can enter the pay factors and very quickly calculate the pay for THIS shipment to THIS driver, straight or with variables. THE PAY CALCULATOR THEN ENTERS THE RESULT INTO YOUR SHIPMENT DATA FORM FOR SETTLEMENT. TLC CARRIER-OWNER PAY CALC The calculator knows the data on the shipment you are dispatching. You can first lookup the base pay rate and pay this TLC straight or different on this shipment. After entering the pay rates, the calculator returns the result to the shipment data form for settlement. BRK CARRIER PAY CALC The calculator knows the data on the load you are dispatching. You can first lookup the base pay rate for this carrier and pay straight or with variables on this shipment. The calculator then returns the result to the shipment data form for settlement. TABLE VIEW TRK PAY CALCULATOR This calculator DOES NOT return a value to your settlement records. It merely provides a fast and completely accurate pay calculation while at the dispatch orders table view for dispatch quotations. The gross revenue for the orders is on the right hand side of the table. AGENT BASE PAY RATE Agents/Sales are usually paid on a percentage of gross basis. Enter the base rate for the agent here. LOCATION Enter the "empty and available" location of the driver. City and State. This gives you reference on time neccessary to get a certain truck to the pickup location. Helps keep you on schedule. ACTUAL WEIGHT This is the actual, shipping order weight of the shipment NOT the bill weight or minimum bill weight. COMMODITY LABEL Place the commodity which the rate record applies to in this field. Type 3 -4 characters of the commodity description and press ENTER. The table will appear. Select the description from the table and press ENTER. If the descrition is nor in the table, press INS to ADD it for future use. TLCAR LOCATOR EXAMPLE: OHSW V48102 This locator field is used in another procedure to make calls to trip lease carriers and owners at their base location. The format includes the general area of their base, and the type of equipment they operate. Just the information you need to move trip lease loads ! If you enter the data here, it will be available to dispatchers when they need it to do "Locate TLC" procedures. BRKCAR "Locator" EXAMPLE: TXNE V48102 This field is very important to covering your brokered loads in the dispatch module. The above example identifies a brokerage carrier based in Texas, Northeast, who operates VANS, size = 48102. Your brokerage dispatchers will cover loads better if this field is done now. Accounts Locator EXAMPLE: OHSW CINN This field is important to dispatchers and sales people making telemarketing calls in the Sales Module. The example identifies an account as located in Ohio, Southwestern, with Cincinnati abreviated to further specify location. ACCOUNTS "PRODUCT" This is the product or commodity shipped by this account. Type 3 or 4 characters of the product description and press ENTER. The table will appear. Select the descrition from the table and press ENTER. If the right description is NOT in the table, press INS and ADD it for future data entry speed. Trailer Spec This is the spec for the trailer the driver is pulling today. Obviously neccessary for matching today's equipment with the current load require- ments. UNITS Units means number of units. This will be your piece count, number of skids, number of barrels, lifts, coils, bundles, or just whatever denotes the order count that is being shipped. LOCATION Enter the "empty and available" location of the driver you are putting on the board for re-loading purposes. City and State. Again, we are dealing with time and geography as key dispatch elements. This is more specific than the "Locator". Trailer Spec Every trailer must have a spec entry. In the LOCATE BY SPEC TABLE VIEW, the field is used to quickly locate all trailers that meet a certain spec. Accordingly, if a shipper calls and needs a certain trailer type in 3 hours, you can find it while he is still on the phone and make a schedule decision on his pickup. EXAMPLES: V45, V48102, V4896, F42, R48102, RSS48102, F45WS, DD45, ETC. PRODUCT Product is the product or commodity being shipped. Type 3 -4 characters of the field and press ENTER. The Labels & Descriptions Table. will appear. Select the right record and press ENTER to return to your form. EXCEPTION, if the item is NOT in the table press INS at the table to enter it for future data entry speed. FREIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - GENERAL PROGRAM HELP FMS is easy. The programs consist of data tables where records are displayed and searched; and data forms where individual records are added, edited, and viewed. Please be ALERT to the MESSAGES that appear at the top of data form screens. Here are some navigation tips to help you: TABLE NAVIGATION FORM NAVIGATION Always the help key Always the help key ADD a record ENTER Accept field, advance Exit Save and continue CTRL-ESC Full exit from table. Exit current field. Cursor down/up CTRL-ESC Full exit from form. PgUp Move one full table Next field PgDn Move one full table Delete field characters Bottom of table End of field HOME Top of table HOME Beginning of field Ctrl-PgUp First record in table Ctrl-End Clears text fields Ctrl-PgDn Last record in table Inserts field characters ENTER Accepts the record SPACE Adds field spaces, or Deletes the record clears in insert mode. Print Menu Help (1) PRINTING FRT BILLS BY DATE. This is a 3 step process. (a) Make sure all bills to be printed have the same BILL_DATE. (b) Be sure all bills to be printed have been marked "YES", as complete and ready to bill in the dispatch driver assignment screens. (c) Put the matching BILL_DATE in the MENU FIELD. Move the cursor to the menu item press . (2) PRINTING BY PRO. Place the pro number of the bill you want to print in the menu field. Move the cursor to the menu item. Press . (3) OTHER REPORTS (Clarion Report Writer). Whenever possible we ask our customers to purchase and use Clarion Report Writer. It is a fine END USER PRODUCT for ad hoc queries and reports. Works without programming ! YOU will be in command with Report Writer and save $$ too ! TLC - CALLS LOCATOR EXAMPLE: NJCE V48102 The example will find TL owners or carriers based in New Jersey, Central, who primarily operate VANS, size = 48102 (if they have been properly entered in the TLC base file). Use this procedure to call TLC owners or carriers at their base to see if they have the equipment you need in your area today. Trip Lease Board "Locator" The table view locator in this procedure allows you to find the trucks on your "board" based on time and geography for accurate matching of trucks to pickup orders. The locator "search" format is the same as you enter in the form view entries. EXAMPLE: 071290 0800 AM OHSW If the truck had been properly entered in the form view, this example would locate a truck "empty and available" on 7/12/90 at 8:00 AM in Ohio, Southwest. FLAT CHARGES $$ Flat charges per legal weight shipment is pretty common today. It simply means that here is a FLAT, dollar amount per shipment of one kind to one destination, even if the weight varies somewhat. Wght Break and Wght Charges The calculator computes the proper wght break and wght charges for a shipment weighing between two weight breaks in your applicable tariff or rate schedule. IF THE ACTUAL WEIGHT IS GREATER THAN YOUR HIGHEST WGHT BREAK, YOU APPLY THE HIGH BREAK RATE TIMES THE ACTUAL WEIGHT ! THIS WILL RESULT IN THE MAX CHGS APPLICABLE TO THE SHIPMENT ACCESSORIAL CHARGES (Accs Chgs) Accessorial charges are things like driver assist unload, tarping charge, etc., or any authorized charge apart from linehaul or stop off charges. Put the dollar amount of the charge here. COMPLETED, READY TO BILL ? This field is IMPORTANT. The selection is made YES or NO by moving the left or right arrow key on your keyboard. After dispatch entries are complete and all data important to entry and dispatch of an order (such as ACCT's, WGHT, Etc) is entered, then and only then place YES here. Billing then takes over control of the order to bill it as soon as possible. RCODE !! IMPORTANT !! ! Check the SHIP ACCT number just above the RCODE field. Now, type one number character and press ENTER. This will bring up the rate file table. Carefully select the right rate record from the table (shipper, commodity, destination) and then press ENTER. This will HOOK the rate and order together, take you back to your freight bill form, and do a lot of automated data entry for you on other fields. SETUP DATE This is the date this acct is setup as an account. Based on your own SOP. PHONE 1 Phone 1 is usually the TM's number or the number of your primary contact for traffic from this acct. PHONE 2 Phone 2 is usually used as the contact number for accts payable person. It is used in the COLLECTIONS MODULE as a collections "contact" number. BASE FILES - DATA ENTRY The Base Files Module provides a convenient place for data entry personnel to work with- out overloading the other modules (on a network). Here we do data entry and edit of our base or master file records. These provide the base for lookups, etc. in other, transaction oriented modules. KEEP YOUR NON- TRANSACTION FILES UP TO DATE TO HELP TRANSACTION WORK GO SMOOTH AND EASY. BRK INVOICE NUMBER When you broker excess traffic to another carrier they usually send you a freight bill as if you were the shipper, while you bill the shipper. If this is your structure, when the brokerage ca invoice arrives, enter their invoice number here. This sets up an accts pay to be settled later and SHOULD BE RECORDED AS ACCTS PAYABLE IN YOUR ACCOUNTING. ACCT CODE FIELDS (DRV,SHIP,TLD,CONS,ETC) Most ACCT CODE entry fields have tables available to search by name. Just type one number character and press ENTER. The table will appear and you can locate the record by name. In A FEW CASES no lookup table is avail- able, but you will probably be using a printed resource for acct codes at these times. DISPATCH MODULE Dispatch orders (assign to a truck and driver for pickup), empty dispatch, mileages trailer tracking, and more. All very easy but comprehensive. ORDER ENTRY IS DONE AT THE FMS MAIN MENU. Brokerage "Locator" EXAMPLE: TXNE V48102 This example finds a brokerage carrier based in Northeast Texas who primarily operates 48102 VANS. If the locator field is properly filled in the BRKCAR file, this table view procedure can be your number 1 aid in covering the loads you want to broker out. Just call the carriers who are based where your load is going to . . . those who operate the right equipment for the load. Telemarket "Locator" EXAMPLE: OHSW CINN This example will find an account to call in southwestern Ohio AND in Cincinnati. Leave off "CINN" and you are only working a region, which is probably better and more flexible. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR SALES DEPT. TO MAKE SURE ALL ACCT RECORDS HAVE A LOCATOR ENTERED IN THE ACCT FILE. ! Type the locator. Press to VIEW-EDIT-CALL the accounts selected. Page through the forms selected and update your call records while making calls. Trip Lease Board "Locator" EXAMPLE: 070190 0800 AM OHSW This locator will identify a truck on your board that is available for loading on 07/01/90 at 08:00 AM which will be empty in southwestern Ohio. This will manage date, time, and location of available equipment. By matching the format of the PUCODE in ORDERS, trucks and shipments can be matched by the most neccessary and logical information. Brokerage Board Locator EXAMPLE : 071290 0800 AM OHSW This locator will find board records of trucks that will be empty on 07/12/90 at about 08:00 AM in southwestern Ohio. If you have loads with similar PUCODE data, you call up your BOARD, enter the locator field, view the records found by LOCATOR, and begin to make the telephone calls to cover the loads ! Easy ! Company Driver Board, "Locator" EXAMPLE : 070190 0800 AM OHSW This entry would identify a truck that was empty (or going to be empty) in southwestern Ohio on 07/01/90 at about 08:00 AM. LOCATOR will automatically sort BOARD records in the Table View by the LOCATOR and help dispatchers quickly find trucks that correctly match loads, manage first empty . . first load dispatch schedules, etc. Company Driver Board "Locator" EXAMPLE : 070190 0800 AM OH SW This locator will find all the trucks that are empty in southwestern Ohio on 07/01/90 at about 08:00 AM. If you have loads of similar PUCODE data, just go to your BOARD, type in the locator, and LOCATOR will find, display, and sort each board record quickly. Using the , >, , and keys will let you view all the records found and make the appropriate telephone calls to cover the loads ! PUCODE Date, time, and georgaphy are vital factors to dispatchers ! The Orders "PUCODE" helps dispatch deal with endless numbers of loads, nationwide. EXAMPLE : 050990 1100 AM WISE This is a load that picks up in Milwaukee (southeastern Wisc.) on 05/09/90 at 11:00 AM. By using the same locator concept on the dispatch board, loads and trucks are matched up !! BILLING WEIGHT - RATE This is the "billing" weight and rate to apply, not necessarily the actual weight. Only applies on shipments rated by weight, and must agree with your tariff or rate schedule. Directly enter if known or F2 the RATECALC form to calculate the weight- break, rate, etc. NOTE: RATECALC DOESN'T WORK UNLESS YOUR RATE FILES ARE CURRENT TO INCLUDE A RATE FOR THIS SHIPMENT, AND YOU USED THE RCODE TABLE TO PICK THE APPLICABLE RATE Company Driver Unit Number Enter the power unit number of your company driver (or contr.) here. If your permanent O/O's or drivers use the same truck all the time, this can be setup as an AutoLookup field with no keystrokes at all. Data Entry, Trlr_Number Type in the company driver's trailer number here. If your company drivers or permanent O/O's pull the same trailer all the time this can be setup as a lookup field with no entry required. DISPATCH PUCODE "Locator" When orders have been correctly identified with a PUCODE entry, you can match loads with trucks with this procedure. Dealing with time and geography this way can keep hundreds of pickups per day straight all across the nation. EXAMPLE : 05/09/90 1100 AM WISE This locator would find a load picking up on 5/9/90 at 11:00 am in WISCONSIN, southeastern. Type PUCODE to sort and locate orders in the table. to VIEW-EDIT form of order selected in the table. TO EXIT. to calc and quote trk pay. Trailer Spec EXAMPLE : V48102 Enter a code that appropriately describes the driver's trailer type and size. Other Examples: V48, V45, F42, F45, FWS45, R48102, D/D45, 45, R4596, RSS48102, FWSA45. In the TABLE VIEW, this provides instant recognition of the equipment you have available for your shippers each day. The STATUS Field EXAMPLE : AGT (Agent) Enter a code that appropriately describes the type of record. Other Examples: BRK = Brokerage Carrier TLC = Trip Lease Carrier = Company Driver TLD = Trip Lease Driver COO = Company Owner Operator ETL = Exempt Trip Leasor = Shipper = Consignee TPB = Third Party (for) Billing = Delete this record ? You may want to make up a whole list of your own codes. TRAILER TYPE There is a table to "pick" your trailer from. Type one digit, F, V, R, (flat, van, reefer) and then press ENTER. The table will appear to aid your selection. Loads To EXAMPLE : S, SE Enter the area of the country (or state for intrastate) that this driver or carrier prefers to load to. Other Examples: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, MW Bill Weight (Minimum) EXAMPLE : 24 On shipments that are rated by weight, enter a minimum weight to be rated. For example, in most tariffs or rate schedules, 18 lbs. would move at a minimum of 24 ON weight rate shipments, this field MUST be entered, even if it is the same as the actual weight. SIC (Standard Industrial Code) EXAMPLE : 2842 It has been said that a good freight sales person could tell by the SIC code and number of employees just how many loads or shipments were possible from an account in a year. The SIC code is NOT required, but your company might use it. Enter here if you need to. These are usually found in manufaturers directories. Shipping Order/Bill of Lading Number EXAMPLE : SH2213496 Enter the shipping order number from the shipper's bill of lading here. SO/BL numbers are a must for billing purposes. The SO/BL is one of the few LEGAL DOCUMENTS that transportation actually needs under the law. BOOKDATE This is the date you "book" or enter the order, usually today but sometimes needs editing so it is not automated. PICKUP DATE The date the shipper gives you to pickup the shipment. The date the truck is to arrive for the pickup. STOPOFF LABEL, DESCRIPTION Type 3-4 characters of the description of the stopoff instructions, press ENTER. "Pick" a description from the table that appears, or press INS at the table to ADD a new description. This is for dispatch instructions to the driver. PPD COLL COD PPD=prepaid. The shipper pays the freight bill. COLL=collect. The consignee pays the bill. COD=cash on delivery. The consignee must present a check (usually certified) BEFORE the driver unloads. STOP NUM The number of stopoffs in transit the shipper instructs on this load. Only applies to ship- ments tendered as "truckload with stops". PERMITS, OD, ETC. This charge only applies when a ship- ment requires special over dimension chgs., or chgs. for any special permiting that in this case are to be applied to the freight bill. Heavy and Specialized carriers need this often. ACCESSORIAL CHGS. LABEL Type 3-4 characters of a description of any accessorial services required on this shipment such as "driver unload". Now press ENTER to popup the "descriptions" table. "Pick" one or INS at the table to add a new descr. ORDER ENTRY, BOOK SHIPMENTS This is the order entry module where new shipments can be booked, or entered, rated, freight bill extended, etc. Everything needed to prepared a booked shipment for dispatch. !! RCODE TABLE LOCATOR !! This is VERY important. Type the SHIP ACCT in the locator field. Next use the navigation keys to select the right rate record (shipper, commodity, destination). When you sure you have highlighted the RIGHT record, press ENTER to return to the freight bill. This will HOOK the rates and order together and do a lot of automated data entry for you in other fields. It is ESSENTIAL for accurate billing. TIME ENTRIES Type 1 -2 numbers of the time and press ENTER. The TIME table will appear with proper format times in 15 min. increments. ZIP FIELDS If you selected your CSZ from the table, just press ENTER. Otherwise type in a correct zipcode. LOCATOR TABLE HELP INS = ADD NEW RECORD In locator tables, type 3 - 4 characters of the locator field. Next use the navigation keys (main menu help) to place the bar cursor on the right record. Next press ENTER to ACCEPT the record selected. This will call the form or in some cases return you to the form you came from. EXCEPTION, number locators should usually be entered completely. 10 11 v 202 203 e 209 / 21 K 213 x 214 V 215 220 Q 258 29 3 34 { 35 36 ' 37 38 7 39 4 40 48 + 5 6 51 52 53 55 g+ 6 77 8 9 90 ACT1 ACT2 i6 ACT3 ADMMAIN BRKINV C1 DISP1 HELP10 HELP15 4A HELP17 HELP18 HELP20 HELP21 HELP3 HELP30 HELP31 FP HELP32 HELP4 HELP41 {U HELP42 0W HELP44 HELP45 HELP46 HELP51 D] HELP52 -_ O1 O2 \a O3 O4 lc O5 O6 Ze O7 ORDERS1 RCODE SS2 Dk SS7 T