TPOVU BALANCE SHEET AS OF ASSETS RECEIVABLES Total Assets LIABILITIES & EQUITY Total Liabilities & Equity INCOME/EXPENSE STATEMENT INCOME: 0.0 "OTHER INCOME...................... Total Income EXPENSES:"OTHER EXPENSES.................... Total Expenses NET INCOME'Ratio of TOTAL EXPENSES to TOTAL INCOME GENERAL LEDGER TOTAL: TOTAL DEBITS TOTAL CREDITS DIFFERENCE ACCOUNT BALANCES --> Acct Number Dbit/Crdt Balance DEBIT Accts minus CREDIT Accts :PW.DAT G/L Password: Wrong -- try again? U New G/L Password: :PW.DATU UTIL.BAT GOTO START :START bp echo To return to the MAIN MENU, PAUSE U T I L I T I E S M E N U .)ackup data files (copy them to a backup disk) ))estore backup files (from a backup disk)!)ort transactions chronologically6)ransaction indexing (re-index a month's transactions) /account indexing (re-index s & Accounts) )rase data files to MAIN MENU Choose one of the above: BP-FIX C x x x BP-FIX L BP-FIX E x x x :BACKUP.DAT :RESTORE.DAT/Diskette drive used for backup/restore (A..E): backup :*.LB? : /SDRestore (A)ll files on floppy, or only (M)onthly transaction files? *.LB?""Mon Yr" of Month to be restored: *.LB* restore /SB"Mon Yr" of monthly (or "Yr" of yearly) files to erase from disk: $ erase :???"Do you have archive copies of the files? Have bills for ALL % transactions been prepared already? $ Then you should not erase the files Sorry, I won't erase files less than a year old -- press < M It's essential that you back up your BillPower data on a regular basis. On Nodd days, you should use a backup disk labled "BillPwr ODD", and on even days,Myou should use a "BillPwr EVEN" backup disk. Every Friday, you should backupMto a "BillPwr WEEKLY" disk, and at the end of every month, you should use oneMlabled "BillPwr MONTHLY". The WEEKLY and MONTHLY backups help protect you inJthe event that you unknowingly back up bad data to the ODD and EVEN disks. 4Do you wish to make backups of your data files now? end.fyl dummy file END.FYLU Checking data integrity ... Client Trans G/L K Mis-Linked data -- Use Restore function in ^Utilities module -- press < l-b-rate.datU l-b-rate.datU init.lbfU L-B-RATE.DATU PRNTINIT PAPRCHNG.DATU ST000ONU s/n M Disk has insufficient free space. There needs to be enough space for a dup- Llicate copy of the M--CASES.LBF file, plus 1 Megabyte. Please omit unneeded"files before trying program again.U The 3 file is missing -- start it again "from scratch"? U JPress any key to exit. Then use RESTORE.COM to recover data from backups.U AbortingU l-b-rate.dat init.lbfU Today's date: :M--CASES.LBFBYou've selected a date prior to the date you last used BillPower, I'll check/open files for & and then ask for another date -- OK? $You probably didn't mean to select " ", since you should be using ;BillPower on a daily or weekly basis. It was last used on To re-enter the date, press < zip.datU memozip.datU LASER6# days during which you charge no post-bill interest: *# lines your printer prints on each page: 8# lines from paper top to bottom of letterhead, if any: ,Your printer's initialization code, if any: 6Indent needed, if any, for client addresses on bills: ;Account automatically adjusted for disbursements/receipts: ,Minimum # of minutes charged per Time Slip: MPress "M" to change main color, "S" for secondary color, "B" for background: IEMPLOYEE Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 F6 = save F1 = HELPU ZIP.DAT MEMOZIP.DAT LASER "Is the above information correct? DAYOBillPower is now set to include in each bill all transactions occuring from the first day of the " month covered by the bill to the lastMmonth covered. If you prefer a different cycle, indicate your choice below.MThe decision you make now will be permanent, so here's a helpful hint: chooseNchoice "A" (the most natural choice), unless you're SURE it's NOT appropriate. ; -- 1st day of 1st month billed, to last day of last month; -- 6th day of 1st month billed, to 5th day of last month -- 11th... -- 16th... -- 21st... -- 26th... Enter your choice: Are you SURE you want choice OIn order to use BillPower successfully, your monitor MUST be adjusted properly. Primary SecondaryMAdjust contrast until the above words appear in different shades -- press < DOBPEXP DOEXPORT TRN.LBF TRN.LBIA If you register, you'll receive the latest version of BillPower -- press Checking files... L-B-RATE.DATM As the message at the bottom of the screen suggests, this is the first timeMthat the program has been used this month. The program will have to open thisJmonth's files. If the wrong month is indicated below, press ESC to abort.$ files do not exist -- create them? N If you've been using the program a long time, you may wish to erase some oldLdata files from the hard disk, so that space is made available for new data.8HELPFUL HINT: Avoid erasing files less than a year old.$K$[$e$m$z$ %!%7%A%K%P%U%m%w% *%*0*8*F*Q*\*d*o*z* +$+,+7+B+J+W+d+r+}+ ,#,;,@,J,R,_,l,y, -+-6->-C-H-]-b-p-u-{- ...=.B.L.[.`.j.y.~. /)/./8/G/L/V/e/j/t/ 0,0K0P0m0w0|0 1"1I1S1]1g1q1{1 212I2N2\2g2l2 3%34393C3M3W3a3k3y3 4!4/4A4P4U4_4i4s4 5*5P5U5c5l5 6"6'656I6t6~6 6/9G9Y9f9s9 :.:6:>:O:T:f:p:u: <.<<!>0>O>Y>c>q> ?-?7?ACAfAoAzB C C?CNCXCbCgCvC CJDTDuD E/E7EAEFEREWEaEfE~E F/FFFeFoFtF~F GNGSGXG H@HEHOHwH|H I-I2I@IJIOIaIkIpI J-J7J[C[T[Y[ \C\K\U\Z\i\n\~\ \+]_]d]n] ^+^0^:^Q^V^`^w^|^ ^!_Ua^aca b+b8bCbKbYbdblbzb c$c/c7cEcPcXcecrc}c d"d9d>dNdVdcdhdmd eVe[e`eqeve o1o9oJoToYo p'pMpgp r:rxr s3s=sWsns t&tLtjttt u[uiuzu v&v+vFvKvPv v'w,w:wNwmw x*x2x?xJxRx_xjxrx y&y3y@yMyXy`ylywy z$z1z= Balance Due <= Responsible Employee: Bill Date: Period to Bill: "Mon Yr" to be Billed: Prebill or Actual bill: Bill s set for: Bill Destination: NIf Gate E is set to 0.01, a case will be billed during a mass billing routineNif there have been ANY transactions for that case during the period billed.NIf transaction data has not been entered in an orderly chronological manner,Nyou may wish to use the (^U)tilities Module's Sort routine before doing bills.N< = Hunt; A..K (or SpaceBar) = change a gate; ESC = menu 0If you want to begin the billing with the first in the file, press $First MasterRcrd # to be processed: -Insert next sheet of paper and then press < January February March April August September October November December , 19U LIN.LBF TRN.LBF 28 (INTEREST ON PRIOR BILL'S UNPAID BALANCE: INTEREST from .LBIU TAX on SERVICES & FEES: TAX on services/fees .LBIU REGULAR MONTHLY CHARGE: Fixed Monthly Charge (Retainer) .LBIU Transactions this month: Dposit W/Draw OMITTED ij>x> > ?*?8? @#@)@1@?@D@Y@a@o@t@ A*A/A9AXA B5ByB~B C7C_C C=DGDLDiD~D E E1E6EPEUEbEtE|E FdFmF G7G_G H+H@HPHZHhH}H I$I6I>I^IcIrIzI I1JnJ L"L7LALFLNLZLpLxL M$M)M;MJMXM]MkMpM N7N`NyN OhPmP|P Q.QCQSQ]QgQuQ R"R*R3R8R=RURyR R4S\SiSnSsS T]TgTlT}T U:UDU^UlU V-VSV|V W@WYWxW Y"Y*Y8YhYzY Z9ZCZ [K[j[ \(\7\<\J\{\ ]:]D]S]X]f] ]%^;^V^`^o^t^ _>_l_ `*`K`[`s` `#a:aYaxa b!bGbUbxb c d%d*dAdVd[d}d e+e@eEeReWeceheueze f6f>fCfrf g g.g h!h&h+h>hKhXh]hbhzh i7iDiQiVi[i j,jEjJjOjhjujzj k*k4kOkTkYkmkrkwk m&m3m8m=mim n'n:nBnPnUntn p.ptWt\tat t*u5u^utu v&v+v0vPvnv w+w?wWwqw x x%x|x y1yKy~ Wait.... Master record cannot, itself, have a master ( Acceptable masterRcrd not present -- Press CURRENT ACCOUNTS .OPEN AN ACCOUNT or CHANGE IT's CHARACTERISTICS I Remember, the accounts you create or modify here are meant to actually Jcontain money. Examples are checking and trust accounts. Don't establishNincome-expense categories here, since they are not accounts into which you ac-Ktively deposit (or from which you actively withdraw) money. Income-expenseNcategories are created and modified with "EDIT", which is accessed by pressingK^E at the main menu. By the way, accounts can also be created with "EDIT". Account Number: Account is not present -- Create it? Descriptive name: 'Is this a (C)redit or (D)ebit account? Is this a retainer account? 5Balance you wish client to maintain in this account: >Balance below which you will ask client to replenish account: Account NOT openedU (no dsbr) To Date: U Intvl: U MonthlyPmnt: U Orig: Closed: Opened: U 1stPmntDueDate LatestPmntDate LatestBillDate: U IntRate: U MasterRcrd: U Occasional Periodic BillingU Number Area of Business : Chrg Dsbrs: Responsible Employee: Name Last, First Names : Balance: Addrs 1 : CrntDue: Addrs 2 : Since City, State Zip : Business/Home Phone : Salutation : [receivables] Miscellaneous 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : Billing Format : TmKeepr Rate Level : Max Hourly Rate : Flat Hourly Rate : Fixed Fee : Cntngnt Percent : Monthly Retainer : Retainer Limit : MasterRcrd tracks work WorkDone: Total Srvc/Fee Max : Related G/L Account : Bal: Referenced account not present in G/L -- Press Tagged for omission is CLOSEDU Aborting because disk is full -- press < To continue, press < (or ESC to abort) . Some more information is needed -- press < MasterRcrd tracks work WorkDone: U No such employeeU (^R)ecent History -- 6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now ALT-F9=periodic/occasional F2=toMem; F10=fromMem (^R)ecentHist; (^C)lose/open; (^O)mit; F6=save; F6=save F1=listing Billing Format : M-LBAREA.DAT Chrg Dsbrs: M-LBFRMT.DATh Bal: >A = Abandon record without saving S = Save record as is Should this - be billed (P)eriodically or (O)ccasionally? *?See instructions, "USING BILLPOWER WITH OLD CASES" -- press < Number: already exists Too many records January February March April August September October November December , 19U g Left Indentation: # of spaces skipped before beginning to print each line; D-> Test Pattern: a sample printout allowing you to check alignment;G-> Pause after each address: answer "Y" if you're preparing envelopes. Left Indentation: Print test pattern? Pause after each address? @Are you using label sheets containing (1) or (2) labels across? BHow many lines need to be skipped at the top of each label sheet? File containing custom report: LETTERSLA separate copy of the letter you designate will be prepared for each client whose B meets the criteria established on the preceding Hunt Gate screen. File containing letter: does not exist Date of Letter: U Record D U AGED RECEIVABLES CURRENT SINCE BEFORE STILL NUMBER BALANCE UNBILLEDO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** TOTALS closed re-opened This Are there any 0s subordinate to this one (if so, do not omit)? )This record has been tagged for omission "The omission tag has been removed U F1 = list 8 numbers (precede with last name initial for short list) Number: MasterRcrd Number: U Disk must have K free space -- press 9Are the records to be omitted stored on an archive disk? :CASEINDX.$$$ :EMPLINDX.$$$ :CLNT.$$$ Reading Omitting U Standard Receivables Client Addresses & Phones, etc Full-Screen Edit Labels & Envelopes Letters * exact * U Alphabetizing records ...U :CLNT.$$$ Writing H U N T G A T E S MasterRcrd Number: Number: Client Name: Address or Phone: Miscellaneous Info: Area of Business (Low): (High): No Payment made since: Balance Due >= Responsible Employee: Include Open Include Closed Show only Retainer Show only MasterRcrds: Alphabetize listed Type of Report: Report Destination: !If you change no Hunt Gates, ALL s will be shown.N< = Hunt; A..R (or SpaceBar) = change a gate; ESC = menu Make entry above M-LBAREA.DAT Resetting printer... REPORT PREPARED ?o=Omit c=Closed h=HourlyMax r=Retainer f=FixedFee %=contingency t=TotMax Rsp Client Name Number LastPaid Balance Other InfoO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now HUNT TOTAL BALANCES DUE End of file -- press < >Do you want to permanently order these people alphabetically? U *Earliest date included in Recent History: M E N U -- do one of the following: )ake a new )dit/Examine a )unt for some info )mit s tagged for omission to MAIN MENU from -- or enter/manipulate: )ervices/Fees )isbursements )eceipts )djustments )eneral Ledger )ist of people )otes)Press one of the letters in parentheses: x7C7_7d7r7 8"8,818?8S8 9$9=9Q9i9{9 :!:&:<:A:_:d:i:t:y: ;!;7;<;Z;_;d; < <7EYEtE E;FNFaFtF G)GoSprp q$q1qAqKqUq]qbqgq|q r-r6rErJr]r}r t:tNtrt u u9uRuku y y-y=yGyOy]ylyuy z-z;zIzWzezrz {({-{2{D{I{N{V{u{ {]|n| ~=~V~^~k~x~ The accounts you want adjusted don't balance -- press < You must precede this entry with "+" or "-" -- press < Balance: U Name: Ph#: Add1: Add2: City: Msc1: U OMITTED Record is omitted U Not enough room on disk -- press ESC to abort U *This record was created along with record !. This record will automatically /change whenever you change the primary record, . To continue, press BP6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now ^O = omit PgUp = prior record F6 = save %F6 = save initial + F1 = listing # ^C =charge ^N = no charge DEFERRED M-LBCODE.DAT This item cannot be changed hours at per hr Once a record is opened, you may change to a date only within the month origin-*ally selected. If you want to change to , press ESC; otherwise, press - is prior to even the earliest bill kept for .!The earliest bill being kept for doesn't go back that far. To use 7, this transaction must be given a later date -- press That ID is not assigned Income Expense Service No such code Ending Time must be later than Beginning Time ", so that I can look it up? Negative amounts aren't allowed here -- press < This amount can't be greater than the Unpaid Advances -- press < Retainer limit: $ Billable+NonBillable this month: Tot Srvc/Fee Max: To date: This charge adjusted to Balance: TO DATE: Srvc/Fees: Hours: Time Value: Dsbrs: Rcpts: Adjst: Balance: CrntDue: LastBill: OMITTED6 You must provide an amount -- press < (ESC = abort)KCheck Number must be "Deposit", "Wthdrwl", or an actual number -- press < >A = Abandon record without saving S = Save record as is You must enter a description zip.dat Updating Account U C ` OMITTED 6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now W-off Charge >TOTALS FOR ALL TRANSACTIONS HANDLED BY THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES to Srvcs+Dsbrsmnts Srvcs+DsbrsmntsNEmp Time Services Dsbrsmnts ActuallyCharged ActuallyBilled Rcpts/Adjst DTOTALS FOR ALL CASES ASSIGNED TO THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYEES Ls=Service d=Disbursement r=Receipt a=Adjustment g=GenLdgr b=Billed End of file -- press < SUMMARY SERVICE TOTALS: TOTAL TIME CHARGED: CHARGES:'Time not charged that could have been: worth Contingency Work: Retainer Work: Fixed Fee Work: Other time not charged: TOTAL TIME NOT CHARGED: DISBURSEMENTS TOTAL:+Non-Advances (disbursements not related to s):2Advances that haven't been charged :2Advances that have been charged :2Advances charged but not yet billed : WORK IN PROGRESS:+Work charged but not yet billed: Time: value:$Advances charged but not yet billed: TOTAL: For rest of summary, press < RECEIPTS TOTAL: Payments on Advances: Other Receipts: NET ADJUSTMENTS: Write-offs Total: Charges Total: To continue, press < E*Z*o* +"+.+P+ ,1,h, -0-5-Q-n-v-{- .".,.A.K.d. /A/F/T/]/ 040N0d0n0x0}0 1E1]1g1u1 2!2&242B2^2w2|2 3;3@3T3\3a3f3|3 3'4,4:4C4x4}4 4q5{5 6 646K6U6c6 7.737A7U7l7v7 8 8.8S8X8]8~8 979e9x9 :;:@:N:b: ;.;F;^; <%<2<7A>N>w> ?$?:?[? @%@*@/@4@Q@ A5AAASAXA]AfAvA~A B)BOBhBsB{B C:C?CGC`CxC D$D2D=DED^DiDqD~D E1E6E;EBEWEyE~E F$F)F1F[F}F G(G6GdG H#H0H5H:HBHKH]HvH H I0I@IOITI^ImIrI|I J*JOJ_J L:LoL M&MQMiM O$OJOhO O(PpP Q9Q\QmQrQ R%R*R8RgRlR RDS]S~S S%T*TbT V(V@VEVOVgVlVqV W)WCW]WwW X%X4XHXlX Y+Y?Y_YeY Z(Z6ZNZXZfZpZzZ [0[:[H[R[W[i[n[ \+\5\:\c\h\w\ ]$]5] ^&^4^9^H^P^`^e^z^ _-_=_B_L_Q___s_}_ `"`'`1`6`@`E`U`_`d`s`x` b5babfb}b b@crc cKdPdadkdwd e4e9eGeLeVe[eiene f(f/fEfVf_fzf g#g(g hkipi j j*j4j