R F2-Save F3-Load F4-HideBlk F5-Copy F6-Move F7-Beg F8-End F9-Abort F10-Quit -Help#* * TutorialWriter * * - EDITORU 'Insufficient heap space for text buffer Unknown load errorU Illegal file name New File Insufficient text buffer size Unknown read errorU Enter file name to edit: Press for directoryU *.chp .CHP%File does not exist. Create New file?U Saving File... Error - Unable to save file.U Save *.chp Loading aborted .....%File does not exist. Create New file? Unable to load the file.U twhelp.binU twhelp.binU >F1 - Help System F2 - Save File >F3 - Load a new file F4 - Hide a marked block>F5 - Copy a marked block F6 - Move a marked block>F7 - Mark block beginning F8 - Mark block end >F9 - Exit without saving F10 - Save and exit U 5Character left Ctrl-S or Left arrow6Character right Ctrl-D or Right arrow:Word left Ctrl-A or Ctrl-Left arrow;Word right Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Right arrow3Line up Ctrl-E or Up arrow5Line down Ctrl-X or Down arrow#Scroll up Ctrl-W#Scroll down Ctrl-Z/Page up Ctrl-R or PgUp/Page down Ctrl-C or PgDn4Beginning of file Ctrl-Q R or Ctrl-PgUp4End of file Ctrl-Q C or Ctrl-PgDn/Beginning of line Ctrl-Q S or Home.End of line Ctrl-Q D or End4Top of screen Ctrl-Q E or Ctrl-Home3Bottom of screen Ctrl-Q X or Ctrl-End%Previous cursor position Ctrl-Q P(Set marker 0..3 Ctrl-K 0..3(Jump to marker 0..3 Ctrl-Q 0..3U *New line Ctrl-M*Insert line Ctrl-N*Insert control character Ctrl-P8Delete current character Ctrl-G or Delete;Delete character left Ctrl-H or Backspace*Delete word Ctrl-T,Delete to end of line Ctrl-Q Y+Delete line Ctrl-Y ,Find Ctrl-Q F,Find next Ctrl-Q L,Find and replace Ctrl-Q A4Toggle insert mode Ctrl-V or Ins4Save file without exiting F25Save file and exit CTrl-K D or F105Exit without saving F9U 1Mark block beginning Ctrl-K B or F71Mark block end Ctrl-K K or F81Copy block Ctrl-K C or F51Move block Ctrl-K V or F6)Delete block Ctrl-K Y1Hide block Ctrl-K H or F4)Read block from file Ctrl-K R)Write block to file Ctrl-K W)Print block Ctrl-K P)Mark current word as block Ctrl-K T)Move to top of block Ctrl-Q B)Move to bottom of block Ctrl-Q K/ Note: Ctrl-K means hold down Ctrl and press K.U 7 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 7 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 7 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 7 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 7 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 7 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 7 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 7 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 7 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 7 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 7 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 7 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 7 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 7 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 7 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 7 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 8 To print ascii char, hold down Alt key and enter numberU \Editor Function Keys Movement Commands Editing Commands Block Commands ASCII Codes \Basics Control Commands Color Codes Menu System Help System Hypertext Chapter End \Inline Inline Commands Text Color Codes Default Colors Click Writing Slow Writing \Screen Clear Full Screen Clear Work Screen Clear Section Clear a Line Screen Title Cursor Control Time Delay Pageback Wait/Continue \Graphics Huge Robot Pointer Box Remember Box Logo Box Cheering Robot Big Letters TextScreens Other Graphics \CAI Branching Tests Quizzes/Tests Quick Questions \Hilite Normal Box Overlay Box Lines Pointers Sounds Saving Screens Fill Screen Color Section Scrolling Text + > Q d w !"!5!H![!n! "3This Button must be identical to the Button used in4the text, including Upper and Lower case and spaces.U 3The text can be large enough to fill all the fields2or just a single word. Text entered in this screen1is automatically formatted. A box is drawn around4the text to accommodate the longest single line and3the total number of lines. If your text is only one2or two lines long, you may want to break the lines2into shorter lines starting at the left edge. This2will produce a smaller deeper box in the center of the screen.U "Do you want to add another (Y/N) ?U M /T/j/ 0+0>0Q0d0w0 1"151H1[1n1 1S3k3}3 4)4;4O4a4u4 545O5j5 6&6+6:6?6`6z6 7&7K7Z7p7z7 *.chp *.hlp *.hyp *.scrU 515,1,* * * TutorialWriter CONFIGURE TUTORIAL * * * Normal text color : Normal background color : Highlight text color : Highlight background color : Name of starting file : Name of HELP file : Name of HYPERTEXT file : Name of SCREENS file : !!!!!!!! F1-HELPU 515,1,* * * TutorialWriter CONFIGURE TUTORIAL * * * Configuration *.cnf HYPER SCREENU ,15,1,* * TutorialWriter * * - VIEW CHAPTER Configuration *.cnf .cnf;Configuration file not found. Please use Configure Tutorial%at the Main Menu to create this file. .chp?I cannot find the first file. Please use Configure Tutorial at or MOUSE to move. F10 or MOUSE right button to continue.U Nothing has been created.U Enter name of file: Press Enter for Directory.U 5 Background Text Color5 0 0 Black4 1 1 Blue Text5 2 2 Green4 3 3 Cyan3 4 4 Red7 5 5 Magenta5 6 6 Brown4 7 7 Gray8 8 DarkGray9 9 LightBlue: 10 LightGreen9 11 LightCyan8 12 LightRed< 13 LightMagenta6 14 Yellow5 15 White Press any key U # < U o