System `D|D| `B|B| Learning ToolBook enterbook leavebook enterbook sizetopage leavebook ok title leavebook vepage workbook title `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| leavebook 0,100,0 0,0,0 left objects right objects workbook title workbook contents workbook title 15,210 2595,1080 enterpage leavepage enterpage left objects right objects leavepage left objects right objects Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button left objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects Learning ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Learning ToolBookolBook --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook nextpage 28A2 buttonup buttonup nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage buttonup buttonup previous previouspage buttonUp buttonUp &:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw > 27 "Design your 8's screens" "Organize buttonUp buttonUp Design your book's screens Organize your book previouspage buttonup buttonup previous previouspage buttonUp buttonUp Title Title Title workbook contents 8 ` 'v)v)v)v)v) Contents Contents 1: Getting Acquainted 2: Creating and Working with Objects 3: Working with Fields and Text 4: Working with Pages, Backgrounds, and Books 5: Using Linking and the Script Recorder A: Designing Books Using Color in ToolBookrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "This module uses a simple ToolBook which the student explores )Reader level. These files were xincluded considerations buttonUp buttonUp This module uses a simple ToolBook application which the student explores at Reader level. These files were not included for considerations of space. 8"instruc2.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc2.tbk 8"instruc3.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc3.tbk 8"instruc4.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc4.tbk 8"instruc5.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc5.tbk --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook nextpage 28A2 buttonup buttonup nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage buttonup buttonup previous previouspage buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw > 27 "Design your 8's screens" "Organize buttonUp buttonUp Design your book's screens Organize your book :PHYSSIZE ooooooooooooooo ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` ooooooooooo ooooooooooon ooooooooooooooo :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwww 8"pwmaster.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp pwmaster.tbk !:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwww 8"instruc2.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc2.tbk #:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwww 8"instruc3.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc3.tbk @&:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwww "#[ 8"instruc4.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp instruc4.tbk (:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwww 8"Instruc5.TBK" buttonUp buttonUp Instruc5.TBK ogn y disclaimer IMPORTANT: These ToolBook files and Dynamic Link Library files are being made available free of charge exclusively for demonstration purposes to show some approaches programmers are taking for applications using ToolBook. The files have not undergone the rigorous review process which Asymetrix's commercial products undergo. Asymetrix does not intend to provide support for these files. Asymetrix specifically disclaims all warranties including without limitation all warranties of title or non-infringement, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all other warranties express or implied. The files are made available "as is." ASYMETRIX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, COVER, RELIANCE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM ITS MAKING THE FILES AVAILABLE, OR THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE FILES. ANY USE OF FILES IS STRICTLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Copyright (c) 1990 by Asymetrix Corporation. All rights reserved. Asymetrix, ToolBook, and OpenScript are registered trademarks of Asymetrix Corporation. Learning ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk9 Learning ToolBookkolBook nextpage 28A2 buttonup buttonup nextpage buttonUp buttonUp "l *b\aR workbook title 15,210 2595,1080 "disclaimer" enterpage leavepage enterpage left objects right objects disclaimer leavepage left objects right objects Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button left objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects right objects --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook nextpage 28A2 buttonup buttonup nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage buttonup buttonup previous previouspage buttonUp buttonUp %:PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw > 27 "Design your 8's screens" "Organize buttonUp buttonUp Design your book's screens Organize your book previouspage buttonup buttonup previous *|-i previouspage buttonUp buttonUp disclaimer IMPORTANT: These ToolBook files and Dynamic Link Library files are being made available free of charge exclusively for demonstration purposes to show some approaches programmers are taking for applications using ToolBook. The files have not undergone the rigorous review process which Asymetrix's commercial products undergo. Asymetrix does not intend to provide support for these files. Asymetrix specifically disclaims all warranties including without limitation all warranties of title or non-infringement, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all other warranties express or implied. The files are made available "as is." ASYMETRIX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, COVER, RELIANCE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM ITS MAKING THE FILES AVAILABLE, OR THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE FILES. ANY USE OF FILES IS STRICTLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Copyright (c) 1990 by Asymetrix Corporation. All rights reserved. Asymetrix, ToolBook, and OpenScript are registered trademarks of Asymetrix Corporation. Learning ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Learning ToolBookkolBook