Correcting errors Bouncing ball Growing tree Title Moving two objects Shrinking world Reshaping polygon Changing patterns Changing colors Changing layers Naming object recorder title --This ca hidden called exerpage --The instruction 8sets the correct pso that /exercise tandem. --Do xdelete restoreobjects group id 56 of page id 55 Exercises for creating and working with objects Exercises for creating and working with objectsss the restoreobjects buttonUp buttonUp restoreobjects restoreobjects paste Button Exercises for creating and working with objects Exercises for creating and working with objectsss the restoreobjects buttonUp buttonUp restoreobjects restoreobjects paste Button hiddentitle V D whowasi hiddentitle f whoami title Exercises for using the script recorder objects Exercises for using the script recorder objectsss title whoami title whowasi hiddentitle Exercises for using the script recorder objects Exercises for using the script recorder objectsss exercise recorder title arning ToolBook System Working with objects s Rmn ca hidden called exerpage. --The instruction 8sets so that user flips corresponding --exercise displayed 8. See handler --handles a message INSTRUC.TBK. Restores --its original condition student changed anything on --Each 8has a -defined property workobjects. --This a comma-separated list be restored. --IF YOU CHANGE THE OBJECTS ON ANY PAGE, update %follows: 1) ; 2) Command e, type: --Now, --freeze screen so doesn't see }flash --delete created Zpageobjs originals --unfreeze sees result enterBook restore enterBook sizeToPage restore workobjects workobjects workobjects workobjects paste enterpage pageobjs `D|D| --positions the workbook 300,4 605,135 linkDLL user IsIconic( ShowWindow(Word, SetActiveWindow( ShowMyWindow isIconic( ) > 0 showWindow( unlinkDLL --handles a message INSTRUC.TBK. Restores --its original condition student changed anything on --Each 8has a -defined property called restoreobjects. --This a comma-separated list be restored. --IF YOU CHANGE THE OBJECTS ON ANY PAGE, update %follows: 1) ; 2) Command e, type: --Now, handler: --freeze screen so doesn't see }flash --delete }that created Zpageobjs restorable them names each {'s whoami --unfreeze sees result showMyWindow ShowMyWindow enterBook leavebook restore enterBook sizeToPage IsIconic ShowWindow SetActiveWindow ShowMyWindow isIconic showWindow SetActiveWindow leavebook restore restoreobjects restoreobjects restoreobjects restoreobjects paste whoami MshowMyWindow pageobjs exercise Moving an object restoreobjects group id 163 of page id 70,button id 164 of page id 70 hiddenfish /6Yio whowasi hiddenfish whoami hiddenmovebutton whowasi hiddenmovebutton whoami movebutton /6Yio whoami whowasi hiddenfish movebutton $|$whoami movebutton $whowasi hiddenmovebutton Correcting errors restoreobjects button id 4 of page id 71,rectangle id 5 of page id 71 hiddenoopsbutton 02[is whowasi hiddenoopsbutton whoami oopsbutton Oops! hiddensquare whowasi hiddensquare whoami purplesquare oopsbutton 02[is whoami oopsbutton whowasi hiddenoopsbutton Oops! purplesquare whoami purplesquare whowasi hiddensquare Bouncing ball restoreobjects button id 4 of page id 72,ellipse id 5 of page id 72 hiddenbouncebutton whowasi hiddenbouncebutton whoami bouncebutton Bounce hiddendot whowasi hiddendot whoami reddot bouncebutton whoami bouncebutton whowasi hiddenbouncebutton Bounce reddot whoami reddot whowasi hiddendot Growing tree restoreobjects button id 206 of page id 73,group id 308 of page id 73 hiddengrowbutton whowasi hiddengrowbutton whoami growbutton hiddentree whowasi hiddentree whoami `@ @ ` ` L o t ~ t Q b o < growbutton V'D'whoami growbutton f'whowasi hiddengrowbutton Z(N(whoami j(whowasi hiddentree `@ @ ` ` 8 -; L o t ~ t Q $Bo < Shrinking world restoreobjects button id 22 of page id 74,group id 32 of page id 74 hiddenshrinkbutton whowasi hiddenshrinkbutton whoami shrinkbutton Shrink hiddenworld whowasi hiddenworld whoami world shrinkbutton whoami shrinkbutton whowasi hiddenshrinkbutton Shrink world whoami world whowasi hiddenworld Reshaping polygon restoreobjects polygon id 8 of page id 75,polygon id 9 of page id 75,button id 10 of page id 75,polygon id 11 of page id 75 hiddenstarbkgd whowasi hiddenstarbkgd whoami starbkgd hiddenstar whowasi hiddenstar whoami hiddenstarbutton whowasi hiddenstarbutton whoami starbutton hiddenstarcenter whowasi hiddenstarcenter whoami starcenter starbkgd whoami starbkgd whowasi hiddenstarbkgd whoami whowasi hiddenstar starbutton whoami starbutton whowasi hiddenstarbutton starcenter whoami starcenter whowasi hiddenstarcenter Changing patterns restoreobjects group id 33 of page id 76,button id 34 of page id 76,rectangle id 35 of page id 76 hiddenTV whowasi hiddenTV whoami hiddenfritzbutton whowasi hiddenfritzbutton whoami fritzbutton On the Fritz hiddenTVscreen whowasi hiddenTVscreen whoami TVscreen whoami whowasi hiddenTV fritzbutton whoami fritzbutton whowasi hiddenfritzbutton On the Fritz TVscreen whoami TVscreen whowasi hiddenTVscreen Changing colors hiddensunsetbutton whowasi hiddensunsetbutton label Sunset whoami sunsetbutton Sunset hiddensky whowasi hiddensky whoami hiddenlandscape whowasi hiddenlandscape whoami landscape hiddenmoon whowasi hiddenmoon whoami hiddenstars whowasi hiddenstars whoami stars sunsetbutton v b whoami sunsetbutton label Sunset whowasi hiddensunsetbutton Sunset whoami whowasi hiddensky landscape whoami landscape whowasi hiddenlandscape whoami whowasi hiddenmoon stars whoami stars whowasi hiddenstars Changing layers restoreobjects group id 98 of page id 78,group id 133 of page id 78,button id 134 of page id 78 hiddenthumbsdown whowasi hiddenthumbsdown whoami thumbsdown hiddenthumbsup whowasi hiddenthumbsup whoami thumbsup hiddenthumbsbutton whowasi hiddenthumbsbutton whoami thumbsbutton label Thumbs Thumbs thumbsdown whoami thumbsdown whowasi hiddenthumbsdown thumbsup whoami thumbsup whowasi hiddenthumbsup thumbsbutton label Thumbs whoami thumbsbutton whowasi hiddenthumbsbutton Thumbs Moving two objects restoreobjects button id 122 of page id 79,group id 152 of page id 79,group id 182 of page id 79 hiddenracebutton whowasi hiddenracebutton whoami racebutton Sailboat Race hiddenblueboat whowasi hiddenblueboat whoami blueboat hiddenredboat whowasi hiddenredboat whoami redboat racebutton utton whoami racebutton whowasi hiddenracebutton Sailboat Race blueboat eboat whoami blueboat whowasi hiddenblueboat redboat dboat p#b#whoami redboat #whowasi hiddenredboat Naming object restoreobjects button id 6 of page id 80,button id 7 of page id 80,ellipse id 8 of page id 80 hiddennamelessbutton whowasi hiddennamelessbutton whoami nameless Without name hiddennamedbutton whowasi hiddennamedbutton whoami named With name hiddengreendot whowasi hiddengreendot nameless whoami nameless whowasi hiddennamelessbutton Without name named whoami named whowasi hiddennamedbutton With name whowasi hiddengreendot Moving an object