Reshaping polygon Changing patterns Changing colors Changing layers Moving two objects Naming object Recorder practice Part I title Part II title Using linking options with named pages Using linking options with named pages 1. Go to page 1 (the first page of company history). 2. Select Susan Hotchkiss and press Ctrl+W to create a hotword. 3. Choose Hotword Properties from the Object menu. 4. Click Link To. 5. Go to page 5 and click OK in the Link To dialog box. 6. Ctrl+double-click the hotword to display the Script window. 7. When you finish looking at the script, choose Exit/Cancel from the Script menu. Instruction Book - Linking Part II title toolbook .tbk" M"recorder. x"OK" h.exe enterpage enterpage name of this book history.tbk send exit history.tbk name of this book recorder.tbk toolbook.exe recorder.tbk toolbook Part II - The script recorder Part II - The script recorder In this series of exercises you'll learn how to use the script recorder to create animation effects. You'll record moving, sizing, and changing the appearance of objects and paste the recordings into the Script window. You'll also learn how to edit a recording in the Script window, and why it's better to name an object before you create a recording. Instruction Book - Recorder Moving an object 1. Choose Start Recording from the Edit menu. 2. Select the fish. 3. Drag the fish across the page, releasing the mouse button at frequent intervals. ToolBook records movement each time you release the mouse button. The more often you release the mouse button, the smoother the motion will be when you play back your recording. 4. Choose Stop Recording from the Edit menu. Choose Start Recording from the Edit menu. 2. Select the fish. 3. Drag the fish across the page, releasing the mouse button at frequent intervals. ToolBook records movement each time you release the mouse button. The more often you release the mouse button, the smoother the motion will be when you play back your recording. 4. Choose Stop Recording from the Edit menu. Recording moving an object Recording moving an object Correcting errors 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the Oops! button. 2. In the Script window, edit the script so that it contains the statement "Select Rectangle PurpleSquare" as its second line, followed by "Move the selection to" statements and ending with "End buttonUp". Delete all other statements from the script. To delete a statement, select the whole line and press the Delete key, then press Backspace to close the gap...........p.ection" and the following line "Select Rectangle "PurpleSquare"" and press the Delete key, then press Backspace to close the gap. 3. Select the lines "Select Button id 0" through "Select Rectangle PurpleSquare" (four lines in all) and press Delete, then press Backspace. Correcting errors in a recording Correcting errors in a recording Correcting errors Correcting errors in a recording, continued Correcting errors in a recording, continued 1. Press Ctrl+S to update the script. 2. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 3. Click the Oops! button to test the revised script. 4. Press F3 to switch back to Author level..... level. 3. Click the Oops! button to test the revised script. 4. Press F3 to switch back to Author level. Bouncing ball Recording a bouncing ball Recording a bouncing ball 1. Choose Start Recording from the Edit menu or press F8 2. Drag the red ball to the bottom of the page, then up to the right, releasing the mouse button frequently as you drag. 3. Choose Stop Recording from the Edit menu or press F8. 4. Ctrl+double-click the Bounce button. 5. Choose Paste Recording from the Edit menu, then press Ctrl+S. 6. Press F3, then click the Bounce button. 7. Press F3 to switch to Author level. Growing tree Recording a tree growing Recording a tree growing 1. Choose Start Recording from the Edit menu. 2. Select the tree. 3. Drag the upper right selection handle until the tree fills the page, releasing the mouse button at frequent intervals. 4. Choose Stop Recording from the Edit menu. 5. Paste the recording into the script of the Grow button. 6. Switch to Reader level (F3) to test the script, then press F3 to switch back to Author level. Shrinking world Recording a shrinking world Recording a shrinking world 1. Press F8 to start the recorder. 2. Select the world. 3. Drag the lower left selection handle until the world is small as you want, releasing the mouse button frequently. 4. Press F8 to stop the recorder. 5. Ctrl+double-click the Shrink button. 6. Choose Paste Recording, then press Ctrl+S to update the script. 7. Press F3, click the Shrink button, press F3 again. Reshaping polygon Recording reshaping an object Recording reshaping an object 1. Start the recorder 2. Select the large yellow polygon and choose Reshape from the Draw menu. 3. Drag alternate reshape handles toward the center until it looks like a five-pointed star. 4. Drag alternate reshape handles back out until the large polygon looks like a polygon again. 5. Stop the recorder. 6. Paste the recording into the script of the Star button and switch to Reader level to test the Changing patterns Recording changing patterns Recording changing patterns 1. Double-click the rectangle tool to display the pattern palette. 2. Start the recorder. 3. Select the gray TV screen. 4. Select several different patterns in the pattern palette. 5. Stop the recorder. 6. Paste the recording into the script of the On The Fritz button and switch to Reader level to test the script........evel to test the script.level to test the script.nd switch to Reader level to test the script. Changing colors Recording changing colors Recording changing colors 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the rectangle tool on the tool palette to display the color tray. 2. Start the recorder. 3. Select the desert sky. 4. Click different colors in the color tray. Try darker and darker shades of blue or purple. 5. Stop the recorder. 6. Paste the recording into the script for the Sunset button. 7. Switch to Reader level and test the script........cript. Changing layers Recording changing layers Recording changing layers 1. Start the recorder. 2. Select the "thumbs up" graphic. 3. Choose Send to Back from the Object menu, or press Ctrl+A. 4. Choose Bring to Front from the Object menu, or press Ctrl+F. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times. 6. Stop the recorder. 7. Paste the recording into the script for the Thumbs button. 8. Switch to Reader level and test the script........cript. Moving two objects Recording moving two objects at once Recording moving two objects at once 1. Start the recorder. 2. Select the blue boat and drag it a little to the right. 3. Select the red boat and drag it to the right. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've moved the boats across the page. 5. Stop the recorder. 6. Paste the recording into the script for the Sailboat Race button. 7. Switch to Reader level and test the Naming object Naming objects, continued Naming objects, continued 6. Select the green dot and choose Cut, then choose Paste from the Edit menu. 7. Switch to Reader level and test the scripts again. Recorder practice --block message traveling up enterpage enterpage Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, use the script recorder to animate the logo on your presentation title page. Ask your instructor for the practice handout with steps to follow. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know.3 Practice: Animate your presentation title page Practice: Animate your presentation title page Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Growing tree Shrinking world Moving an object Correcting errors 1. With John Rothmeyer still selected, choose Hotword Properties from the Object menu. 2. Click Link To. 3. Go to page 4 (the page with John Rothmeyer's biography). 4. Click OK in the Link To dialog box. Before you can test the hotword's script, you must activate the field so ToolBook knows to run the script instead of placing the insertion point for typing in the field. You'll activate the field in the next exercise.\ Linking hotwords Linking hotwords 1. Press F3 to switch to Author level. 2. Double-click the John Rothmeyer hotword to place the insertion point. 3. Choose Hotword Properties from the Object menu. 4. Click Script. The script window displays the script you created with Link To. 5. When you finish viewing the script, choose Exit/Cancel from the Script menu. 6. Click Cancel in the Hotword Properties dialog box. menu. 5. Click Cancel in the Hotword Properties dialog box. Looking at a script in the Script window Looking at a script in the Script window 1. Choose the button tool from the tool palette. The button tool is the one immediately under the selection arrow. 2. Draw two buttons on the page. Make the buttons about 1/2" high by 2" long. Creating buttonsn Creating buttonsn l-menu icon to 1. Select one of the buttons. 2. Choose Button Properties from the Object menu. 3. In the Label box, change Button to Company History. 4. Choose a border style for the button. 5. Click OK. 6. Select the other buttons. 7. Choose Button Properties from the Object menu. 8. Change Button to Key Staff and choose the same border style as for the other button. 9. Click OK. Changing a button's label and border style Changing a button's label and border style 1. Go to page 1 (the first page of company history). 2. Press F4 to switch to the background. 3. Create a button, select it, and choose Button Properties from the Object menu. 4. Change the button's label to Next. 5. Click the Script button to display the Script window. (continued) 2. In the Script window, type the following script: to handle buttonUp go to next page end buttonUp 3. Choose Exit/Update from the Script menu or press Ctrl+S. Writing a simple navigation scriptt Writing a simple navigation scriptt This module covers ToolBook's linking options and the script recorder. In Part I you'll create hotwords and buttons, and create scripts by using linking options. In Part II you'll use the script recorder to create animation effects. Read the steps to follow in this book, then do the exercise in the other book. Use the controls below to work through the exercises. Point to a control and hold down the right mouse button to find out what the control does.l does.... "Part I Title" buttonUp buttonUp Part I Title "Part II title" buttonUp buttonUp Part II title Module 5: Linking options and the script recorder Module 5: Linking options and the script recorderrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssss Changing a button's text format and color Changing a button's text format and color 1. Select both buttons. 2. Choose Character from the Text menu. 3. Select Helv and 12 and check Bold. 4. Click OK. 5. Ctrl+double-click a tool on the palette to display the color tray. 6. Select both buttons. 7. Change the buttons' stroke and fill colors. 8. Double-click the color tray's Control-menu icon to dismiss it. 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the John Rothmeyer hotword. Ctrl+double-click is the shortcut for displaying the Script window for an object on the page. 2. Double-click the Control-menu icon in the Script window. Shortcuts for displaying the Script window Shortcuts for displaying the Script window Instruction Book - Recorder nextpage nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage previouspage buttonUp buttonUp restore restorepage +(R[# --Sends a message the workbook instance ToolBook buttonUp buttonUp send restore ToolBook --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw backtocontents 8"WORKBOOK.TBK" buttonUp buttonUp WORKBOOK.TBK 1. In the Script window, type the following script: to handle buttonUp go to next page end buttonUp 2. Choose Exit/Update from the Script menu or press Ctrl+S. 3. Click OK in the Button Properties dialog box.button to display the Script window. (continued) 2. In the Script window, type the following script: to handle buttonUp go to next page end buttonUp 3. Choose Exit/Update from the Script menu or press Ctrl+S. Writing a simple navigation script, continued Writing a simple navigation script, continueddd Copying a button and editing its script Copying a button and editing its script 1. Select the Next button. 2. Choose Copy, then Paste from the Edit menu. 3. Move the copied button. 4. Shift+double-click the button. 5. Change the button's label from Next to Previous. 6. Click the Script button. 7. Change next to previous in the script. 8. Choose Exit/Update from the Script menu. 9. Click OK in the dialog box. 10. Switch to Reader level (F3) and click the buttons.. Previous buttons. Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, create navigation scripts in the new-employee orientation book that you created in the last module. Ask your instructor for the practice handout with steps to follow. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know............ Practice: Create navigation scripts in ORIENT.TBK Practice: Create navigation scripts in ORIENT.TBK Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Bouncing ball Moving an object Pasting a recording into the Script window Pasting a recording into the Script window 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the Move button. 2. Choose Paste Recording from the Edit menu in the Script window. 3. Press Ctrl+S to update the script. 4. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 5. Click the Move button to test the script. 6. Press F3 to switch to Author level. Correcting errors Recording a script with errors Recording a script with errors 1. Choose Start Recording from the Edit menu. 2. Select the purple square and move it, click the page, then click the purple square and move it again. 3. Select the Oops! button and move it, then move it back to its original position. 5. Select the purple square again and move it some more. 4. Choose Stop Recording. Correcting errors Recording a script with errors, continued Recording a script with errors, continued 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the Oops! button. 2. Choose Paste Recording from the Edit menu in the Script window. 3. Press Ctrl+S to save the script. 4. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 5. Click the Oops! button to test the script. 6. Press F3 to switch back to Author level. sson Controls System Reader 12,41 enterBook enterBook Reader sizeToPage `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| 9_D|D| instruction opens HISTORY.TBK another instance Reader 12,41 toolbook .tbk" x"OK" $.exe enterBook enterBook Reader sizeToPage name of this book history.tbk toolbook.exe history.tbk toolbook Working with Books --positions the instruction opens HISTORY.TBK another instance Reader toolbook .tbk" x"OK" $.exe 300,8" 281,110" M"recorder. "Which zyou want work f"Exercise" "Instruction" "Cancel" "Choose Author Edit exercise o Book - Linking" x"OK" 300,8" x"OK" "anem handler causes RECORDER. tandem. --The determines which --workbook will be shown. @showMyWindow message activates turned remoteCmd & ";"\ eBook enterBook author enterbackground leaveBook enterpage enterBook Reader sizeToPage name of this book history.tbk toolbook.exe history.tbk move mainwindow to 300,8 history.tbk move toolpalette to 281,110 history.tbk toolbook leaveBook name of this book history.tbk send exit history.tbk name of this book recorder.tbk send exit recorder.tbk toolbook author Which book do you want to work in? Exercise Instruction Cancel Choose Author from the Edit menu in the exercise book. Instruction Exercise enterbackground Instruction Book - Linking name of this book history.tbk toolbook.exe history.tbk move mainwindow to 300,8 history.tbk name of this book recorder.tbk send exit recorder.tbk name of this book recorder.tbk toolbook.exe recorder.tbk anem of this book history.tbk send exit history.tbk toolbook enterpage send showMyWindow go to page recorder.tbk toolbook remoteCmd Instruction Book - Linking 4whatsitdo uttonDown rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonDown whatsitdo rightButtonUp whatsitdo nextpage nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage previouspage buttonUp buttonUp restore restorepage +(R[# --Sends a message the workbook instance ToolBook buttonUp buttonUp send restore ToolBook backtocontents Click this button to display the table of contents for the online workbooks.. restorepage Click this button to restore an exercise page to its original condition. ks.. previouspage Click this button to display the previous page of workbooks.. nextpage Click this button to display the next page of workbooks.. Click this button to close the online workbooks and return to Windows.books.. --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw backtocontents 8"WORKBOOK.TBK" buttonUp buttonUp WORKBOOK.TBK Part I title In this series of exercises you'll learn how to create hotwords and buttons and use ToolBook's linking options to create scripts that navigate to other pages. You'll also learn how to create simple scripts by typing them in the Script window. This instruction book does not automatically activate the exercise book, HISTORY.TBK. To work in HISTORY.TBK, click its window. read instructions in this book, click this window. Part I - Linking options for hotwords and buttons Part I - Linking options for hotwords and buttons Naming object Naming objects Naming objects 1. Record moving the green ball on the page. 2. Paste the recording into the script for the Without Name button. 3. Shift+double-click the button and type Green Dot in the Name box. 4. Record moving the ball a second time and paste the recording into the script for the With Name button. 5. Switch to Reader level and test the scripts. (continued on next page...) Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, create hotwords on the title page of HISTORY.TBK and link them to PRODUCTS.TBK and NWSTAFF.TBK. Ask your instructor for the practice handout with steps to follow. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know..know. Practice: Link hotwords in HISTORY.TBK HISTORY.TBKKK Practice: Link hotwords in HISTORY.TBK Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Congratulations! You've finished the exercises on linking hotwords and buttons. You now know how to: * Create hotwords and buttons * Use Link To and Link With to create navigation scripts * Change the label and border style of a button * Display the Script window * Create navigation scripts If you are continuing on to the script recorder, go to the next page. If not, click here to return to the table of contents. contents. Conclusion: Linking options Conclusion: Linking optionssssssssssssssssssssssssss 1. Go to page 1 (the first page of company history). 2. Choose Show Hotwords from the Text menu. Show Hotwords outlines each hotword in a book so you can see them. 3. Double-click the field to place the insertion point. 4. Select the name "John Rothmeyer." 5. Choose Create Hotword from the Text menu. in a book so you can see them. 5. Select "John Rothmeyer." 6. Choose Create Hotword from the Text menu. Creating hotwords Creating hotwords 1. Select the Company History button. 2. Choose Button Properties from the Object menu. 3. Click the Link To button. 4. Go to page 2. 5. Click OK in the Link To dialog box..Click OK in the Link To dialog box. Linking a button to a pagee Linking a button to a pagee 1. Press F4 to switch to the background. 2. Select the record field. 3. Choose Record Field Properties from the Object menu. 4. Check Activate Scripts. 5. Click OK. 6. Press F4 to switch to the foreground. 7. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 8. Click the John Rothmeyer hotword. 9. Choose Back from the Page menu. 10. Press F3 to switch to Author level. E Activating a field so scripts will run Activating a field so scripts will run 1. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 2. Click the Company History button. ToolBook displays the page you linked to. 3. Choose Back from the Page menu to return to the title page. 4. Press F3 to return to Author level. Author level. history page. 5. Press F3 to return to Author level. Author level. Testing a script at Reader level Testing a script at Reader level 1. Select the Key Staff button. 2. Choose Button Properties from the Object menu and click Link With. 3. Go to page 4 (the page with John Rothmeyer's biography). 4. Click OK in the Link With dialog box. When you choose Link With instead of Link To, ToolBook creates a button on the destination page with a script that returns to the page you started from. returns to the page you started from. Linking a button with a pagee Linking a button with a pagee 1. Select the button created by Link With. 2. Choose Button Properties from the Object menu. 3. Change the label to Title Page and click OK. 4. Move the button to the lower right corner of the page. 5. Size the button by dragging one of its selection handles. 6. Press F3 to switch to Reader level. 7. Click the button to test its script. 8. Press F3 to switch to Author level. level. Changing the button created by Link Withh Changing the button created by Link With Conclusion: The script recorder Conclusion: The script recorder Congratulations! You've finished the series of exercises on the script recorder. You now know how to: * Turn the recorder on and off * Record moving and sizing objects, and changing an object's pattern * Display the Script window for an object * Paste a recording into the Script window * Edit a recording in the Script window. Click here to return to the table of contents. --This handler blocks the message traveling up , because either there's no exercise that corresponds cstudent responsible flipping enterpage enterpage Naming a pages Naming a pages 1. Go to page 5 (the page with Susan Hotchkiss' biography). 2. Choose Page Properties from the Object menu. 3. Type Hotchkiss in the Name box and click OK. B P%@