1. Choose Book Properties from the Object menu. 2. Click Page Size in the dialog box. 3. Choose a page size, or drag the page outline to the size you want. 4. Click OK to dismiss the Page Size dialog box. 5. Click OK to dismiss the Book Properties dialog box. Changing a book's page sizee Changing a book's page size 1. Choose Save from the File menu or press Ctrl+S. Notice that the pointer changes to an hourglass while ToolBook is saving the book. 2. Choose Save As from the File menu. 3. Type MYBOOK in the File Name box. ToolBook supplies the extension .TBK if you don't type an extension. 4. Click OK. 5. Choose Open from the File menu and type HISTORY to open HISTORY.TBK again. e HISTORY to open HISTORY.TBK again. Saving a book Saving a book Unlike the instruction books for previous modules, this instruction book does not automatically activate the exercise book, HISTORY.TBK. To work in HISTORY.TBK, click its window. l of it. Then, to read instructions in this book, click this window. To work in HISTORY.TBK, click its window. instructions in this book, click this window. About these workbooks About these workbooks Practice what you've learned by creating a new-employee orientation book for Northwest Best. Ask your instructor for the practice handout with steps to follow. Practice: Create an employee orientation book Practice: Create an employee orientation book Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. 1. Choose Book Properties from the Object menu. 2. Type a caption of your choice in the Caption box. 3. Click Show Caption In Title Bar so that it is checked. 3. Click OK. Giving a caption to a book Giving a caption to a book This module covers creating and working with pages, backgrounds and books. You'll add, delete, and move pages, create a new background and place objects on it, and create a new book. Read the steps to follow in this book, then do the exercise in the other book. Use the controls below to work through the exercises. Point to a control and hold down the right mouse button to find out what the control does...e control does.ok, then do the exercise in the other book. Use the controls below to work through the exercises. Point to a control and hold down the right mouse button to find out what the control does... Module 4: Pages, backgrounds, and books Module 4: Pages, backgrounds, and booksss, and books Sizing the ToolBook window to fit the page 1. Drag the border of the window to change the size of the window. 2. Choose Size To Page from the Control menu. Sizing the ToolBook window to fit the page Instruction Book Congratulations! You've finished the exercises for working with books. You now know how to: * Add, delete, and move pages in a book * Create a new background and place objects on it * Change the color and pattern of a background * Save a book * Print pages * Create a new book Click here to return to the table of contents.the table of contents. of contents.eturn to the table of contents.able of contents.jects Click here to return to the table of contents.. Conclusion: Working with books Conclusion: Working with bookssbackgrounds, and books sson Controls System Reader 12,41 enterBook enterBook Reader sizeToPage `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| --positions the instruction opens HISTORY.TBK another instance Reader 12,41 toolbook .tbk" x"OK" $.exe enterBook enterBook Reader sizeToPage name of this book history.tbk toolbook.exe history.tbk toolbook Working with Books --positions the instruction opens HISTORY.TBK another instance Reader toolbook .tbk" x"OK" $.exe 300,8" 281,110" "Which zyou want work f"Exercise" "Instruction" "Cancel" "Choose Author Edit exercise terBook leaveBook enterBook author enterBook Reader sizeToPage name of this book history.tbk toolbook.exe history.tbk move mainwindow to 300,8 history.tbk move toolpalette to 281,110 history.tbk toolbook leaveBook name of this book history.tbk send exit history.tbk toolbook author Which book do you want to work in? Exercise Instruction Cancel Choose Author from the Edit menu in the exercise book. Instruction Exercise Instruction Book 4whatsitdo uttonDown rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonDown whatsitdo rightButtonUp whatsitdo nextpage nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage previouspage buttonUp buttonUp restore restorepage +(R[# --Sends a message the workbook instance ToolBook buttonUp buttonUp send restore ToolBook backtocontents Click this button to display the table of contents for the online workbooks.. restorepage Click this button to restore an exercise page to its original condition. ks.. previouspage Click this button to display the previous page of instructions.ne workbooks.. nextpage Click this button to display the next page of instructions.online workbooks.. Click this button to close the online workbooks and return to Windows.books.. --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw backtocontents 8"WORKBOOK.TBK" buttonUp buttonUp WORKBOOK.TBK 1. Choose New Page from the Page menu in HISTORY.TBK. ToolBook adds a new page. Notice that the new page has many of the same features as the page before it. That's because they share the same background. Also notice the status box: the book now has 7 pages instead of 6. Adding a page Adding a page ToolBook "More" 8"lessons.tbk" "..." buttonUp buttonUp pageNumber of this page lessons.tbk ToolBook ToolBook "More" 8"lessons.tbk" "..." buttonUp buttonUp pageNumber of this page lessons.tbk ToolBook 1. Point to the page icon in the status box in the lower left corner of the window. 2. Hold down the Shift key and click the left mouse button. 3. Choose Cut from the Edit menu. Cut places the page on the Windows Clipboard so you can paste the page somewhere else. 4. Click OK in the message box. Cutting or clearing a page cannot be reversed with the Undo command, so the message gives you a chance to change your mind. Notice the status box: the book now has 6 pages.6 pages. Deleting a page Deleting a page 1. Go to the last page in the book (Ctrl+Down Arrow). 2. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. Notice the status box: the pasted page is now page 7 of 7 pages. in the book. the page Moving a page by cutting and pasting it Moving a page by cutting and pasting it 1. Choose Page Properties from the Object menu. 2. Type the number 1 in the Page box and click OK. Notice the status box: the page is now page 1. 3. Select the page (Shift+click the status box) and choose Clear from the Edit menu, then click OK in the message box. Clear deletes the page without placing it on the Clipboard. The status box shows that the book has 6 pages. Moving a page by changing its number Moving a page by changing its numberr 1. Choose Print Pages from the File menu. 2. Select the 2 x 4 arrangement in the Arrangements box. 3. Click Preview. ToolBook shows how the printed pages will look. 4. When you finish with the Preview window, choose Exit Preview from the File menu....... Printing pages Printing pages Changing the color of a backgroundd 1. Switch to the background (F4). 2. Choose Background Properties from the Object menu. 3. Click Colors in the dialog box. 4. Click the stroke and fill colors you want in the color tray. 5. When you finish choosing colors, click OK in the dialog box. colors, click OK in the dialog box. Changing the color of a background Changing the pattern of a backgroundddd 1. Choose Background Properties from the Object menu. 2. Click Patterns in the dialog box. 3. Click the pattern you want in the pattern palette. 4. Click OK in the dialog box. 5. Press F4 to switch to the foreground. Changing the pattern of a background 1. Choose New Background from the Page menu. ToolBook creates a new page with an empty background. 2. Press F4 to switch to the background. 3. Choose Background Properties from the Object menu. 4. Click the Colors and Pattern buttons, choose colors and a pattern, then click OK in the dialog box. Creating a new background othm{ Creating a new background 1. Choose Background from the Page menu, or press F4. 2. Choose the regular field tool from the tool palette and draw a field, then double-click the field and type your name. 2. Choose a drawing tool and draw an object. 3. Press F4 to switch to the foreground. 4. Choose New Page from the Page menu. Notice that the objects you placed on the background show up on both pages that share the background........ Placing objects on the background Placing objects on the background 1. Choose Run from the Control menu and open CLIPART.TBK. In the Directories list, double-click [..], then double-click [toolbook]. In the Files list, double-click CLIPART.TBK. 2. Switch to Author level (F3), select a graphic, and choose Copy from the Edit menu. 3. Click HISTORY.TBK to make it active, then switch to the background and choose Paste from the Edit menu. 5, Switch to the foreground (F4) and look at the two pages that share this background... Switch to the foreground (F4) and look at the two pages that share this background. Placing objects on the background (contd.)))))) Placing objects on the background Practice what you've learned by copying the presentation title page you created in the last module to HISTORY.TBK. Ask your instructor for the practice handout with steps to follow..... Practice: Copy your title page to HISTORY.TBK Practice: Copy your title page to HISTORY.TBK Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Creating a new book 1. Choose New from the File menu. ToolBook creates a new book with one page. Both the foreground and background are empty. click Show Caption In Title Bar so that it is checked. 4. Click OK. 4. Click Page Size in the dialog box. 5. Choose a page size, or drag the page outline to the size you want. 6. Click OK. Creating a new book