Part II title Creating record fields II g ASCII file II Printing reports Creating record fields Practice II Conclusion part II Shadowed text ercises --block the message so exercises --doesn't flipped enterpage enterpage This concludes the additional exercises for working with fields and text. We hope the exercises have given you ideas for more things to try in ToolBook. Let your instructor know you have finished. If you haven't done the practice exercise yet, ask for the handout. Then click the Practice button to continue. If you have done the practice exercise, click the Done button. End of more exercises End of more exercises "Instructions practices are xincluded release Learning ToolBook." buttonUp buttonUp Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Practice "Conclusion part I" buttonUp buttonUp Conclusion part I object pattern Practice I More Exercises Arranging columns Arranging columns of text and numbersss Arranging columns of text and numbers 1. Move the three tall fields together horizonally so they look like a single field. 2. Select the three fields and use the Align command to align them by their tops. 3. Move the small fields down over each column of numbers. 4. Draw a rectangle that covers all of the fields. Color it or give it a pattern if you like. 5. Select the rectangle and choose Send To Back from the Object menu........... Part I title In this series of exercises, you'll learn how to use the field tool to create fields on the page and use the Field Properties command to change a field's border style. You'll also learn how to type and edit text in a field and how to change the character and paragraph format of text. Working with fields and text - Part I Working with fields and text - Part I Part II title In this series of exercises you'll learn how to create record fields, a special kind of field that gives text a consistent structure from page to page. A record field exists on the background of a page, but its text exists on the page itself so the text can differ from page to page. (Backgrounds are covered in more detail in Module 4.) You'll also learn how to import an ASCII file into ToolBook to create a simple database. Working with fields and text - Part 2I Working with fields and text - Part 2I Labeling graphics Labeling a graphic Labeling a graphic 1. Select the five label fields and change their basic text format to Helv Bold Italic. 2. Choose Transparent from the Draw menu. 3. Arrange the fields close to, but not covering, the parts of the graphic they describe. 4. Display the line palette and choose the second-thinnest solid line. 5. Draw lines from the graphic to the fields.e graphic to the fields. Shadowed text Creating shadowed text Creating shadowed text 1. Select the field and choose Transparent from the Draw menu. 2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu, then choose Paste. 3. Use the color tray to change the stroke color of the field to white. 4. Drag the field up and slightly to the left so you can see a little of the black text beneath. Transparent from the Draw menu. 2. Select the top field and change its stroke color to white. 3. Drag the top field over the bottom field so that the top field is offset slightly up and to the left of the bottom field..................... Module 3 title Paragraph format Creating fields Formatting text II ore exercises Changing field style Using tabs Setting tabs Changing field color Formatting text Selecting text Cutting copying pasting Basic text format on of objects Importing ASCII file Controlling tabbing Arranging columns Shadowed text Practice I Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, create a title page for a sales presentation. Drag the exercise book to the left to work with the whole page. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know. If you haven't done the additional exercises, click the More Exercises button. If you've already completed the additional exercises, go on to the next page................................ Practice Practice "Arranging buttonUp buttonUp Arranging columns More Exercises Formatting text II Formatting text, continued Formatting text, continued 1, Select "Times Roman" in the second paragraph. 2. Choose Character from the Text menu. 3. Select Tms Rmn in the Typeface list. 4. Click OK. 5. Use the Character command to change the words "Helvetica" and "Courier" to those fonts. 6. Select any text and use the Character command to experiment with sizes and styles................. Basic text format Changing a field's basic text format Changing a field's basic text format 1. Select a field and choose the Character command. 2. Choose a different type face. 3. Click OK. 4. Experiment with selecting fields and changing their typeface, style, and point size....... Paragraph format Changing a field's paragraph format Changing a field's paragraph format 1. Select the field. 2. Choose Paragraph from the Text menu. 3. Type 0.1 in the first line, left, and right indent boxes. 4. Drag the Paragraph dialog box out of the way, then click Apply. 5. Try other indent settings and click Apply to see the result. 6. Choose an alignment and click Apply 7. Try other alignments and click Apply to see the result. 8. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box. Importing ASCII file You are going to import an ASCII file into the exercise book. The field in the exercise book shows the contents of the ASCII file so you can see what it looks like. When you import the file, ToolBook will create a new background and three new pages, and will display the first new page. Go to the next page for more instructions..his page again. Drag this field to the right to see the steps to follow now. Importing an ASCII file Importing an ASCII file GETMENUSTATE Importing ASCII file 1. Choose Import from the File menu. 2. Select CATALOG.ASC in the list of files. 3. Click OK. 4. Press F4 to switch to the background. 5. Select, move, and size the record fields so you can see all the text. Press F4 to switch to the foreground to see how the text looks. 6. When you finish arranging the record fields, press F4 to switch to the foreground and press Ctrl+Right Arrow to flip through the three pages. Importing an ASCII file, continued Importing an ASCII file, continued Creating record fields 1. Switch to the background (F4). 2. Select the record field tool and draw a record field next to "Name." The record field tool is under the button tool on the tool palette. 3. Switch to the foreground (F4). 4. Double-click the Name field and type your name. Press Tab and fill in the rest of the information about yourself. Notice how the insertion point jumps from field to field? You'll correct that shortly.......... Creating record fields Creating record fields Creating record fields 1. Choose New Page from the Page menu. 2. Double-click the Name field and type the name of the person sitting next to you. Fill in the rest of the information about that person.. Creating record fields, continued Creating record fields, continuedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd More exercises --block the message so exercises --doesn't flipped enterpage enterpage You've completed this series of exercises for working with fields and text. Let your instructor know that you've finished. If the rest of the class is still working, go to the next page and work through the additional exercises. Or ask the instructor for the handout for the first practice exercise, and click the Practice button..e.he next page.n. More exercises?or practicee More exercises?or practice "Instructions practices are xincluded release Learning ToolBook." buttonUp buttonUp Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook. Practice Conclusion part II --block the message so exercises --doesn't flipped enterpage enterpage Congratulations! You've finished the second series of exercises for working with fields and text. You now know how to: * Import an ASCII file into ToolBook * Create record fields * Type text in record fields * Change the tabbing order between fields. * Produce a report from a book with record fields and view the report in the Preview window. Click here to return to the table of contents..... Conclusion: Working with fields and text Conclusion: Working with fields and text Creating record fields 1. Switch to the background (F4). 2. Hold down Shift and double-click the Name record field. 3. In the Record Field Properties dialog box, change the layer number to 1. 4. Change the layer numbers for the other record fields as follows: Height 2 Eyes 3 Hair 4 Marks 5 5. Switch to the foreground and press Tab to test the tabbing order....... Controlling tabbing between fields Controlling tabbing between fields Printing reports Printing reports Printing reports 1. Choose Print Report from the File menu. 2. In the Print Report dialog box, select Name and click Add, then do the same for Phone and Projects. 3. Choose Groups. 4. Click Preview. ToolBook displays the Preview window and shows what the first page of the report will look like. to the next page for more instructions. norestore "Cannot buttonUp buttonUp Cannot restore this page. Conclusion part I Printing reports 1. Choose Show Margins from the Settings menu. 2. Drag the rightmost column boundary out to the right margin line. 3. Choose Zoom from the Settings menu. 4. Scroll the page in the Preview window, then choose Zoom again to go back to normal view. 5. Choose Exit Preview from the File menu. 6. Choose Exit from the File menu to close the roster..... Printing reports, continuedd Printing reports, continued norestore "Cannot buttonUp buttonUp Cannot restore this page. Practice II Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, design and create a personal address book. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know. ice button. Practice Practice Labeling graphics Conclusion part I Conclusion: Working with fields and text - Part I Conclusion: Working with fields and text - Part I Congratulations! You've finished the first series of exercises for working with fields and text. You now know how to: * Create fields on the page * Change the border style and color of fields * Type, edit, and format text in fields * Set and use tabs in fields If you are continuing on to Part II, go to the next page. If not, click here to return to the table of contents. --block the message so exercises --doesn't flipped enterpage enterpage `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| --positions the instruction opens exercise another instance Reader toolbook M"fields.tbk" x"OK" "Which zyou want work f"Exercise" "Instruction" "Cancel" "Choose Author Edit handler causes books tandem. --The determines which --workbook will be shown. AshowMyWindow message activates turned remoteCmd & ";"\ leaveBook enterBook author enterpage enterBook Reader sizeToPage name of this book fields.tbk toolbook.exe fields.tbk toolbook leaveBook name of this book fields.tbk send exit fields.tbk toolbook author Which book do you want to work in? Exercise Instruction Cancel Choose Author from the Edit menu in the exercise book. Instruction Exercise enterpage send showMyWindow go to page fields.tbk toolbook remoteCmd go to page fields.tbk toolbook remoteCmd lastWorkPage cise book. Instruction Exercise enterpage exerpage fields.tbk set pagevar to the text of field "exerpage" of page 1;go to page pagevar fields.tbk toolbook toolbook Creating fields 1. Choose the field tool on the tool palette. The field tool is the first tool under the zoom tool on the tool palette. 2. Draw a field........... Creating fields Creating fields Changing field style Changing a field's style Changing a field's style 1. Select one of the fields. 2. Choose Field Properties from the Object menu. 3. In the Field Properties dialog box, choose a border style. 4. Choose OK in the dialog box. 5. Hold down the Shift key and double-click a field. 6. Experiment with the other border styles. Check Baselines or Transparent to see the effect. Instruction Book 4whatsitdo uttonDown rightButtonDown rightButtonUp rightButtonDown whatsitdo rightButtonUp whatsitdo --close ;the exercise instruction those are -only books also exits ToolBook. "Do you want fworkbooks quit table contents, resume working?" f"Quit" "Contents" "Resume" toolbook .tbk" Cancel buttonUp buttonUp Do you want to close the workbooks and quit ToolBook, go back to the workbook table of contents, or resume working? Contents Resume send exit workbook.tbk Contents toolbook nextpage nextpage buttonUp buttonUp previouspage previouspage buttonUp buttonUp restore message the exercise --original toolbook }.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp send restore objects.tbk toolbook restorepage +(R[# --Sends a message the workbook instance ToolBook buttonUp buttonUp send restore ToolBook backtocontents Click this button to display the table of contents for the online workbooks.. restorepage Click this button to restore an exercise page to its original condition. ks.. previouspage Click this button to display the previous page of workbooks.. nextpage Click this button to display the next page of workbooks.. Click this button to close the online workbooks and return to Windows.books.. backtocontents :PHYSSIZE wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww| ooooooooooooooooog} ooooooooooooooooog ooooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooo` ooooooo` oooooooooooog| ooooooooooooog| ooooooooooooooooogw 8"WORKBOOK.TBK" buttonUp buttonUp WORKBOOK.TBK Module 3 title This module covers creating and working with fields and text. In Part I, you'll create fields, type text in them, and change the way they look. In Part II you'll use record fields to create a simple database. Read the steps to follow in this book, then click the other book and do the exercise. Use the controls below to work through the exercises. Point to a control and hold down the right mouse button to find out what the control does.he control does.. Module 3: Working with fields and text - Part I Module 3: Working with fields and text - Part I "Part I title" buttonUp buttonUp Part I title "Part II title" buttonUp buttonUp Part II title Instruction Book Changing field color 1. Hold down Ctrl and double-click the rectangle tool on the tool palette to display the color tray. 2. Select a field. 3. Change the field's stroke and fill colors. Remember that if you assign a dithered color to a field, ToolBook displays the nearest solid color. 4. Experiment with different combinations of stroke and fill colors to see how they look.... Changing a field's color Changing a field's color Creating fields 1. Choose the selection arrow on the tool palette. 2. Point to the field and double-click the left mouse button. 3. Type your name, address, and telephone number in the field. Press Enter to start a new line. Press Backspace and retype to correct typing errors. Typing text in a field Typing text in a field Using tabs 1. In the top field, double-click to the right of the "1." 2. Press Ctrl+Tab. In ToolBook, the Tab key moves the focus among fields and buttons on the page. To insert a tab in text, press Ctrl+Tab. 3. Type the name of your favorite vacation spot. 4. Press Tab. 5. Move the insertion point after the word "Lunch." 6. Press Ctrl+Tab and type how much you spent for lunch yesterday................ Typing tabs in fields Typing tabs in fields Setting tabs Setting tabs in fields Setting tabs in fields 1. Select the field, or double-click it. 2. Choose Paragraph from the Text menu. 3. Change the tab interval in the dialog box. In ToolBook, you set the interval between tabs for the field, rather than setting individual tab stops like you do in a word processor.... Part I title Typing text Selecting text Selecting text in a field Selecting text in a field 1. Double-click the field. 2. Point to the beginning of the first paragraph and press the left mouse button. 3. Drag the mouse to the right until the whole line is highlighted. 4. Double-click the word "action" in the first paragraph. 5. Click the beginning of the second paragraph. 6. Hold down the Shift key and click the space after the word "text."""""""""""" Cutting copying pasting Cutting, copying, and pasting text Cutting, copying, and pasting text 1. Select the sentence. 2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu. 3. Click under the sentence and choose Paste from the Edit menu. 4. Paste the sentence several more times, pressing Enter after each time. 5. In one of the sentences, select the word "not." 6. Choose Cut from the Edit menu. 7. Choose Cut from the Edit menu. Formatting text Formatting text Formatting text 1. Select "Dreadful Lies" in the first line of the poem. 2. Choose Underline from the Text menu. 3. Double-click the word "Gasp" in the second line. 4. Choose Bold from the Text menu. 5. Select the word "killed" in the sixth line. 6. Choose Italic from the Text menu............. Practice I Using the ToolBook skills you've learned so far, create a title page for a sales presentation. Drag the exercise book to the left to work with the whole page. When you finish the practice, let your instructor know. If you haven't done the additional exercises, click the More Exercises button. If you've already completed the additional exercises, go on to the next page................................ Practice Practice "Arranging buttonUp buttonUp Arranging columns More Exercises Instructions for practices are not included in this release of Learning ToolBook.