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TRANSACTION FILE LOST!!!U SORT EMPLOYEES Sort Can Hold Records in memory SORT ERROR#NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT EMPLOYEES Sorting Accounts by EMPLOYEE NUMBER ORDER SORT COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY# ERROR: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT&WRITE ERROR: DISK BAD/FULL DURING SORT'READ ERROR: DISK READ ERROR DURING SORT& WRITE ERROR: SORT FILE CREATION ERROR SORT ABORTED BY USER " SORT ERROR: SORT NOT COMPLETED WARNING Remove SORT DISK from $: and replace with PROGRAM DISK NOW!U .PRAU Please Wait Loading Employee Accounts ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD EMPLOYEE ACCOUNTSU ADD EMPLOYEE ' ACCT # --------- EMPLOYEE ----------- 3 Help Add Mod Del Exit MODIFY EMPLOYEE U YEAR TO DATE H------- EARNINGS ------- -- DEDUCTIONS -- ----- NON-TAXABLE ------ -- CURRENT BALANCE --- Salary/Wages: Earnings: Extra Earnings: EIC Earnings: Tip Earnings: SoSec Wages: HI Wages: FUTA Wages: 401K Account: Wages: SoSec: EXTRA: 401K: Tips: Deduct: Extra Deduct: Vacation Hours: Sick Hours:U #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP ERROR?Extra earnings account must be set-up in configuration settingsAExtra deductions account must be set-up in configuration settings INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE Account must be type "E" Invalid Account, Add Account?U }#Et( Employee: Active: Dept: Name: Address: City: State: Zipcode: Phone: Comments: Marital: Hire Date: Hourly/Salary: Frequency: Payrate: Overtime1: Overtime2: Holiday: Deduction: FWH: Pay: SS/HI: FUTA: STATE ANNUAL:Exemption: Tx Credit: EXTRA TAXES: Federal: EXTRA AMOUNT: Earnings: Deduction: 401K Plan Deduct/Check: Accrual Rate: Vacation: Sick: Wages Expense Account: State/City Tax Table: State withhold % of FWH: % Active, Maximum is INVALID TYPE(Wages account must be a expense account. Change Year-to-Date Information ERROR8Maximum number of employees reached - employee not addedU #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP #tRSP }#Et0 READING Checking for Transactions: 1: #####U DELETE EMPLOYEE: , Are you sure: DELETE EMPLOYEE&EMPLOYEE CAN NOT HAVE ANY TRANSACTIONS .PRAU ADD EMPLOYEE U SELECT EMPLY NUMBER Help Add Exit [ s } !-!7!r! "7"A"|" ")#A#K# #3$H$ $#%0%d% &?&^&f&k& '<'e' ' (2([( (()Q)z) *G*p* +=+f+ ,3,\, ->-g- .4.]. /*/S/|/ / 0I0r0 1?1h1 3(323=3R3`3m3w3 3>4Z4r4 5G5j5y5~5 9Q9d9o9 : :8:E:[:s: ;;;C;Y;q; <2&>>>Z>p> ?#?+?A?Y?u? ? @6@q@ A)AAA]AsA B;BCBYBqB C5C?CWCmC D-DhD~D E E[EqE FNFdF GAGWG G&H+H0H=HBHxH I2IeI J(J-JpJ|J KFKfK~K L*LXLkL~L M7NBNON O(O-OKOuO Q&QGQQQ]Q TGTLT_TjT}T U+UEU{U ERROR9G/L interface account number is wrong type (i.e. L or E). G/L interface account numbers.U Please Wait%Initializing checkwriting parameters.U 9999999 Oth-1 Oth-2 Oth-5 Oth-6U Account file size: Free disk space: Reading Account: Compare Counter: Sort will free Bytes of disk space from deleted Accounts.U Writing Account: WRITE ERROR%FATAL WRITE ERROR, FILE NOT SORTED!!! FATAL ERROR,ERROR WRITING FILE. TRANSACTION FILE LOST!!!U SORT G/L ACCOUNTS Sort Can Hold Records in memory SORT ERROR"NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT ACCOUNTS Sorting Accounts by ACCOUNT NUMBER ORDER SORT COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY# ERROR: NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO SORT&WRITE ERROR: DISK BAD/FULL DURING SORT'READ ERROR: DISK READ ERROR DURING SORT& WRITE ERROR: SORT FILE CREATION ERROR SORT ABORTED BY USER " SORT ERROR: SORT NOT COMPLETED WARNING Remove SORT DISK from $: and replace with PROGRAM DISK NOW!U .GLAU Please Wait Loading Chart of Accounts ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD CHART OF ACCOUNTSU !" must be LOWER than FIRST type "!" must be HIGHER than LAST type ""TYPE of Account is out of Sequence Account number for type " " accountU Number: Name: Type: Beg Bal: Active, Maximum is Accounts Out of Balance by: ERROR4Maximum accounts/memory reached - Account not added.U }#Au( ADD ACCOUNT U SELECT ACCOUNT NUMBER Help Add Exit $%$+$>$T$f$u$ &(&<& START not found Create new fileU TCB1.$$$ TCB2.$$$ TCB3.$$$ TCB4.$$$ TCB5.$$$ TCB6.$$$ TCB7.$$$ TCB8.$$$ TCB9.$$$- WARNING FILES=20 missing in CONFIG.SYS file > Use your text editor or word processing program to insert theC following lines in your CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS power-up disk. FILES=20 BUFFERS=20@ CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.E Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running CHEQUE-IT-OUT.@ For further information see your Takin' Care of Business or DOS manual.U .GLAU TCB.CNF mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## .TMPP Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password U NON-REGISTERED COPY ) During your evaluation you have entered transactions.= We hope you have found this software suitable to your needs.2 To register your copy simply call us toll free at: 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-528-8989) to receive your complete registered legal copy. Wait.. 3 Wait.. Wait.. 0 You have entered over transactions!> You are violating EVALUATION aggreement by your continued use< of this software. To legally continue using Takin' Care of> Business, simply call us toll free at 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-/ 528-8989) to receive your own registered copy.'You are violating EVALUATION aggreementU * / D I ^ c x } . ; @ J \ a s x !!!+!:!C!]!j!|! "&"+"P"Y"b"k"t"y" &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t d!~! #5#K#P#W#s# &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t "2#C#,$