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FILES=20 BUFFERS=20@ CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.E Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running CHEQUE-IT-OUT.@ For further information see your Takin' Care of Business or DOS manual.U .GLAU TCB.CNF mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## Tr<.u .TMPP Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password U \*.GLA SELECT DATAFILE DISK DRIVE: PATH: FILENAME: Help NON-REGISTERED COPY ) During your evaluation you have entered transactions.= We hope you have found this software suitable to your needs.2 To register your copy simply call us toll free at: 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-528-8989) to receive your complete registered legal copy. Wait.. 3 Wait.. Wait.. 0 You have entered over transactions!> You are violating EVALUATION aggreement by your continued use< of this software. To legally continue using Takin' Care of> Business, simply call us toll free at 1-800-245-7789 (or 719-/ 528-8989) to receive your own registered copy.'You are violating EVALUATION aggreementU * / D I ^ c x } ) ? p !"!*!2!:!P!i! "-"2"A"X" #+#C#M#b# $#$2$C$V$[$ '*'D'V'd'q'v' (2(J(R(W(a(p(y( )!)3)8)A)J)S)\)a) *$*1* &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t d!~! #5#K#P#W#s# ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZU ! H x q &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t 3 G [ !c"t"]#