------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Address Book Solution Tips Page 1 (C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is a list of a few tips to make using The Address Book Solution easier. - Press the F1 function key at any time to receive context sensitive help. - When entering records with similar information (such as family members with the same address), use the arry option from the Add menu to carry the information forward to the next entry. This will save data entry time. - Although 30 major categories is usually enough, there are times when more are needed, or entries should cross categories. Rather than using a different category for everything under the sun, enter codes into either the CODE field, or use one of the note lines for these codes. For example, if a club has members and non-members, as well as different types of each, don't use an individual category for each membership group. Instead, use category 1 for members, and category 2 for non-members. Then enter codes such as 'SR', 'JR', 'BG' in the third note line, separating each with at least one space. When printing, choose the desired category(s), as well as enter the following on the filter line: 'SR'$UPPER(NOTE3) to select only SR members or 'SR'$NOTE3 .OR. 'JR'$NOTE3 to select JR or SR members Another example: A law office of ten lawyers may have several lists, one for personal friends, individuals to include in a Christmas mailing, clients, prospective clients, various types of clients, etc. Since an individual may fall into more than one of these groups, use the categories (1-10) to represent each lawyer, then enter codes into the third note line to represent the other groups. For example, enter 'CC' and 'PC' to represent an individual who is a prospective client (PC) and who should receive a Christmas card (CC). If the individual becomes a client, change the 'PC' to 'CL' (client). Entering the following on the filter line will select only prospective clients who should receive a Christmas card: 'CC'$UPPER(NOTE3) .AND. 'PC'$UPPER(NOTE3) For additional assistance or suggestions, please call tech support. This planning stage is important for printing information in the desired order later on. - Be consistent. For example, if 'Phone 1' is used to store business phone, and 'Phone 2' is for fax, do not enter a home phone in either field. Instead, enter the home phone in one of the note lines with a comment. Dates should be used in the same way. - Since the 'Last Updated' field contains the most recent date of entry/change, use the filter to print or view records updated within a certain period. For example, to print all entries added/changed between 6/1/90 and 6/7/90, type the following on the Print Filter expression line: UPDATED>=CTOD('06/01/90') .AND. UPDATED<=CTOD('06/07/90') - To pause or exit the program at any time, hold down the ALT key and type the letter Q (ALT-Q). It may take a moment (depending on what operation is currently running) before the program responds. You may then either resume program operation where it was paused, or Quit the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Address Book Solution Tips Page 2 (C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - In addition to miscellaneous comments, the note lines may also be used for other specific information, such as a person's position, name/job title, mailing name, etc. Printing information in any order is not currently supported, but is in TABS-Advanced. What to type in Note 1 Reason --------------------------- ------ Mr. Paul Miller, Programmer Combine name and title/position Dear Bob Personal salutation Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smith Include this in the note line 1 of the entry for Frank, and type a code such as FAM in the CODE field to designate family. In the entry for Mrs. Smith, do NOT include the FAM code in the CODE field. President Separate line for position/job title erge may be used to support the printing of lines in any order (i.e. Note Line 1 before Name, etc.). Use the ASCII text Merge file to enter the fields you wish to print, in the order you wish to print them. As previously mentioned, field selection will be supported directly from Pop-Up screens in TABS - Advanced. - If the program seems to lock up, or if information is not located properly when viewing, select eindex from the main menu. - To merge two TABS currently existing data files into a new file, do the following: 1. Make sure one of the files is the current file. To do so, choose elect Database from the main menu. 2. Transfer (Export) the data. 3. elect Database again, and choose the second file. 4. Transfer (Export) the data. 5. Create a new data file from elect Database on the main menu, then elect it to make it the active file. 6. Transfer (import) the data from the file(s) created in 2 & 4 above. - Before selecting elete from the main menu, select transfer to copy the records marked for deletion to a file, in the event that they should later be needed. Then run the elete routine. - Although up to 9 fields may be used for sorting, only use the fields and Sort Positions necessary. This will speed the sorting process.