SET COLOR TO &COLOR5 Press any key... MAIN MENU dd - Use the add mode only when entering completely NEW records. Press the escape key at any time while in ADD to bring up the add menu. dit - Use when you wish to change, search for, or delete/recall EXISTING information. Press enu while in edit to access the EDIT MENU. ategories - Allows changes to the 30 category descriptions.

rint - All printing (to a printer or file) is done through this routine. elete or Recall - This will either completely eliminate all records that are currently marked for deletion, or un-delete them. eindex - Allows you to select which field is used for Quick earching. You may select either the Name, Company, Phone 1 or 2 fields. If you are asked at any time to eindex, PLEASE DO SO! elect Database - Allows selection or creation of another database. ransfer - Import & Export Comma Delimited ASCII data. uit returns to the previous application; or quit & emove from memory EDIT MENU All Menu selections are made by pressing the associated letter. dit - Allows you to change information in the displayed record. ext,

revious - Displays the Next or Previous record. op, ottom - Displays the First or Last record (respectively). earch - Uses the index (for quick search) and other technics to find the desired record. elete/Undelete - The elete key (not the Delete key on your cursor pad) toggles the deleted status of the current record ON/OFF. You do not actually delete a record with this selection, but rather, you mark (or unmark) the record to be deleted. The actual deletion of records occurs from the Main Menu. opy - Allows you to copy parts of a record into your foreground application (word processor, etc.). NOTE: The ENTER key is used to return to the next line, and therefore may not work properly in a spreadsheet, unless one line at a time is being copied. ilter - Allows you to view selected records, based upon your criteria. emove Filter - Cancels the previous filter, so all records may be viewed. uit - Returns you to the Main Menu. enu - Pressing the enu key will popup this menu while in Edit. Additional help may be found by pressing the F1 key from a later selection. CATEGORY ENTRY Use the arrow keys to scroll through the category descriptions. Press the letter to enter a category. ACCEPT Press the letter to accept your changes, or to cancel the changes you have just made. Press the enu key to view the Edit Menu. SEARCH earching will locate the first record that matches the information you enter. Which field (Name, Company, Phone 1 or 2) used for Quick Search depends upon which field you have selected to use from eindex at the Main Menu. If the desired record is not found, you may either uit, ry again (using the same or different search information), or select the pproximate Search mode. This method will locate the next record that contains what you have entered as your search criteria. For example, if a search for Johnson Business Forms fails, change the name to Johnson, and select pproximate Search. This will locate the first record that contains Johnson in Company name. If it is not the record you desire, press ocate, which will Locate the next record that contains Johnson. You may continue ocating the next record, until the one you desire is found, or until there are no more records to search in the database. The Quick Search mode is almost instantaneous, whereas the pproximate Search with ocate may take a little longer. But, it is very flexible, and especially useful when you cannot remember the exact entry you are Searching for. Place in numeric order the fields you would like to copy into your foreground application. Place a 0 next to those fields you do not want to copy. When asked if info is okay, type es to copy data, o to change the copy order, or uit to exit without copying. EDIT FILTER A filter allows you to view only certain records that match the criteria you desire. For example, to view only those records that contain NY in the State field and whose Last name begins with the letter R, type the following: STATE= .AND. UPPER(LEFT(LNAME,1))= Another useful example of a filter would be to locate all entries that have a certain date in the note field (for example, so that you may return their call), you would type the following: 09/15/89 $(NOTE1+NOTE2+NOTE3) Once a filter is set up, ONLY those records matching it can be viewed. To view other records MATCHING this filter, use the

keys. To view other records, either emove the filter, or set up another. Filters are very powerful and can be extremely helpful in locating specific records. Please refer to the documentation for further examples. Enter as much information as you feel is necessary. The Birthdate, Date 2, Code, Numeric and Decimal Numeric fields are for your own individual needs. To complete an entry without going through all of the fields, press the ESCape key. The ADD MENU will appear. NOTE: If the Category is not entered (for example, if you press the escape key) it will be set to Category 1 (the default). ADD MENU arry - Adds the current information to the data file, and Carries the data to the next screen (this saves data entry time). dd - Adds the current information to the data file, and leaves you at a blank entry screen to continue adding new records. dit - Allows you to change information before it is saved. uit - Leaves the ADD mode, and does NOT save the current screen. CATEGORIES To see your options, press the ESCape key. Select es to save the current information to the Category file, o to continue to make changes, or uit to exit without saving or keeping any changes you have just made. PRINT MENU ettings - Enter the output device (printer or file), categories to include, any filter you desire to place on the file, the information to include, and the sort order you desire. Once the settings have been made, you may print the desired information in one of the following formats: ook (to fit in a purse or shirt pocket), ards/Labels (for mailing labels, index cards, etc.), or a isting (in columnar format). You may also erge data with a text file in ASCII format (created with an editor or Word Processor), to suit your individual needs. uit returns you to the Main Menu. NOTE: Please make sure the printer is ON and in the CONDENSED print mode, when printing the ook, or any wide isting. PRINT SETTINGS ategories - Select ALL or SPECIFIC categories to output. ilter - Output only those records that match a certain criteria. rder - Select which data fields to output, their width, and in what order you desire to print them. estination - PRINTER (and printer port) or FILE (and file name). NOTE: Only FILTER is optional - , , and MUST BE MADE before printing anything! Only those records that are included in the selected categories AND in the FILTER will to be printed. PS CATEGORIES Select ll to print ALL categories, pecific to print only certain categories, or uit. If you select pecific, please place any character next to those categories you would like included in the output. Only those categories without a blank space next to them will be printed (and if a filter is setup, only those that ALSO match the filter criteria). PS FILTER A filter allows you to print only certain records that match the criteria you desire. For example, to print only those records that contain NY in the State field and whose Last name begins with the letter R, type the following: STATE= .AND. UPPER(LEFT(LNAME,1))= Another useful example of a filter would be to print all entries that have a certain date in the note field (for example, so that you may return their call), you would type the following: 09/15/89 $NOTE1+NOTE2+NOTE3 ONLY these filtered records will be printed. Filters are very flexible. Please refer to the documentation for further examples. PS ORDER To include a field, please place any character next to it (an X or an *), under the PRINT heading. For sorting purposes, place in order the fields to include in the sort. At least one sort field must be entered. Please do not duplicate sorts (i.e. do not place a 1 next to both the NAME and ZIP fields). For example, to sort by NAME within ZIP CODE within STATE, place the following in the ORDER column: 1 next to STATE, 2 next to ZIP, and 3 next to the NAME. Enter the number of significant positions to include in each sort field under the # SORT POS column. In our example above, the STATE field cannot be changed from 2 positions, but the NAME field can be increased or decreased (it is up to you). For the ZIP code, 5 characters would usually be enough, unless Canadian Zip codes exist in your file. In that case, use 6 for the ZIP. If you want to use the ZIP+4 to include the extra 4 digits in the Zip code, enter 10 for the number of significant SORT POSitions. The last column allows you to change the # of positions printed for each field when printing a Listing - ALL other output formats print the entire field, regardless of this width. When finished, press the ESCape key. Select es if this information is OK, o to make further changes, or uit to exit. When you select YES, you MUST select es when asked to sort at the next screen. NOTE: The total number of SORT and PRINT POSitions is displayed at the bottom of the columns. The total # of SORT POSitions must not exceed 100, and the total # of PRINT POSitions is dependent upon your printer, paper width, and print mode. Please change the # of positions accordingly to meet these guidelines. PS DESTINATION You may print all output to either a Printer, or a disk File (to print later, edit using a word processing program, etc.). Please enter the output destination. Either select

rinter or ile. If you select

rinter you will be asked for the printer device port (PRN, LPT1, or LPT2). If you are not sure, select the default. Selecting ile will then ask you for the output drive, path & file name. As a general rule, the more information you select to print, the more lengthy the report. This usually does not pose a problem for Listings or ards/Labels, but when printing in ook format, you probably do not want a book that is too thick. Therefore, when printing the ook, the number of pages is first calculated. You are then asked if you want to

rint, or uit (you may then select/deselect fields to print which will increase/decrease the number of pages in the book through ettings & rder). Once

rint is selected, you may then enter up to 6 lines of text to print on the cover. Press ESCape from this screen and select es to print or o to change your text lines. At this point, printing will begin. If the destination is FILE and the file already exists, you will be asked to dd to it, eplace it, or uit printing. This routine may take a while depending on the number of records and the speed of your PC. Please be patient. NOTE: YOUR PRINTER MUST BE IN THE CONDENSED MODE FOR THE BOOK TO PRINT PROPERLY! CARDS/LABELS The ards / Labels selection allows printing on any size card or label. Enter the number of labels across, the width of each label (characters), height (lines) of each label, # of lines between labels (if any), the # of blank spaces to the left of the first column of labels, and the number of blank spaces (horizontally) between the labels. The field width entered here overrides the widths on the ettings-rder screen. Select est, Change ettings,

rint, or uit. You will then be asked to

rint or ancel. Selecting

rint will begin printing. If the destination is a FILE and it already exists, you will be asked to dd to it, eplace it, or uit printing. NOTE: When printing Cards/Labels, it is up to you to ensure that # of lines will handle the information you selected to print. LISTING This isting format is a standard Row/Column format. One line for each record is printed, consisting of the fields (and their widths) selected in ettings-rder. If the total number of print positions exceeds the actual paper width, the information will wrap to the next line. To correct this, select fewer fields to print, and/or change the # OF PRINT POSitions. The TOP MARGIN, BOTTOM MARGIN, PAGE LENGTH and the NUMBER OF SPACES BETWEEN FIELDS may entered. The # of spaces between fields is useful for keeping information from one field running into information in another field. Select es if the dimensions are correct, or o to change them. You will then be asked to

rint or ancel. Selecting

rint will begin printing. If the destination is a FILE and it already exists, you will be asked to dd to it, eplace it, or uit printing. PRINT MERGE erge will output information into whatever format is desired, using an ASCII text file. This may be used for printing Cards/Labels/Listings in any format (in addition to the built in formats), or for creating form letters. Before merging a file, the categories to print, order, and destination must first be set up (Note: It is not necessary to select any print fields under the PRINT heading of the sort screen, since the ASCII text file includes the fields you wish to print. Also, the # PRINT POSitions is irrelevant.) If the destination is a FILE and it already exists, you will be asked to dd to it, eplace it, or uit printing To erge an ASCII text file: 1. Create the file using an editor or word processor (in ASCII format). 2. Select erge from the Print menu. 3. Select either

rint to continue, or ancel to quit. 4. Enter the Drive, Path & File name of the ASCII text file. 5. If the file exists, enter the page length of the paper (usually either 66 or 84 lines), and the number of spaces to indent (if any). Respond es to start, o to change this information, or uit to return to the Print Menu. The number of records output will be displayed as they are printed. The following screen contains a list of the fields and their associated numbers to use in the ASCII text file. Place an asterisk on both sides of the field number to represent where the data should be placed (i.e. Dear *1* will place the first name where the *1* is). DO NOT leave any blank space between the two asterisks (i.e. *12 *), for the field will NOT be printed. Example: *25* Mr. Kevin Smith Note: If there is *4* ANC Corporation no information *8* 3998 Main Street (address line 2) *9* Grand Rapids, MI 49518 the line will not *10*, *11* *12* be printed. 1 First Name 13 Zip+4 Ext. Additional fields/formats: 2 Last Name 14 Note 1 3 Title 15 Note 2 24 Category Desc. 4 Company 16 Note 3 25 Title, First & Last name 5 Phone 1 17 Category # 26 Title & Last name 6 Phone 2 18 Birth Date 27 Zip + Zip+4 Ext. 7 Phone 2 Ext. 19 Misc Date 28 Phone 2 W/Ext. 8 Address Line 1 20 Misc Code 9 Address Line 2 21 Integer # 10 City 22 Decimal # 11 State 23 Updated Date 12 Zip Code SELECT DATABASE reate does just that - it creates a NEW (empty) database file. If the file already exists, you will be asked if you would like to Replace it, or not. elect allows you to select an EXISTING database file to use. uit allows you to exit with no further action. NOTE: reating a new file does not automatically make it the current (main) file. You must elect it to make it the current (main) file. DATABASE SELECTION The elect Database routine allows you to use another database as your main data file. Only one main data file may be in use at any time. Normally this file is selected when starting the program. But this option allows you to select another database file (even on another drive or path) without requiring you to remove the program from memory, and start all over. NOTE: If you are asked to Reindex, PLEASE DO SO. Most program routines used here need the index file. Rather than automatically rebuilding the index, the choice is left to you. This way, if you accidentally select this routine, your time would not be wasted rebuilding an index you would not be using anyway. DATABASE CREATION Enter the drive and path where the new datafile should be created. Also enter the new file name. If the file already exists, you will be asked to eplace it, or uit without replacing the file. TRANSFER This program uses a dBASE compatible file structure. If your program can import from a dBASE file format, this routine may not be necessary. This transfer routine uses an ASCII Comma-delimited format, which is accepted by most programs. Most word processors will also accept this format for purposes of mail-merging this data into a document (for form letters). If you desire to output the data with no commas and quotes, please use

rint (from the Main Menu) and select ILE as the output device. But to import & export, this transfer routine should normally be used. NOTE: If you are Exporting data to a file that already exists, you will be asked to either dd to the bottom of the file, eplace it, or uit without exporting data. Please refer to the documentation for further details on this operation. TR FILTER A filter allows you to transfer only certain records that match the criteria you desire. For example, to transfer only those records that contain NY in the State field and whose Last name begins with the letter R, type the following: STATE= .AND. UPPER(LEFT(LNAME,1))= Another useful example of a filter would be to transfer all entries that have a certain date in the note field (for example, so that you may return their call), you would type the following: 09/15/89 $NOTE1+NOTE2+NOTE3 ONLY these filtered records will be transferred. Filters are very flexible. Please refer to the documentation for further examples.