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scdibfrsz         Get or set page I/O cache size
scdiclose         Close index file
scdicreate        Create an empty index file
scdiexpr          Get the index key expression
scdiflush         Flush buffered page I/O to disk
scdiindex         Create and build and index file
scdiinfo          Get information about index file
scdikadd          Add key to index file
scdikbot          Reposition key pointer to end of file
scdikcur          Get current index key and data record number
scdikdate         Make key from date string
scdikdel          Delete a key from the index file
scdikfind         Find key in index file
scdikmake         Make a key from record buffer contents
scdiknext         Skip to the next index key
scdiknum          Make numeric key from double
scdikprev         Skip to previous index key
scdiktop          Reposition key pointer to beginning of file
scdiopenx         Open an index file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson