лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл THUMBS UP/THUMBS DOWN AWARDS AND OTHERWISE TO SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Once in a while you spot a shareware distributor who adds a little twist of value, education or just plain old fashioned service and want to pass along an "attaboy" for a job well done. Other times you might want to turn thumbs down. Do you have a favorite (or not so favorite) disk vendor? Drop us a line! This issue we offer two thumbs up awards and one thumbs down: Our first thumbs up to THE SOFTWARE LABS, 3767 Overland Ave - #112-115, Los Angeles, CA 90034. 800/359-9998. Several shareware authors have written me to confirm my own suspicions. This shareware vendor is a POWERHOUSE! Authors, for some reason are reporting MORE REGISTRATIONS from this source than any others. I am seeing the same thing myself in an emerging pattern. They are doing something different, better and magical. A thumbs up is in order. Our second thumbs up to Public Brand Software, POB 51315, Indianapolis, IN 46251. 317/856-7571. I could award the thumbs up for their consistently high quality catalog, superb selection of software, world class BBS or eagle-eye reviewer Marcia Meier, but no, the award is for one simple fact: their sponsorship of the 1991 Summer Shareware Seminar (June 21-23 in Indianapolis). This is a vendor who looks into the future and is willing to put something back into the industry. Thumbs up well deserved! A mild thumbs down this issue goes to Gemini Marketing, POB 640, Duvall, WA 98019-0640. 800/346-0139. Gemini is a solid vendor with good catalogs, prompt service and an aggressive advertising campaign in national magazines, most notably Computer Shopper. My concern is that they seem to be falling behind the pack in maintaining current versions of shareware and offering the latest and best which other vendors seem to locate and list quickly. Perhaps their plunge into shareware for the Macintosh, Atari, Commodore and Apple plus a plethora of newly opened retail outlets in major cities has them spread a little thin at the moment. Their next day delivery (at no extra charge) system is to be commended but one wonders if their main collection of shareware is about 6 months behind other industry vendors . . .