лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл CUSTOM SERVICES AND FILES/TOOLS FOR SHAREWARE AUTHORS GOODIES YOU MAY WISH TO ORDER! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл First a discussion of custom services available from SMS then a list of HIGHLY USEFUL shareware files on disk which may be ordered directly from SMS and which are of marketing or programming interest to shareware authors and disk vendors Most folks who use a database should be able to convert the SMS dBase file to other formats, export the file, search for certain record types, print into paper labels ready to use, etc. However some folks need a little extra service and would like the main mailing list file in a different format. Prices for these conversion services follow. Shipping included. Washington residents add 8.2% sales tax. Prices assume 5 1/4 diskettes. Other size diskettes available. You MUST first be a registered user or subscriber to the main SMS program and have paid a registration or subscription fee to be eligible for these services. Also consider some of the simple database products listed in the SMS file GOODIES.TXT if you want to use the mailing list and would like to try software products which will let you sort, search and print mailing labels from the SMS database file in the current dBase III format. Price list follows: SMS conversion: change SMS mailing list DBF format to ASCII file or other format such as Paradox, Lotus, Reflex, etc. $15 Selective export: Provide customer a file containing ONLY certain criteria (e.g., just the clubs or just the distributors who are A and B rating). ASCII or DBF format. $20 Split file by type: Customer needs a file of just clubs, another file of just distributors, etc. Final format ASCII or DBF. $25 Split file for floppy systems: for easy use by computer which does NOT have a hard drive. Final format DBF or ASCII $30 лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл SHAREWARE OF INTEREST TO AUTHORS AND DISK VENDORS WHICH CAN BE ORDERED FROM SMS лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Certain files and disks are interesting extensions to the $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM or provide valuable reference or research tools in marketing shareware. An order form appears at the end of this article. Fees charged are felt to be nominal and cover disk duplication and postage costs. As with all shareware, submit an honest registration fee to the authors of these programs if you intend to use them beyond a brief evaluation period. $1.99 per program item plus 29 cents shipping/handling per program item. Shipped on 5 - 1/4 inch disks. Also available on other disk formats. Fee is per program item, some disks may contain several programs. Number in brackets, for example (2), refers to quantity of program parts or disks which are needed to ship that specific software program. $1.99 per part. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл LISTING OF SHAREWARE DISKS FOLLOWS NEW ITEMS AT TOP OF LISTING. ORDER FORM AT END OF LISTING лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл SYS60A/STRG57/STRG61. (1) High speed replacements for Turbo Pascal SYSTEM UNIT which offer BLISTERING SPEEDS for operations such as string processing, coversions, classifications, parse, position, match ignore case and MUCH more. Versions for Turbo 5.5 and 6.0. Over 111 routines. Written in machine code. Will make your eyes blink and mouth water! SMS-174 Sell More software from Droege Computing (2). A feature rich package which allows you to track your software customers, tech support needs, print INCREDIBLE reports, mailing labels, invoices, just about anything you would want to do if you provide software or computing support services to anyone! Good for vendors, consultants, authors. Industrial strength. Feature rich. SMS-163 The Shareware User's Tutorial is a detailed presentation on how to use and enjoy shareware! Disk vendors and authors can include it with their disk shipments to help new users learn the tips and tricks to unpacking and using shareware. Reduces support calls and requests from beginners. Topics include: eight easy steps to using shareware FAST, determining what is on a disk, how to run a program, how to unpack and unarchive, commonly asked questions, a short DOS review course, shortcuts, using filenames and extensions, locating documentation on disk. Even includes a short pop quiz to test your "shareware survival skills!" SMS-176 ASP disk catalog of programs and authors. (1) ASP resource on disk contains official shareware program lists, versions, author addresses, ASP disk vendor mailing list, list of discontinued programs, more. Direct from the ASP. Research this list to find out about hot programs and authors. See if you have a competitor with a similar program. Check out official ASP shareware vendors. SMS-102 ASP author application pack and GUIDE.EXE file. (1) (Old version) Apply to be a member of ASP or at least look at the shareware marketing tips and suggestions in the file GUIDE.EXE contained on this disk. MANY good ideas which authors should examine. SMS-103 ASP Author application disk (1) (New version) contains ASP author application materials and an interesting file captured from Compuserve as to what the ASP considers TRIVIAL SOFTWARE. You decide what you think about this after reading the message thread. SMS-160 The Darwin list of major USA BBS systems. (1) Comprehensive list of major BBS systems and their phone numbers. Throughout America! SMS-112 The Order Pro Mail Order Business Manager. (1) Prepares invoices, packing slips, shipping labels, track inventory, accounts receivable, back orders, vendor and sales tracking. Ideal for shareware distributors, authors or anyone in the mail order business. SMS-113 Sample Issues of ZIP Magazine. (2) Reviews shareware and discusses new developments on the shareware scene. They will review your disk if good. This magazine circulates on BBS systems throughout the country. SMS-104 Home Businesses (1) A nice disk with tips and suggestions on home based businesses such as import-export, information services, motivation for a home based business and more. Lots of little tips and suggestions, not just about shareware business focus, but other little businesses you can start at home. From James Melton of Texas. SMS-170 Direct Mail Marketing workshop. (2) These two disks discuss a LOT of practical information on direct mail marketing. Isn't that the business shareware authors are involved in? SMS-153 The $10,000,000 dream machine. (1) A lot of little articles about being in business as an entrepreneur. Tips, pitfalls, suggestions and info for the self-employed. SMS-154. PC-Browse. (2) The best hypertext search and find device ever. Here's how Bob Wallace uses it: put all of your registered users and their registration numbers in the PC-Browse database. Ok. User calls on the phone and you are working away at the PC in your compiler. Pop up PC-browse OVER your application. Ask user for name or registration number. Bang! It's on the screen in seconds and you can drop back to your application and carry on the conversation. SMS-155 SoftShop (1) allows you to design your own menu driven shareware vendor catalog or ANY catalog on disk. Nice! Written with mail- order vendors of Public Domain and Shareware Software in mind, but still a great program for almost ANY type of merchandise or service! Useful for software or hardware vendors, book sellers, club membership recruiters, donation seekers. SoftShop is able to self-define up to 9 Horizontal Menu Options and up to 81 Vertical Menu Options, defining the information box in the Main Menu to highlight your company name or company message, provide users choices of Menu Options with just an arrow or a number and the Return keys, the ability to scroll through all files with the Arrow, Page Up/Dn and the Home/End keys, and also being able to print any of the Menu Options. From Brian Nash of Omaha, Nebraska. SMS-171 Electronic Catalog Construction Kit. (1) Another interesting system which allows you to quickly construct a catalog on disk. SMS-175 Fastzip Mail (1) is useful for authors and disk vendors who want to print special postal bar code and/or return address on mailers, postcards, envelopes. Even has adustment for dot matrix printers for use with old ribbon to make sure that bar code is readible by post office machines. SMS-172 TXT2COM (1) utility converts any ASCII text file into a COM file with onboard screen browser. Convert your txt file to a COM file which even has imbedded screen color control commands, browsing, print file or screen, show line number, etc. Only $5.00 to license this tiny jewel for your shareware distribution disk. Even has a TSR popup version. Use to help end users root around in your documentation and keep outsiders from editing your text files since they are compiled. SMS-173 Shareware Distributor catalogs (8) Eight, disk-based shareware catalogs from various shareware distributors. Contains sample program descriptions, author addresses (in some cases) and version numbers. Useful research tools. SMS-105 Bates Directory of Public Libraries (2) Why not mail shareware disks or press releases to public libraries in large cities? More libraries are starting to carry shareware. Good marketing address list. SMS-148 Bates Directory of Newspapers (1) Many newspapers have a column or writer devoted to computer issues and frequently shareware programs are mentioned or discussed. The Seattle Times, for example, has Paul Andrews provide a weekly computer column. SMS-149 IRIS system. (1) Programming system for colorful, menu driven "books." IRIS is used beautifully to "drive" one of the shareware catalogs in the catalog pack mentioned above plus sharedebate international (below). An elegant programming system which you should study carefully. SMS-107 Batch file compilers (2) Two different batch file compiling systems dress up and speed up batch files you may use for menus or installation programs. SMS-108 Free Mags. (1) How to get hundreds of computer and business trade magazines. Some for free! Trade magazines = vertical markets. Vertical markets = possible market for your shareware package. Follow the drift? SMS-114 PopDBF (1) allows you to SIMPLY access main SMS database file or any DBF file to browse, edit, modify, print the data. No need to use a big database when this little TSR will do the job. Small, quick, easy. SMS-115 SR-Info. (2) Reads and writes DBF files and has more power and features than dBase! Use with SMS mailing list database if you need a more robust database package. Extremely powerful, fast and technical. SMS-116 dPerfect Merge. (1) Convert and merge dBase files (like SMS mailng list) for use with wordperfect documents. Use in place of a database manager if you would rather use wordperfect with SMS database file to generate mailing labels/reports and search and select items with Wordperfect! SMS-117 Pinnacle Help system. (1) A super utility which provides a standard front end for your package: processes registration, configures system, installs it, print docs, explains registration. All the grunt work in a standard way which your end users will find SIMPLE, CLEAN AND CLEAR. Would that ALL shareware looked, smelled and started the same! SMS-118 Pinnacle GO. (1) Shareware authors can now use a beautiful custom install program to unpack files and set up a program for the user. Kind of like Pinnacle Help system reviewed above, but works on the installation and unpacking chores. Very nice. SMS- 159 Area Code Finder from Pinnacle. (1) Find out what area code is what region and vice versa. Great when trying to figure out who you are calling or mailing disks to and where they live from their area code. SMS-158 Gedit programmers editor. (1) Maintain code, explore files, recover files, powerful industrial strength programming editor. SMS-119 Zipkey. (1) Fast postal zip code utility. Type in zip, it gives city/state. Type in city/state and it gives zip. Other hot features. Useful for the shareware author doing lots of bulk mailings and needing zips in an efficient manner. Public Brand disk vendors uses this one a lot in their day to day office operation. Vendors should see this, too. SMS-120 The Serializer. (1) This one is clever. Serializes disks so you can track where your registrations are coming from. Type in a keyword into a file (usually the registration form) and let serializer find that keyword and change it to sequential serial numbers. Faster, easier than Norton. SMS-122 Programmer's Integrated Environment (PIE) (1) provides a simple interface for most popular programming languages. PIE allows the programmer to edit, compile, link, debug, and test programs from a simple menu. It will work with most popular programming languages including Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo Assembler, and QuickBASIC. Also, it allows the user to switch rapidly from one language to another by simply entering a new source file name! PIE is an interface between the editor, command line compiler, linker, and debugger, if all of these are available (an editor is supplied with the registered version of PIE). It has been used successfully with Turbo Pascal 6.0, Turbo C 2.0, Turbo Assembler 2.0, and QuickBASIC 4.5. SMS-164 The MSDOS Reference. (1) A compilation of dozens of tech refs listing all kinds of programming goodies: scan codes, interrupts, history of DOS, memory map, vectors, goodies and more goodies. Very nice. SMS-165 EZ-Window (1) for Quickbasic allows you to design popup and variable sized windows in quickbasic plus much more. From Oregon. You need this if you work with QuickBasic. SMS-146 TheDraw. (1) A very special GRPAHICS editor used to design, color and edit graphics screens. The main introductory screen of SMS with the colored computer and flashing dollar signs is designed with Thedraw. Slick product. Design or prototype graphics screens quickly! SMS-123 EZ-HELP Reference. (1) Neat. Create popup menu driven systems to display text files, documentation, demos and more with a smooth professional interface. Why design your own menu interface for routine files and documentation display when EZ-Help Reference can do it? From Mike Moorman of Brain Child Systems of Austin Texas. SMS-124 Pony Express. (1) Simple concept: calculate and compare various shipping costs for those in a mail order business. Ground, UPS, air and more. Rates can be changed. Perfect for a shareware author in mail order business who wants to keep an eye on shipping costs and compare options between shippers and their costs. SMS-125. PC-File database. (3) A shareware database system which reads files in dBase format and contains a label generator. Useful for working with the $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM database if you do not have a program which translates dBase files or you do not have a mailing label software program. Easy for beginners. SMS- 109 Christian Computer Survial Kit. (1) Contains mailing addresses and marketing suggestions for shareware targeted at religious audiences. From BibleSoft. SMS-101 The first edition of SMS! (1) Want to see the first REALLY HOMELY edition of $hareware Marketing $ystem? Humble origins and great chuckles, the idea was, well, pretty good, and the first edition is kinda fun just to have on the shelf and compare to where we are headed today! SMS-152 Directory Freedom. (1) Here at SMS I see lots of shells and file managers. Directory Freedom is the best: pure machine code. Think of it as a turbocharged version of the old DR.COM, CO.COM and RN.COM but with more stuff than you could ever imagine: calls any text editor, unzips files, browses through LIST.COM. No nonsense lean and mean power user shell. The best and leanest in the business. SMS-156 Cave/Survey it yourself. (1) Dave Beiter writes some of the most outspoken letters ever. See his crusty remarks in the file LETTERS.TXT elsewhere on this disk. You have got to see his shareware program with lots of hilarious reading about life and times in Kentucky which Dave offers as a lesson on how to survey land. But, what the heck, this one is worth HOURS of chuckles. Sorta like a Kentucky version of Mad Magazine. SMS-157 SEBFU (1) is a superb collection of tiny COM files and other goodies to help your batch files. Sense color monitors, change screen colors, draw menus, sense key input, check drive status, keyboard presses, passwords and MUCH more. Almost a hundred little COM files help you do chores which the DOS batch file language left out. This one does for batch files what Norton's does for general pc housekeeping! From Scanlon Enterprises of Palmdale, California. SMS-147 Silicon Frog Utilities. (2) Must see this one: contains clever startup routine that has user verify they accept conditions of licensing PLUS highly clever internal error checking using PKZIP to verify there has been no virus or tampering PLUS some dynamite utilities. This author really has his act together! Killer package! SMS-161 DUP Disk Duplicator. (1) FAST, menu driven, compression, CRC checks, install serial numbers on disk for tracking, multiple configurations, HOT PRODUCT a shareware author should use when duping disks for distribution. Also has a commercial version available when EVEN MORE features. SMS-106 Super Diskcopy (1) for making high volume disk duplicates. (1) This one has BETTER error detection when making dupes than DUP disk duplicator (SMS-106 above). This one is nice! Compare DUPE to Super Diskcopy. Run them side by side and pick the one you like! From Super Software of Texas. SMS-162 Professional Masterkey Utilities. (1) New version 3.2. Like Nortons, but better. Unerase lost files, sector editors, move files, edit, zero out sectors, many little goodies for the shareware craftsman needing to work on a file with a good sector editor. The escape key now backs you out of most functions instead of the klunky F10. Many other improvements. SMS-166. dBF_DOC. (1) Allows dBase developers to maintain and organize file documentation libraries/files. Real handy when working with dBase files. SMS-167 IDC Shell and NARC. (1) Useful point and shoot menu system which unzips and unarcs anything you throw at it. Machine code fast. Use PKZIP when zipping. Use narc when unzipping. Try it once and you'll see why. This beauty works! This isn't a shell which uses PKUNZIP (like SHEZ) this has the code onboard! SMS-168 MOM menu system. (1) Most menu systems are a dime a dozen. The reason a shareware author should look at this one is simplicity, speed and TINY size. MOM offers FAST moving light bar or keyword menu options which then tell any standard batch file (either onboard WITHIN Mom or external to Mom) to execute installation or any other setup/config procedures. The Disk- Count Data shareware catalog on disk (SMS-105) uses MOM if you want a demo. Tiny (about 20K) and uses NO RAM when not in use unlike some TSR type menus. Configurable in MANY ways. SMS-121 Qfiler. (1) Manage your files with TWO DIRECTORIES SIDE BY SIDE. Point and shoot, mouseable, fast. A classic everybody should look at if you have to manage a lot of files. SMS-169 Free Speech system for BBS sysops. (1) Mentioned in WHATSNEW.TXT elsewhere on this disk. From Pinnacle Software of Candada. SYSOPS should check this out. SMS-110 Sharedebate International. (3) A shareware magazine with discussions and articles about contemporary topics of the day. Three sample issues. Driven by the IRIS programming system. Might give authors an idea for a new shareware program or concept! SMS-111 PC-Review. (1) Discusses and reviews hundreds of equipment and software products: everything from VP Expert/SQL to PC Tools. From memory chips to the JT FAX 9600 board. SMS-150 Electronic Almanac. (1) Great fun. Printed tables on hunting and fishing, weather, astrology, self help. Give this to your parents or friends who are computer phobic and they will be at the keyboard for days on end! SMS-151 PC-Magazine Utilities (3) Huge collection of the famous PC-Mag utilities which started back on 1/1/80. SMS-126 Simply labels (1) Import and produce labels easily in a variety of formats. SMS-127 Turbo pascal tools (2) Loads of utilities and routines SMS-128 Technojock turbo toolkit (2) Still more routines and utilities for turbo SMS-129 Booster's Tubo routines (1) Still more turbo goodies SMS-130 Tesseract (1) Library of over 375 multipupose functions for C. SMS-131 SCL1 function library (1) Over 100 video, mouse, keyboard and menu functions for C. SMS-132 JPL C routines (2) more C functions. SMS-133 C spot run Version 3.0 (3) Huge collection of updated C and assembler routines SMS-134 Window Boss and data clerk (3) make popup menus, windows, status lines and more. SMS-135 C source. (1) more C functions. SMS-136 Swiss Army knife (1) Utility and programming functions for basic SMS-137 Quick basic routines (1) large collection SMS-138 QB tools 1.1 (2) many advanced basic functions and libraries SMS-139 Advanced Basic (1) Still more for basic programmers. SMS-140 Assembly wizard's library (1) Lots of routines. SMS-141 Assembler routines (4) over 82 routines. SMS-142 Bluebook assembler routines. (1) 73 routines. SMS-143 Tesseract ver 1.11 (1) library of routines in .lib, .obj and .tpu which allow you to write TSR type ram resident programs. SMS-144 Flowcharter and OSG. (1) Flowcharter documents and updates a flowchart specifically useful for software programs. OSG produces updateable screen displays and prevents problems in your programs with "snow" screen flicker, and produces true "portable" screens which you can move quickly from application to application. SMS-145 ------------------------------------------------------------- Have a program I should add to the list above? Please submit for evaluation! It should be useful to shareware authors and/or shareware distributors. Be sure to mention that you want it evaluated for the SMS file GOODIES.TXT. ********** O R D E R F O R M ************ MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: Seattle Scientific Photography P. O. BOX 1506 MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 (206) 236-0470 NAME_________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________ CITY___________________________STATE_________ZIP______________ PHONE____(________)______________________ REMEMBER SOME PROGRAMS HAVE SEVERAL PARTS OR ITEMS EACH PART COSTS $1.99 PER ITEM ON 5-1/4 SIZE DISKS. 3-1/2 SIZE DISKS ARE $2.99 PER ITEM. ADD 29 CENTS PER ITEM SHIPPING. SOME DISKS MAY CONTAIN SEVERAL ITEMS. Disk number Program Name Qty Item cost if known ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... ...... ................................ ....... .......... NEED MORE SPACE? OK TO USE A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER! DID YOU REMEMBER? 1.99 5-1/4 SIZE 2.99 3-1/2 SIZE? SUB TOTAL OF ORDER ........ ADD 29 CENTS PER ITEM FOR SHIPPING/HANDLING ....... WASHINGTON RESIDENTS ADD 8.2% TAX ....... GRAND TOTAL ....... MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: Seattle Scientific Photography P. O. BOX 1506 MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 (206) 236-0470 |SMSSU175|