лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ABOUT THE AUTHOR - JIM HOOD лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл I am commercial photographer by training and a computer hobbyist by preference. An odd combination of skills, but technology has always been a fascination! I live about 3 miles from Seattle, Washington on Mercer Island, a city of about 24,000 people in the middle of Lake Washington. As former coordinator for the Mercer Island Computer Club, I divide my time between computer related hobby activities and the operation of Seattle Scientific Photography which produces 35mm lecture/presentation slides for a variety of clients. Many authors wonder how I collect and compile such a large amount of mailing address information. The Seattle area where I live is home to major software companies such as Quicksoft (Bob Wallace/PC Write) Buttonware (Jim Button/PC File), Microsoft, Aldus, Microrim and many others. We have a large BBS network, rich computer club focus and busy programming scene. Various lists and leads thus pop into focus frequently and it makes sense to me as a shareware author to collect and use this information in mailing my shareware to various distributors and large computer clubs. However, the more I thought about how valuable such a mailing list is, it seems a little selfish not to distribute this list which, in some ways, is more vital to your financial success than the source code of your program! I attended the University of Sophia in Tokyo, Japan and Seattle University in Seattle. I have taught classes at the University of Washington Experimental College. My first shareware program, PC-LEARN absorbed approximately 950 hours of programming, editing and research time. PC-LEARN is distributed by many reputable shareware software distributors. Your honesty in submitting a registration fee for using PC-LEARN or THE $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM is appreciated. To your success!