cCMENU Absence Reason Codes Help There are 13 predefined standard codes already setup for you. You may change these, and add up to 26 codes. The program will recognize the characters A through Z. To change a code, highlight the code and press ENTER. To add a code, highlight the code and press INS. Enter the letter code and press ENTER. Now enter the code title and press ENTER. Press ENTER for Code Help or ESC to return eMAIN_HLP ATTENDANCE ACTIVITY FILE HELP Use this screen to update non-working or "down time" hours for an employee. To add data, select the employee from the EMPLOYEE LIST, press INS to pop-up the UPDATE FORM and enter the date. You can type in the reason code or press F5 to select a code. Next, enter the hours for that day and any comments if needed. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return B_UP2 File Backup Help Before you begin to backup your data, you must make a "backup file" on your backup disk. Select MAKE DISK SET from the menu, enter the drive and path of the backup destination. Next, enter 1 for disk number and press ENTER. As your data files grow, you will most likely need two or more disks. If you are backing up to a hard disk, enter 1 of number of disks. This will build a backup file on your disk named, EMPWIN01.BKP. All your data will be archived in this file. You have now made your "disk set" and are now ready to backup your data. Press ENTER for more help or ESC to return ,MAIN_HLP File Backup Help To backup your data, select BACKUP FILES from the File Manager Menu. Enter the drive and directory of your destination disk and press ENTER. To restore data, select RESTORE FILES from the menu. Enter the drive and directory of your disk containing the backup file and press ENTER. KEEP YOUR DATA BACKED UP AT ALL TIMES! Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return This procedure is intended for "house cleaning" the TIME1.DAT and TIMETRX.DAT data files. If you continue, ALL data will be lost forever! Press ENTER to Delete or ESC to Cancel. Press ESC to return 1CODES 2ABSCODES 3EEOCODES 4MCODES Codes Help Menu 1. General 2. Absence Codes 3. EEO Codes 4. Misc. Codes ESC To Return MAIN_HLP Code Table Help There are four code tables to setup and maintain. ABSENCE REASON CODES EEO CLASS CODES MISC 1 CODES & MISC 2 CODES ABSENCE and EEO codes have been setup for you. However, you may change these to suit your business needs. MISC 1 and MISC 2 codes are to be defined and setup by you. First, you need to give them a title using the MAIN PROGRAM SETUP screen. Then create your custom codes by pressing INS at the respective code table and entering the information. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return MAIN_HLP PASSWORD SYSOP HELP This menu option will run the Password Administration Program. To enter this module, you must have SYSOP clearance to this level. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return MAIN_HLP DAILY SCHEDULE HELP To schedule employee's by day, press F5 from the WORK DATE field and select the date from the calendar, or just enter the date and press ENTER. The SCHEDULE EMPLOYEE WORK HOURS form will pop-up if there are no entries for this date. Press F5 and select an employee from the EMPLOYEE LIST and press ENTER. Enter the starting and ending work hours for this employee. Enter the work code or press F5 for the code list. The default is "W" for working hours. To add another employee to this date, press INS and repeat the form procedure. To delete, highlight an entry and press DEL. To start a schedule for a new date, press ESC to the WORK DATE field and repeat the process above. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return mMAIN_HLP Calendar Help The Calendar utility is a handy reference when dealing with employee issues and information management. Use, F4 Key To activate calendar Ctrl PgDn Key To increase by year Ctrl PgUp Key To decrease by year PgDn Key To increase by month PgUp Key To decrease by month Keys To move highlight bar HOME Key Highlights first Sunday END Key Highlights last Saturday Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to Return CMENU EEO Code Table Help There are 12 EEO Codes to use and maintain. The first nine are already defined for you. These are standard class codes found on most forms. You have three codes, 10, 11, and 12 to use as you need. To change or add a Code Title, highlight the code and press ENTER. Type in the title and press ENTER. Press ENTER for Code Help or ESC to return a E E MAIN_HLP EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY REVIEW HELP To set and maintain eligible absence hours, highlight employee and press ENTER. From the SUMMARY FORM, enter the eligible vacation, illness, personal and all other hours and press enter. The Y.T.D. Accrued hours are calculated weekly and rounded to one hour increments. Y.T.D. Taken hours are calculated from all schedule forms. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return MAIN_HLP Employee File Help This window displays all the employee personnel information. For the employee name, just type it in, the first letter will be Capped for you! There are 3 look-up code fields marked by ". Press F5 to pop-up the code table choices. Use, F4 Key To pop-up Calendar F8 Key To pop-up Note Pad ENTER Key To enter information into a field Ctrl ENTER Key To bypass the remaining fields ESC Key To back up one field or return Ctrl ESC Key To return to the main screen Backspace Key To delete characters in a field Keys To move up and down fields Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return fiMAIN_HLP EMPLOYEE SCHEDULE TABLE HELP Select the employee from the EMPLOYEE LIST. If there are no entries, a schedule form will pop-up defaulting to today's date. Enter the date and scheduled work time. The hours are calculated for you. Enter the work code or press F5 for the code list. The default is "W" for work hours. You may also enter any comments needed. To add a new schedule date press INS. Note that the date has been increased by one day. Press ENTER to accept or enter a new date. Repeat the procedure above. To delete entries, highlight the date and press Del. To purge dates, "Mark" each date using Ctrl M and press Ctrl D to purge. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return Ethnic ID Help W - White/Caucasian B - Black H - Hispanic A - Asian I - American Indian This field can not be changed. Press ESC to return aMAIN_HLP REPORT FILE NAME HELP Enter any valid file name. The report will be saved with that name. Example, D:\QRC\MYREPORT.RPT WARNING: If the file already exists, it will be replaced. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return aKEY_CON1 Keyboard Control Help QuikTrax Employee RollCall! uses the following keys in all screens; To BACK OUT or RETURN to previous screen. Ctrl_ESC To EXIT a screen at any point. ENTER To ENTER a screen or data. Ctrl_ENTER To SKIP remaining fields and continue. To INSERT a new data file. DELETE To DELETE a data file. To move curser through menus and fields. Press ENTER for more Help or ESC to return. [3S[[S oyKEY_CON2 Keyboard Control Help In most Table procedures, you have the option to "Mark" and "UnMark" file entries. To Mark and UnMark an entry, use Ctrl M. You will see the " " character appear on the line. You can "purge" multiple line entries by Marking the lines then using the Ctrl D Keys. Ctrl U will UnMark all Marked records. F1 Key will present you with specific help or the main help window. Also note the description help line available at the bottom of the main control screen. Press ENTER for next Help or ESC to return RAMAIN_HLP Keyboard Control Help F4 Key Will pop-up a monthly calendar in the right hand corner of your screen. For more information select the Calendar Utility from the Main Help Menu. F8 Key Will pop-up the Notes Files window. There you can select a note or create a new one. Select Note Pad from the Main Help Menu for more information. F10 Key Will present you with a menu for printing reports and the selection and setup of your print options. Select Printing QRC Forms from the Main Help Menu for more information. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return SS[[S 1KEY_CON 2MASTER 3ATT_ACT 4D_SCH 5EMP_SCH 6ELI_TBL 7ECAL 8NOTE 9PMENU 1CMENU 1PROSETUP 1B_UP QRC HELP MENU 1. Key Board Controls 2. Employee Master List 3. Attendance Activity 4. Daily Schedule Table 5. Employee Schedules 6. Eligibility Schedule 7. Calendar Utility 8. Note Pad Utility 9. Printing & Reports 10. Code Table Setup 11. Main Program Setup 12. File Manager Utility Press ESC To Return Sv1.0 #10010 SEMP_FILE Master List Help The Employee Files Master List shows each employee listed in alphabetical order. To select an employee file, Highlight the employee and press ENTER. This will bring up the employee file. Use, ENTER Key To enter an employee's file INS Key To enter a new employee DEL Key To delete an employee file Keys To scroll through employee names ESC Key To return to the main screen Ctrl M Keys To Mark/UnMark data entry lines Ctrl D Keys To Purge or Delete entry lines Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return CMENU Miscellaneous 1 & 2 Code Help These two code tables are custom programmable to fit your needs. Both code sets are used in the EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL FILE screen. First, you need to give them a title using the MAIN PROGRAM SETUP screen. Now, setup your codes by pressing INS from the respective code table, and enter your code information. These codes are fields in the EMPLOYEE and MANAGEMENT reports. The MISC_1 and MISC_2 reports are "keyed" by these two fields. Before you print, these reports will ask you how you would like the lists sorted, by MISC_1 or MISC_2. The data will be sorted by your criteria. Press ENTER for Codes Help or ESC to return eNOTE2 Note File List Help The NOTE FILE LIST window displays all notes on file. Scroll up or down to locate the note you want, and press ENTER. Notes are ranked by date, and by subject. To start a new note, just press INS. To delete a note, press the Del key. To print a note, Mark the note line using Ctrl M and press F10. Press ENTER for more or ESC to return CtMAIN_HLP Note File Help The NOTE FILE window is your note pad. Enter a note "filename" and date or press ENTER. Be sure to save (Ctrl ENTER) your note BEFORE printing or you will loose your information. Ctrl ENTER Key To end and save your note. Ctrl ESC Key To return. ENTER Key To jump down one line. INS SPACEBAR Keys Move text down one line. DEL Key To delete a character. PgUp and PgDn Keys To move a screen at a time. HOME Key Move to beginning of line. END Key Move to end of line. Keys Move one space at a time. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return Sorry, you can not change this field. If this field must be changed, delete this employee file and create a new one. Press ESC to return 1PRINTIT 2PRINTER 3REPORT Printer Help Menu 1. Printing Reports 2. Printer Setup 3. Reports Setup Press ESC To Return pPRINTER2 Printer Setup Help You can setup two default printers. This is done from the MAIN PROGRAM SETUP screen. If your printer is not listed, select PRINTER SETUP from the UTILITY menu. From the PRINTER LOOKUP screen, press INS To enter new printer information. You will then have a blank PRINTER CONTROL CHARACTER SETUP screen to enter your printer information. See the following Help screen for more information. Press ENTER for more help or ESC to return [PMENU Printer Setup Help To change or add Control Characters, use the keys to select the field and enter the codes. Note, enter Decimal Equivalents only. Printer codes are generally found in the back of your printer manual. If your printer is not listed, and you are not sure of the codes, try using the EPSON FX or IBM Proprinter. F9 Key To end setup & save data. Ctrl ESC Key To escape and return. ENTER Key To enter data and continue. ESC Key To back up a space. Keys To move through fields. Press ENTER for Printing Help or ESC to return tiPMENU Printing Reports Help To print a report, select the report from the REPORT MENU. Next, from the REPORT GENERATION screen, you will have the option of viewing the report on screen, printing the report or saving the report to a file. If you select PRINT, the REPORT SETUP SELECTIONS window will pop-up. Here, you may accept the default settings, or change them to suit your needs. If you select FILE, you will be asked for a file name. You may use any valid DOS file name. Press ENTER for Printing Menu or ESC to return oMAIN_HLP PRINTER ERROR HELP The printer is not responding to the computer. Possible reasons include: 1. Printer is turned off 2. Printer is unplugged 3. Out of paper 4. "On-line" light is not light 5. Cable is loose between printer & computer 6. The LPT location is wrong Check the above. Turn printer off then back on and retry. MAIN_HLP Main Program Setup Help Your company information is used as a header on some reports. You can also print return mailing labels! The Misc 1 & Misc 2 Field Names are for your custom code titles. To print a report you MUST setup printer #1. At the field, type "P" and press ENTER, you will be given a selection of printers to choose. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return PMENU Report Setup Help To setup your report default settings, select the report from the REPORT SETUP menu option. From the REPORTS DESCRIPTION TABLE, select the report and press ENTER. At the REPORT DEFAULT SETUP FORM screen, you can setup the defaults for your description (Report Titles), print quality (DRAFT or LETTER) and print size (NORMAL or CONDENSED). These are your default settings, they can be changed at print time. Press ENTER for Printing Menu or ESC to return yMAIN_HLP REPORT GENERATION HELP You may select to view the report on screen, print on the printer or save it to a file. Use the arrow keys to select and press ENTER. SCREEN: This opens a window and allows you to view the report. PRINTER: This takes you to the REPORT SETUP screen. FILE: This will save your report to an ASCII file. Press ENTER for Main Help or ESC to return a M M This table shows the current Users that have been assigned access to the system. Press ESC to return sMAIN_HLP REPORT SCREEN VIEW HELP Scroll up/down one line PgUp Scroll up one screen ^PgUp Goes to top (also HOME) PgDn Scroll down one screen ^PgDn Goes to bottom (also END) Move left 5 columns Moves to far left Move right 5 columns Moves to far right ^ means pressed with Ctrl key <- User first name. <- User last name. <- ID must be unique ID, user cannot change. <- Password may be duplicate. <- (1 or 2) 1 = Full Access, 2 = Program. Enter Yes or No 24 Hour Conversion Table 12:00 am = 24:00 12:00 pm = 12:00 = 1:00 = 13:00 = 2:00 = 14:00 = 3:00 = 15:00 = 4:00 = 16:00 = 5:00 = 17:00 = 6:00 = 18:00 = 7:00 = 19:00 = 8:00 = 20:00 = 9:00 = 21:00 10:00 = 10:00 10:00 = 22:00 11:00 = 11:00 11:00 = 23:00 Press ESC to return !ABSCODES ATT_ACT B_UP B_UP2 ! CLEARIT G CMENU . CODES C_LINE , D_SCH < ECAL EEOCODES ELI_TBL EMP_FILE EMP_SCH ETHID y/ FILENAME KEY_CON KEY_CON1.7 KEY_CON2x; MAIN_HLP MASTER 7C MCODES kG NOTE NOTE2 NO_CHNGE~S PMENU PRINTER bV PRINTER2 PRINTIT -^ PRNT_ERR PROSETUP REPORT 4h ROUTE SHOUSER Ao SHOWFIL Gp UPDUSER YESNO ZULU 3u