hh:mm Couldn't recognize " QMODEM GENERATING COPIES OF THIS REPORTU % > O [ 3There were no uploads or downloads for this report. File: /File was transferred as part of a Host Callback via Qmodem's Host Mode.UNKNOWN PERSON/BBS (log file could be corrupt)3 No call was active when this file was transferred - transmission errors occurred during transfer2 May have been transferred with external protocol + This transfer was aborted for some reason Transfer began , ended Transfer protocol: , Baud rate: unknown (assumed) Avg chars per second: % efficient)-Host BBS suspended charges during this upload Total time: cost: U ) 6 ; \ i n Qmodem Host Mode File Transfers Phone U 3There were no uploads or downloads for this report.1THIS REPORT COVERS SUCCESSFUL FILE TRANSFERS ONLYU cost: U BBS: PH#: & minutes credited as free upload time Total time: cost: AThank you for using Qanalyst! We hope you'll register your copy. Press any key to continue: U calls to + minutes were credited as free upload time Total time: cost: U %NO CALLS WERE AVAILABLE FOR REPORTINGU & BBS calls were made during this time. calls to BBSs, Total time: cost: U AVERAGE COSTS: Daily Monthly Total U Grand Total time: cost: calls were accepted, UnknownU .There may not be enough free space on the disk/There may not be enough free space on the disk.U )Selected Qmodem log call entries will be condensed. removed.6Writing new log to temporary file. Please be patient. Deleting backup log file. Renaming old log file to Renaming temp log file to Condensing resulted in a % smaller log file.U Log file # (last)"Log file error discovered at line Analyze this log file: Maintain this log file: Condense Remove Phone bill rpt: Summary Detailed U/D stats rpt: Report title: Send report to: Printer Screen Output file: Overwrite: DOS error code = #That file is labeled as "read-only"U - @ P c s Phone-rate menu Return to higher menu& Return to the next higher menu level Append from logs6 Append new phone records by studying the log file(s) Condense phone-rate data, Weed out all the redundant phone-rate data Save phone-rate data$ Save the phone-rate data in a file Print phone-rate data' Get a printout of the phone-rate data edit Holiday schedule2 View & edit dates corresponding to holiday rates edit Local phone rates# View & edit the LOCAL phone rates Edit toll phone rates" View & edit the TOLL phone rates edit long-Distance rates+ View & edit the LONG-DISTANCE phone rates edit "Odd" number rates/ View & edit the rates for "odd" phone numbers Toggle bells & whistles Turn sounds ON and OFF eXit to DOS! Stop the program, return to DOS U Append records from log file#That file is labeled as "read-only""Phone-rate report has been printedU 9 C h m r y Holiday commands Return to higher menu%Return to the next higher menu level Add a holiday'Enter a date into the holiday schedule Delete a holiday(Remove a date from the holiday schedule Kill all old holidays2Remove all old holidays from the holiday schedule Toggle bells & whistles Turn sounds ON and OFF eXit to DOS Stop the program, return to DOS U Enter the date in format: U That was an invalid date'That holiday is already in the schedule#That holiday wasn't in the scheduleU Phone record information&You will be editing the HOST BBS rates Shifting over to phone records cost info for Phone number: 0 That phone record doesn't exist That phone record already exists)Do you really want to remove this record? Phone record has been removedU ! J [ p charges by the: Minute minute: hour: First $##.#### Subsequent rates start at: (24hr clock) Uploading is free: rate:U Phone record menu Return to higher menu% Return to the next higher menu level view phOne co. cost data2 View & edit data concerning phone company charges view Host BBS cost data- View & edit data concerning host BBS charges view Daytime rates3 View & edit data about calls placed in the daytime view eVening rates3 View & edit data about calls placed in the evening view nIghttime rates- View & edit data about calls placed at night Next phone record& Display the next phone record in line Prev phone record* Display the previous phone record in line First phone record- Display the uppermost (default) phone record Specific phone record Display a specific phone record Edit this phone record. Edit the displayed info for this phone record Add new phone record* Add a new phone number as phone-rate data Kill this phone record2 Delete this phone record from the phone-rate data Toggle bells & whistles Turn sounds ON and OFF eXit to DOS Stop the program, return to DOSU rates: @#.#### subseq Starting time:U PHONE NUMBER: 0 %This is a redundant phone-rate record Free uploading:U RECORDS U Phone-rate file reportU : B G W p PLEASE REMEMBER:U Formatting output for UNKNOWN PRINTERU Qanalyst Report Prepared Page U U#Y^_ U#Y^_ Last modified on (NOTE: Marked as read-only.)3 WARNING: This log contains "Manual Dial" entries.% This report covers log entries from to )THIS REPORT COVERS ONLY THE LAST CALL TO 7THIS REPORT COVERS ONLY THE LAST CALL HANDLED BY QMODEM%THIS REPORT COVERS ONLY THE CALLS TO U ?#ruu Writing page #U cost: U Ignored 0 other calls because they were not fully logged WARNING: / of these calls were placed via Manual Dialing / other calls were attempted via Manual Dialing , THIS PHONE BILL REPORT MAY NOT BE RELIABLE : of these calls were placed via the Host callback feature 9 other calls failed to connect via Host callback feature U hours minutesU 6 S ^ n v { "Log file error discovered at line * records were added to the phone-rate dataU Utility options menu Return to higher menu% Return to the next higher menu level Edit these options Edit any of these options Printer-specific items3 View/edit items which affect your specific printer Choose a printer) Quick installation for popular printers Printers Epson MX-series HP DeskJet HP LaserJet II IBM Graphic Modify the printer name2 Edit the name of the printer (for your info only) Printer init command- View/edit the printer initialization string prInter exit command0 View/edit the printer de-initialization string Begin boldface command- View/edit the begin-boldface command string End boldface command+ View/edit the end-boldface command string Save configuration4 Save all log info and utility-option data in a file Toggle bells & whistles Turn sounds ON and OFF eXit to DOS Stop the program, return to DOSU % Use the keys to make any changes U Utility options Reports Log files Program Return from analysis: Round calls to next min: Auto-save for PRF data: Status msg delay (sec): Currency symbol: Use EGA/VGA 8x8 font: Use growing windows: Full chrono log check: Date separator: Time separator: Remove U/D entries: Number of copies: Stop after each sheet: Eject using formfeed: Sort by BBS identity: Always print a summary: Lines per page: Printer device name: 6Do you really want a colon in the printer device name? Left indent (chars): Hdr/ftr margin (lines): Epson MX-series IBM Graphic HP DeskJet HP LaserJet II Modify the printer name Printer init command prInter exit command Begin boldface command End boldface command#That file is labeled as "read-only" CAUTION: You specified copies for each reportU Sorry, that is a backup log file1File is already in the configuration. Add again?"Log file error discovered at line Could not find that file That is not a valid filenameU Qanalyst config: File does not exist. Create? Could not find that file That is not a valid filenameU File does not exist. Create? That is not a valid filenameU - M R a B Press ENTER to accept current value, press ESC to return to menu U Main menu commands BEGIN WORKING1 Begin! Analyze/maintain log file(s) as directed Next log info/ View information for the next log file in line Previous log info+ View information for the previous log file First log info( View information for the first log file Add new log info# Enter a new log file configuration Drop this log+ Remove all information about this log file Edit this log info! Change details for this log file Save configuration4 Save all log info and utility-option data in a file Utility options/ View/edit other (advanced) options in Qanalyst edit phone-Rate data4 View/edit/save information about your billing rates prInt new-address form, Print out a Qanalyst change of address form prInt registration form' Print out a Qanalyst registration form Toggle bells & whistles Turn sounds ON and OFF eXit to DOS Stop the program, return to DOSU Starting date: Ending date: & + 6 F T _ d NOT KNOWN!U Log file date: Memory available: +Searching for the first selected log entry.'Now analyzing the selected log entries. + H W h Brought to you by'Thank you for deciding to try Qanalyst!U QMODEMU Sorry, something went wrong.U Enter your name: Enter reg. nmbr: Qanalyst.EXE Working, please wait... Registration complete. Restart QanalystU ,Qanalyst registration form has been printed!U 1The DOS PRINT program has control of the printer..Printer is not connected, or is not turned on..Printer is not ready, for some unknown reason.U Bells & whistles are now ON%Bells & whistles have been turned OFFU 0000U Shelling to DOS. k available.!Type "EXIT" to return to program.U hh:mm:ssU . C H s &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t V L w