FBYCOST Simply here to quick cross reference a date to a cost and vice versa FIND Highlight an old report. Press ENTER to change or examine or press delete to delete. If deleting, you will be shown the form and the left hand column of the report. At that time press ENTER to delete or ESC to cancel INSERT to add a report BUT YOU SHOULD USE THE NEW REPORT SET OPTION FIRST or you will not have any left column titles in your report! The F2 allows you to scan reports by cost FINDFON Just a simple phone book for convenience. As Usual, INSERT to add Highlight, then DELETE to delete You will be shown the record. Press ENTER to delete or ESC to cancel Highlight, then ENTER to change to view vFNOTE FNOTES These are for notes. Accessible through the F2 on the entry form also. Same workings as the rest of the program Press INSERT to add a new note Highlight and press ENTER to change or view a note Highlight and press DELETE to delete a note Your report is tracked by ENDING Date. Fill this in! The set name you chose The date for your report 0.00 The titles linked To skip a 0.00 These are the to the set name. day or goto 0.00 numbers you If these are blank, the end, 0.00 fill in for then you have NOT press 0.00 the date and used the options CTL/ENTER 0.00 title correctly to assign (^enter) 0.00 a name in here. Go 0.00 back and use the help screens! 20.00 Daily total Since the right hand column Final totals will not total fit on the right they are here! This is used only to assign a 'SET NAME' when you are making a new expense report. The 'SET NAME' is a list of titles you will use along the left ahnd column of the expense report * * See also 'Make Set Names' option help screen MAIN Use this option to assign which set name to use for the current expense report. This must be done BEFORE you 'create the new report Use this option to change or look at old expense reports, delete them or add a new one Prints the report to paper Set names are the left hand column titles of the report. They are stored in 'sets'. A note pad. These notes are accessible also on the report form (F2) Just for reference. Don't know how to break this to you,but this is it Quick 'How to' notes Add up your daily or weekly miles here. vSCNOTES A set name is a name for a list of left hand column titles on your expense report. So that the program would be fully generic, you are allowed to tailor the left column titles according to your own needs. The idea of set names is to allow you to only use what you need. Since most people do not fly every week, most of the time they can use a title set without 'air tickets' as a title. If they do fly occasionally, they may want to also have a set named 'WITHAIR' and have a title for air tickets in that set only Feel free to be inventive after all it's your report As usual INSERT = ADD ENTER = CHANGE DELETE to DELETE vUPDFON vUPDNOTES vUPDTTIT ADDMILES FBYCOST FIND FINDFON ; FNOTE FNOTES FORM c GETENDDAr GETSET MAIN SCNOTES SETTITS 8 UPDFON 5 UPDNOTES UPDTTIT 7