Screen (COM) Printer Port " fileU Quick Hunt Chronological Hunt Standard Short Standard Full-Screen Edit Logged Time Scheduled Time Event Chart Printed Daily Schedule Printed Weekly Calendar Printed Monthly Calendar * exact * Continuous Chronological Day-By-Day Day-By-Day and Priority Order Priority Order, -By-Day, -By- Project-by-Project Event-By-Event U *TOTALS for ALL TIME BLOCKS REPORTED ABOVE: Hours O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To continue, press < BZ(| . ; E J [ ` n s !-!2!4>?>E>J>X>}> ?"?0?5?Q? @!@8@k@ B%B-B:B?BDBYB^BlB|B C9CGCwC F,F9FYFsF F#G0GMKMXMeMrM N(N3N;NKNUN]NjNzN O'O4O9O>OCOcOnOsO O P%P-P6P>PLP_PjPoPtP Q1QEQMQRQWQeQ QBRGRURZRlRqR S:SGSLSQSYS T,TNT U1UFUNUWUbUwU V$VHVPVUVjV V8WLWiW WIXnXwX|X X8YAYFYQYVY[Y ZiZxZ [![=[Q[[[`[q[{[ \.\8\F\f\{\ ]3]<]A]F][]`]e] ^&^8^=^B^L^Q^ _"_'_4_A_M_Z___d_l_t_ `0`Y` a%a.a?aFaTa[a b)b8b@bEbObTbbbnb c!c)c7cEc dHdMd\ddd e)fff g!g1gJgXg}g g.h3hLhThchmhuh i%i*i/iTi^igiliqi j.j8jljwj k"k'k,k6kakvk l!l&l+l6l m3mEmOmTm~m n"obo p"p'p2pCpHpWp_pdpipnpsp q$q)q7q@q rPrUrcr sisvs{s t+t8t=tBtJtRt t2u[u v;wJwRwZw yIyZycykyyy z9z>zLzTzYzbzmz|z {7{R{W{s{ |+|E|R|W|\|{| }5~J~Z~d~n~|~ ' is in the past -- schedule it anyway? 7The ending date must not fall before the beginning date6A reminder must be set before the primary event's date -- press RETU T2'Date to which you wish to move events: EDITING TAGGING FOR OMISSION RESCHEDULING ESC=Exit =day-1 =day+1 =lastMonth =nextMonth =select tag/untag re-scheduleJThere are no events set for this day -- use arrows to move to another day Highlight event to and press (or enter Recrd #): Press < the highlighted event (@ tagORESCHEDULED :RECOFF.DAF :RECUR.DAF -- PRESS < TAGGED FOR OMISSION (to "untag", press `T' at Main Menu) OMISSION TAG REMOVED OMITTED UN-OMITTED Updating record (@ DUR=U 8Checking for other events that may need to be updated... F6=SaveRecord ESC=ExitU +First, enter an EVENT/DESCRIPTION -- press Exercise Miscellaneous !Date of event you wish to clone: 6Date of event for which you wish to enter a reminder: = day-1 = day+1 = lastMonth = nextMonthJThere are no events set for this day -- use arrows to move to another day CHighlight the event to be cloned and press < (or enter Recrd #): Press < to clone this event EHighlight the event to be reminded and press < (or enter Recrd #): +Press < to set a reminder for this event First, see whether you can Edit that event -- press < LA reminder may be set for this record only in the MAIN computer -- press < Record * has 10 its maximum of reminders -- press # is, itself, a reminder for record -- press Deadline Receipt Reminder Appointment Vacation Leave Service beginning date: Ending date: %Alarm Time cannot be after Begin Time Logging Scheduling (s), if any: Too many entries (if any) ( Ending Time cannot be before Begin TimeCMove to the category you want and press < (or enter CAT number): 0" is not a valid category -- press A will now set dates for related events in the plan. Do you want 4to pause at each related event and ask you to enter s and times? Should the responsible for each subsequent event be = forward = backward = MAIN MENU = select>Move to the task to be modified and press < (or enter ABB): ^B=Reformat ^Y=EraseLine NEW RECORD another Should 4 reminder be scheduled one or more days in advance? Reminder Date : +SAVED -- now, we'll start another record... reminder clone'DONE -- Would you like to make another U .7Y7a7o7 7_8d8p8}8 9&9I9Y9a9p9z9 :0:A:O:X:{: <&<+<9">0>E>T>i>u> ?5?o?}? @(@?@ A6ANA C)C@CMCYCaCzC D#D0D5DDDvD E+E0E5EIENESEeEmE FYFfF}F F3GLG_GwG H$H:HJH I1IOI{I J#J-J2J@JTJoJ K"K'K]KuK K:LGL^LfLxL M6MGMSMXM]MoM~M N.Nusing the program, press ESC; otherwise press < to continue. Now, > will look through its LOG of disbursements, receipts and ser-Jvices performed and eliminate the items already tagged for omission. AlsoIeliminated will be ALL items (whether tagged for omission or not) falling"BEFORE the cut-off date set below.KYou are about to go through an omission process, during which items alreadyJtagged for omission will be eliminated from the SCHEDULE. Also eliminatedIwill be ALL items (whether tagged for omission or not) falling BEFORE theLcut-off date set below. After this omission process for the SCHEDULE, Tick-JleX will do the same for the LOG of disbursements, receipts and services. zY` | Wait... :PROJECT.LBF :M-JOURN.LBF :M-JOURN.LBI :M-WORK.LBF :M-WORK.LBI data files being created :M-GROUP.DAF :RECUR.DAF :RECUR.DAIISelect (^E)dit on the MENU to create a (F)requent Events file - press < :RECOFF.DAF :TXUSER.LOK!Do you want a schedule printout? Looking for alarms to set... DOEXPORT SCHEDULE-to-LOG ZIP TRANSFER LEach item that has been completed on the date you select will be copied as aIervice to the LOG file and then tagged for omission in the SCHEDULE file.U 0Date whose events need to be zipped to the LOG: CDo you want to log this item as having been completed (^E = Edit)? =Date on which this item was completed (ESC = not completed): copying record to LOG... has no events to log -- press 5 D I S ] b p #0#8#Q#V#r# $($2$:$G$T$a$n${$ %)%.%3%E%J%O%Z%l%y% &4&e&o&t& ','6';'U'c'r' (((7(?( )')1)6)D)\)k) *%***8*I*X* + +-+B+L+V+`+j+r+w+|+ +%,*,h,~, -$-T-j-t-y- .`.j.o. /'/6/C/M/R/f/x/}/ 0(0-0S0X0p0}0 1.1=1N1 2)23282@3\3r3|3 3%4;4J4R4Z4q4z4 5)5D5P5U5p5 6+6M6p6 727E7g7n7|7 8F8M9y9 ;2<>3>8>=>`>}> ?&?4?C?M?R?d?s? ?#@+@=@G@L@Y@c@r@ ADALA ALBVB`BjBoB B"C:CDCIC]CgClCzC D[D`DxD D&E3EBELEQEgElExE F!F&F5FEFtFyF G*G/G~G H=HNH`HoHtH J#J(J]JlJtJ J%KIKkKyK LFLPLZL_LpLuL M$M)M=MEMJM\MmM N#N(N2N7NINNN_NdNpNzN P P+P3P@PMPXP`PkPvP~P R7R U Y8|}Q % 3 ^ h v HIGHLIGHTED DATE: U = month-3 = month+3 = month-6 = month+68Date to find (or dates between which to find interval): >6Y8|| >6Y0u} ) 4 < I T \ i t | !Pausing... press SPACE BAR or ESC LIST OF PROJECTS Scroll: To continue, press < >PYT| :INCEXPNS.DAT =At least two items in this file have the same abbreviation: " EDO NOT USE THIS FILE UNTIL YOU'VE CHANGED ONE OF THESE ABBREVIATIONS!FWhen this file appears on the screen, press ESC to return to the menu. @Then, use EDITX (^E at the menu) to make the needed corrections. To continue, press < >@\ vr >@\&w >@\1vc >@\5v5 @ H d :PROJECT.LBF Saving updated projects file...U -- ok? is a U Alphabetizing projects...U 7You've just opened a new plan for a specific project, ( ) ; however... "@" is not in project list -- (U)seAnyway (A)ddToList (R)eEnter ,There's no room in the PROJECT list to add " ". Use it anyway? U Y6Y8||