Pick File to Fix *.DB? Fix Routine Aborted ... DBF Error = File % has no Records .. It has been erased There are Records in file - U Plain Paper 8 1/2 x 11U Purchase Order FormsU Product CodesU Vendor NamesU Vendor NamesU Create New Purchase Transaction Vendor No .: Order No. .: Qty .......: ProdNo ....: (F2=List Products) Description: Units ...: ProdAmt ...: U Edit Purchase Transaction Vendor No .: Order No. .: Qty .......: ProdNo ....: (F2=List Products) Description: Units ...: ProdAmt ...: Amount ....: U Vendor No .: Order No. .: Qty .......: ProdNo ....: (F2=List Products) Description: Units ...: ProdAmt ...: Amount ....: N"Delete This Transaction (Y/N) ..: )Computing Purchase Order - Please Wait !!U Total: Vendor ....: Date ......: Order No. .: Purchase Detail Version 04 Revision 02,Esc=Exit A=Add E=Edit D=Delete C=Compute Total: 5No Transactions Found - You Must Add the First Record mFIELDS [PRODNO "Product", DESC "Description", QTY "Qty", UNITS "Unit", PRODAMT "Prod Amt", AMOUNT "Extended"] PLAIN LOCK 1 By PO Number By Vendor Name By PO StatusU Set Dispay OrderU Change Display Order Print NOT Received Report Print Received (Age) Report Print In-Process Report Delete Orders ReceivedU Press to ExitU Add Purchase Order Vendor Number ..: (F2=List Vendors) PO Number ...: (Last Number Used = PO Date .....: Terms .......: Freight ..: FOB ..: Ship To .....: Ship Via ....: Account .....: Tax Rate ...: Amount .....: Edit Purchase Order Number ..: Vendor ....: PO Number ...: PO Date .....: Date Received ..: Status ......: !$(I=InProcess, P=Printed, R=Received) Terms .......: Freight ..: FOB ..: Ship To .....: (F2=List Vendors) Ship Via ....: Account .....: Tax Rate ...: Amount .....: U Delete Purchase Order Number ..: Vendor ....: PO Number ...: PO Date .....: Date Received ..: Status ......: $(I=InProcess, P=Printed, R=Received) Terms .......: Freight ..: FOB ..: Ship To .....: Ship Via ....: N%Delete This Purchase Order (Y/N) ..: MAINT.HLP Maintenance Help Screen R"Date Purchase Order Received ...: Maintenance Module Version 04 Revision 02KEsc=Exit E=Edit D=Del S=Sel R=Rec P=Print F1=Help F10=Menu bFIELDS [CUSTNO "Vendor No.", CUSTOMER "Vendor", PURNO "Pur No.", STATUS "Status", AMOUNT "Amount"] PLAIN LOCK 2 Print Temp Orders Print All OrdersU Press to ExitU POST.HLP Post Help Screen Post Orders Module Version 04 Revision 02KEsc=Exit A=Add E=Edit D=Del S=Sel P=Print F1=Help F10=Menu.No Orders Found - You Must Add the First Order bFIELDS [CUSTNO "Cust No.", CUSTOMER "Customer", PURNO "Pur No.", STATUS "Status", AMOUNT "Amount"] PLAIN LOCK 2 1Delete All Received Orders Less Than This Date : Deleting All Orders Less Than ** Deleted Purchase OrderU + i n & + @ E Z m !!!1!A!I!g!o!w! "?#P#Y#`#s# $-$B$U$j$}$ %#%8%K%Z%_%t%y% &8&=&B&G&U&e&u&}& (!(&(<(F(K(a(k(p( )4)>)C)Y)c)h)~) *$*.*3*8*@*H*M*W*\*k*u* +$+)+1+<+A+F+ ,&,5,:,M,R,W,\,k,v,{, -"-*-5-:-?-N-f-w-|- .%.0.A.F.N.Y.^.c.v. 0 000@0P0e0j0 0 1 1*1/1:1M1X1]1b1g1o1t1 21272S2v2 3%3*383N3]3b3u3z3 4!4&40454D4K4W4a4y4 7+707@7P7`7u7z7 8"8'8F8K8P8Y8^8s8 :!:&:+:::K:c: ;!;&;.;6;I;N;X;];l;s; Purchase Order Purchase Order No. Purchase Order Date SHIP TO: Ship Via: Freight: FOB Point: Terms: Product No. Product Description Price Extended Page- -- Continued -- SubTotal Sales Tax Total Purchase;Authorized Signature ______________________________________U Print One Purchase Order Print All Purchase Orders !Print Edit Run of Purchase Orders "In-Process Purchase Orders as of: U 6No In-Process Orders Found - Press to Continue In-Process Orders Abort Printing (Y/N)? ..: Y.In-Process Report Aborted - ** Not Complete ** Total In-Process Purchases .: U #Purchase Orders Not Received As Of U 3No Printed Orders Found - Press to Continue Not Received Orders Abort Printing (Y/N)? ..: Y#Report Aborted - ** Not Complete ** Total of Printed Purchases .: U %Received Purchase Orders in the Last U =No Received Purchase Orders Found - Press to Continue*Print Orders Received in the Last Days Received Orders Days as of Abort Printing (Y/N)? ..: Y#Report Aborted - ** Not Complete ** Total Received Purchases .: U + < M ^ o !>!C!Y!^!c!k!p!u!}! """'","1"="E"J"R"c"s"x" ###(#6#W#a#k#z# $!$&$+$=$L$T$Y$^$s$ %#%B%G%]%p% &.&<&I&N&S&c&h&m&r&w&|& By Name By NumberU Set Dispay OrderU Change Display Order Print Vendor ListU Press to ExitU Create New Vendor Number ....: Name ......: Address ...: City ......: State: Zip: Phone .....: Contact ...: U Edit Vendor Record Number ....: Name ......: Address ...: City ......: State: Zip: Phone .....: Contact ...: U Delete Vendor Record Number ....: Name ......: Address ...: City ......: State: Zip: Delete This Vendor (Y/N) ...: VENDOR.HLP Vendor Help Screen Enter Vendor Name: Enter Vendor Number: Vendors Module Version 04 Revision 02KEsc=Exit A=Add E=Edit D=Del F=Find F1=Help F10=Menu0No Vendors Found - You Must Add the First Vendor to ExitU By Product Number By Product NameU Set Dispay OrderU Add Product Record Product Number .......: Product Description ..: Product Unit .........: Product Amount .......: Qty on Hand/Order ....: Reorder Limit ........: U Edit Product Record Product Number .......: Product Description ..: Product Unit .........: Product Amount .......: Qty on Hand/Order ....: Reorder Limit ........: U Delete Product Record Product Number .......: Product Description ..: Delete this Product ........: Amount to Add to Inventory ...: 'Amount to Subtract From Inventory ...: U PROD.HLP Product Help Screen Enter Product Number: Enter Product Desc: Products Module Version 04 Revision 02KEsc=Exit A=Add E=Edit D=Del F=Find +/- Adjust Inv. F1=Hlp F10=Menu2No Products Found - You Must Add the First Product FIELDS [PRODNO "Product", PRODDESC "Description", PRODAMT " Amount", PRODUNIT "Unit", INVENTORY "Inventory", REORDER " ReOrder"] PLAIN LOCK 1 Product Description ReportNProd No. Product Description Unit Amount Limit QtyOnHandU Print Product DescriptionsU (Inventory Status Report - ReOrder LimitsNProd No. Product Description Unit Amount Limit QtyOnHandU Print Inventory ReOrder LimitsU 'Inventory Adjustment From External FileOProd No. Product Description Old-Qty Adj-Qty New-QtyU ADJUST.INV/File ADJUST.INV not found -- Adjustment Aborted?Adjusting Inventory File from External ADJUST.INV - Please Wait String: " Invalid - Inventory Not Adjusted"Not Found - Inventory Not Adjusted AdjQty = U Product Report - Marked Up %DProd No. Product Description Unit Cost RetailU When Ready - to Abort !!7Printing Manual - Please Wait (Press to Abort) !! PURCHASE.DOCU * Not Available PURCHASE.X01BPrinting Registration Form - Please Wait (Press to Abort) !!A=================================================================A REGISTRATION FORM /To Register Send $65.00 plus $4.00 Shipping to:# Ron Byxbe & Associates P. O. Box 1844# Dublin, Georgia 31040+ (912) 272-1714 (9-4pm Eastern)< Product: "Purchase Order System - Version 04 Revision 02"A Name to Register Software Under: A Name:_____________________________________________________ A Address:__________________________________________________ A City/State/Zip:___________________________________________ A Phone:____________________________________________________ A Contact: _________________________________________________ A Additional Comments About Our Program A Where did you get this Software Package? A How much did you have to pay? Dealer Reference No. A Copyright (c) 1988,90 by Ronald B. Byxbe (All Rights Reserved)U % * < A F X ] b t y ~ Edit Business Name Name ............: Address .........: City/State/Zip ..: Phone ...........: Monitor (M/C) ...: Set Purhase Order Defaults Printer Page Size ...: (Normal=66, Laser=60)!First Line Of Purchase Order ..: +Print Heading for Purchase Order (Y/N) ..: Default Terms ..........: Default Freight ........: Default FOB ............: Default Ship Via .......: Default Tax Rate .......: (0.060 = 6%) #Closing Index Files ... Please Wait'Packing Vendor Database ... Please Wait)Packing Purchase Database ... Please Wait(Packing Product Database ... Please Wait'Packing Detail Database ... Please Wait ... Indexing Vendor By Name VNDBYNAM ... Indexing Vendor By Number VNDBYNUM VNDBYNAM NOCACHE VNDBYNUM NOCACHE ... Indexing Purchase By Number PURBYNUM ... Indexing Purchase By Vendor PURBYCST ... Indexing Purchase By Status PURBYSTS ... Indexing Purchase By Account PURBYACC PURBYNUM NOCACHE PURBYCST NOCACHE PURBYSTS NOCACHE PURBYACC NOCACHE ... Indexing Product By Number PRDBYNUM ... Indexing Product By Name PRDBYNAM PRDBYNUM NOCACHE PRDBYNAM NOCACHE ... Indexing Detail By Number DTLBYNUM DTLBYNUM NOCACHEU PURSETUP.DBF Creating System Setup File ADDR1 ADDR2 PHONE MONITOR REGISTERED LSTPURNO PAGESIZE FIRSTLINE HEADER TERMS SHIPVIA FREIGHT PURSETUP VENDOR.DBF Creating Vendor Database File CUSTNO STATE BALANCE CONTACT VNDBYNUM.IND VNDBYNAM.IND PURCHASE.DBF Creating Purchase Database File SHIPTO PURNO PODATE CUSTOMER AMOUNT STATUS ACCOUNT TAXRATE NOTES DATEREC PURCHASE.DBT PURBYNUM.IND PURBYCST.IND PURBYSTS.IND PURBYACC.IND PRODUCT.DBF Creating Product Database File PRODNO PRODAMT PRODDESC PRODUNIT INVENTORY REORDER PRDBYNUM.IND PRDBYNAM.IND DETAIL.DBF Creating Detail Database File UNITS DETAIL.DBT DTLBYNUM.IND Opening System Setup File Opening Vendor Data File VENDOR Opening Vendor Database Indexes ... Indexing Vendor VNDBYNAM VNDBYNUM VNDBYNAM NOCACHE VNDBYNUM NOCACHE Opening Purchase Data File PURCHASE" Opening Purchase Database Indexes ... Indexing Purchase by Number PURBYNUM ... Indexing Purchase by Vendor PURBYCST ... Indexing Purchase by Status PURBYSTS ... Indexing Purchase by Account PURBYACC PURBYNUM NOCACHE PURBYCST NOCACHE PURBYSTS NOCACHE PURBYACC NOCACHE Opening Product Data File PRODUCT SAMPLE Sample Record! Opening Product Database Indexes ... Indexing Product by Number PRDBYNUM ... Indexing Product by Name PRDBYNAM PRDBYNUM NOCACHE PRDBYNAM NOCACHE Opening Detail Data File DETAIL Opening Detail Database Indexes ... Indexing Detail by Number DTLBYNUM DTLBYNUM NOCACHEU * F b ~