HOW TO CHANGE THE GLOBAL OUTLINE STYLE C. In PC-OUTLINE, you can change several parameters that define the appearance of the outline from a single Option Box. Choosing Global Outline Style from the Display menu will bring up an Option Box with six types of settings: 1. Indent Per Outline Level - this controls the number of spaces that each level of the outline is indented. Any number between 0 and 20 is valid. 2. Spaces For Numbering - this controls the number of leading spaces that are allocated for numbering on the top level. 3. First Entry Number - this determines the starting value of the first element in the outline. This allows you to start the outline with a first element that is numbered "C" or "5" instead of "A" or "1". 4. Numbering Type - sets all outline numbering to Sequential, Procedural, Bullet, or None. 5. Level Letter - If Numbering Type is Sequential, then this sets the lettering type to Uppercase Letters, Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Roman Numbers, and Bullets on each of the first eight levels. 6. Level Punctuation - If Numbering Type is Sequential, then this sets the character to follow the Lettering on each of the first eight levels. D. Try some of the combinations listed below to see how the Global Outline Style function works. 1. Indent Per Outline Level a) Set this to 10 b) Set it back to the default of 3 2. Spaces for Numbering a) Set this to 2, notice the numbering on the first level b) Set this to 10, notice the spacing on the first level c) Set this back to the default of 4 3. First Entry Number a) Set this to 3 and move to the top of the outline 4. Numbering Type a) Set this to Bullets b) Set this back to the default of Sequential 5. Level Letter a) Set this to Roman Numbers on the first level and Bullets on the second level 6. Level Punctuation a) Set this to * on the first two levels