THIS OUTLINE SHOWS HOW THE MENUS WORK. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO USE THE MENUS. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PRESS THE INS KEY. This will start the FILE menu. You can make a choice in the FILE menu several ways: a) You can point to the option you want in the FILE menu with the up and down arrow keys and then press return. b) You can press the first letter of the option you want and it will immediately be selected. To use menus other than the FILE menu, press the left and right arrow keys after the INS key to point to a different menu. This is also a good way to familiarize yourself with all the different menu choices available. It is good to remember that YOU CAN ALWAYS PRESS THE ESC KEY TO CANCEL WHAT YOU WERE CURRENTLY DOING. If you were in a menu, then pressing the ESC key will cancel that menu. 2. PRESS THE "/" KEY FOLLOWED BY THE FIRST LETTER OF THE MENU YOU WANT. For example, to enter the PRINT menu, you would press "/P". This saves having to press a number of arrow keys after INS to get over to the PRINT menu. For those of you who are used to 1-2-3, this method works very similar to 1-2-3. To use the "/" key itself in typing, just press it twice in a row. 3. PRESS THE ALT KEY AND THE FIRST LETTER OF THE MENU YOU WANT. For example, to enter the PRINT menu, press ALT-P, to enter the DISPLAY menu, press ALT-D. 4. PRESS THE APPROPRIATE SHORTCUT KEYSTROKE AND BYPASS THE MENUS ENTIRELY. Alongside many menu options is listed a single keystroke. For example, in the EDIT menu, the first option FIND STRING lists (^F). This means that you can press ^F (control-F) to immediately execute the FIND STRING option without using the menus at all. This is mostly for advanced users who wish to speed up the operation of PC-OUTLINE. You will notice that every menu option does not have a shortcut keystroke listed. This is because there are only so many shortcut keystroke combinations. If you want some menu options to have shortcut keystrokes that don't already have them, or you want to change some of the existing shortcut ones, you can define your own shortcut keystrokes with the KEY DEFINITION facility in the ADVANCED menu. There is more about this option in the printed manual.