I. FILES A. Accounts File B. Client File C. Service File D. Message File E. Vendor File F. Product File G. Records - Client 1. Add/Edit Client Records 2. Print Client Records 3. Delete Client Records 4. Reminder Labels H. Appointment Schedule I. General/ID File II. PURCHASES A. Enter/Edit Purchase Order B. Enter/Edit Received P.O. C. Inventory Adjustments D. Print P.O./Received P.O. 1. Print Purchase Order 2. Print Received P.O. E. Print Adjustments F. Print Purchase Journal G. Post Received P.O. H. Post Adjustments I. Bill of Materials 1. Print Bill of Material 2. Generate Bill of Material III. BILLING A. Enter/Edit Invoices B. Invoices - Print C. Revenue Journal D. Posting Process E. Reoccurring Entries 1. Enter/Edit Invoices 2. Print Reoccurring Entries 3. Generate Entries IV. RECEIVABLES A. Enter/Edit Transactions B. Cash Receipts C. Journals - Print 1. Invoices/Transactions 2. Cash Receipts Journal D. Posting Process E. Reoccurring Entries 1. Enter/Edit Transactions 2. Print Reoccurring Entries 3. Generate Entries V. PAYABLES A. Enter/Edit Transactions B. Cash Payments PAGE 1 C. Direct Check Writing D. Journals - Print 1. Invoices/Transactions 2. Payments Journal 3. Direct Check Journal E. Disbursements Journal F. Print Checks G. Posting Process H. Reoccurring Entries 1. Enter/Edit Transactions 2. Print Reoccurring Entries 3. Generate Entries VI. LEDGER A. Enter/Edit Transactions B. Account Activity Report C. Journal Report D. Check Reconciliation 1. Check Reconciliation 2. Print Check Register E. Sales Tax Report F. Posting Process G. Reoccurring Entries 1. Enter/Edit Transactions 2. Print Reoccurring Entries 3. Generate Entries VII. REPORTS A. General Ledger Reports 1. Trial Balance 2. Income Statement 3. Balance Sheet 4. Chart of Account Listing B. Receivable Reports 1. Client Statements 2. Client Aging Report 3. Client Directory 4. Client Labels 5. Client Historical Information C. Payable Reports 1. Vendor Aging Report 2. Vendor Directory 3. Vendor Labels D. Service/Product Reports 1. Service Listing 2. Product Listing 3. Message Listing VIII. CLOSING A. General Ledger - End of Month B. Receivables - End of Month C. Payables - End of Month D. End of Year - General Ledger E. Historical Invoice Purge F. Historical Tax Purge PAGE 2 G. Budgeting 1. Enter/Edit Budget 2. Print Budget Report 3. Print Actual Report 4. Print Variance Report H. Fixed Assets 1. Enter/Edit Fixed Assets 2. Print Fixed Assets 3. Generate Asset Entries IX. UTILITIES A. Color Parameters B. File Sizes C. Reindex Files D. Sales Tax Table E. Calculator F. Notepad G. Statement Text H. Backup/Restore Files 1. Backup Files 2. Restore Files I. Customized Printouts 1. Client Invoice 2. Client Statement 3. Purchase Order 4. Received P.O. 5. Check Alignment J. Video Parameters 1. 80X25 Lines (CGA/EGA/VGA) 2. 80X43 Lines (EGA/VGA) 3. 80X50 Lines (VGA) K. Printer Setup L. Default Descriptions 1. Invoice Description 2. A/R Transaction Description 3. Cash Receipts Description 4. A/R Write-Off Description 5. A/P Transaction Description 6. Purchase Order Description 7. Received PO Description 8. Cash Payments Description M. Country Setup 1. American 2. Canadian 3. Date Formats a. mm/dd/yy American b. yy.mm.dd ANSI c. dd/mm/yy British d. dd.mm.yy German e. dd-mm-yy Italian f. dd/mm/yy French N. DOS Functions 1. Format Floppy Disk 2. Check Disk 3. Rename File PAGE 3 4. Copy File 5. Delete File 6. Move File 7. Backup to Floppy Disk 8. Restore from Floppy 9. DOS Window (Alt+X) 10. Tree Directory INSTALLATION This program and installation routine are contained on three disks. The first disk is labeled Installation Disk, and contains the install program. The other two disks contain the program files. The first thing you need to do is make a copy of each original disk. Once this is done, use the working copies that you made. Store the original disks in a safe place. To install Painless Accounting, simply place the disk labeled 'Installation Disk' in A:drive and type 'A:CINSTALL' at your DOS prompt. The installation routine will walk you through the process step by step, so just follow the instructions on the screen. Once this is done you are ready to use Painless Accounting. To start the program you must change into the subdirectory you created through the install process, the default is PAC4. The command to change to this default subdirectory is CD\PAC4. Once you are in the subdirectory type in PAC4, and it will bring you up to the Multiple Company menu. Select the company you wish to setup by pressing enter or the number associated with the company. Once at the main menu use the arrow keys to move across and down the menu or type in the first letter or number of your selection. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The following are some of the keys available throughout Painless Accounting. These keys are available only when you need that particular information. The keys available will usually be displayed on the status line. ESCape - Allows you to exit. Available almost everywhere. F1 - Help. This will provide you with on-line help. This feature is available anywhere in the program. F2 - Chart of Accounts. This will give you a listing of all your chart of accounts on the screen. F3 - Clients. This will allow you to display your clients on the screen, sorted either by code or by company name. F4 - Vendors. This provides a listing of all your vendors sorted by code. PAGE 4 F5 - Services. This provides a listing of all services sorted by code. F6 - Messages. This provides a listing of all messages sorted by code. F7 - AR open invoices. This will list a particular clients invoices. F8 - AP open invoices. This will list a particular vendors invoices. F9 - Utilities. This will bring up a menu to select color parameters, file sizes, reindex files, tax table, check alignment, calculator, notepad, or statement text. This option is only available at the main menu. F10- Products. This provides a listing of all products sorted by code. CTRL+W - Wipeout. This feature allows you to wipeout a line item entered or to delete a transaction. ALT+X - Exit to DOS. This allows you to exit to DOS. PgUp - Page Up. This allows you to go up to a previous line item entered. Also allows paging through listings displayed on the screen. PgDn - Page Down. This allow you to go down to the next line item. Also allows paging through listings displayed on the screen. To select options off the main menu, use the arrow keys. You may also press the first letter or the number of the option, whichever case it may be. MULTIPLE COMPANIES Press the number of the company to access or highlight the proper company by using the arrow keys and press enter. If you need to change a company, select the Modify Company Information option. Up to ten companies may be entered. Enter in up to 40 characters to identify each company and enter in the proper drive and directory where the data files are stored for each company. Press enter to save the line and ESCape to exit. If you try to access a company and receive the error message that the company is not installed, you must run the install process to create the data files for the company. You could also receive this message if an invalid path is entered and the data files are not found. PAGE 5 I. FILES A. Accounts File All chart of accounts will be entered through this routine. To enter in the budget amounts, select closing from the main menu and then select budget. When entering an account you must first enter an account number. If an account is on file it will be displayed for editing purposes. If you are unsure of an account number, press F2 and the chart of accounts will be listed on the screen. If adding a new account, after the account number is entered, you can enter in a description of the account. Next, the account type must be entered. The different types of accounts available will be displayed on the screen. Enter in the type of account you are entering and then save it. By choosing Quit the account just entered, or any changes made to an existing account, will not be saved and you will be taken back to the Files Menu. If you select Delete the account will be deleted, only if it has a zero balance. Remember account balances are only updated when the posting process is done in the Ledger. Pressing ESCape while in the account number field will take you back to the Files Menu. B. Client File All client information will be entered through this routine. First, you must assign each client a Code. This code can be numeric, alphabetic, or both. If a client exists for the code entered, it will be displayed on the screen for editing purposes. Pressing F3 will allow you to display clients on the screen, sorted either by code, name or company name. If you sort by client name enter in the client name or any part of the client name. For example, if you entered in 'Doe' for the client name, any client name found that starts with 'Doe' will be displayed. The same goes when searching by company. The company field is the client's company name. You also have a field for the name of your contact. Enter in the address, city, state, and zip. Then you can enter in two phone numbers and the client's Tax number. The balance field will be updated when any invoices or payments for the client are posted. Last payment and last purchase will be updated after the posting process is run. Last payment is updated when any payments are made and posted. Last purchase is updated when any invoices are posted. Due days are the amount of days they have to pay the invoice. PAGE 6 There is also a field for a license number and a reminder date field. Next enter in the Tax Code for the amount of tax the vendor charges. The tax amounts are entered in through F9 (Utilities) from the main menu. When you get to the tax field, a box will display showing all the tax amounts you have entered. Just enter in the appropriate code number. When making invoices for the client, this tax percent will be added to all merchandise sold, only if the product or service sold is taxable. You also have the option to indicate if the client is a balance forward client. If the client is balance forward, after the end of month process is run for accounts receivable all unpaid invoices will be lumped together as one invoice. Otherwise, each individual invoice will remain on file. There are also fields for additional information on the client. For instance, their main office information could be put here. After all this information is entered a screen will appear to put in a comment about the client. This comment will be printed out on the client directory. C. Service File All Services will be entered through this option. First enter in the service code. If the service already exists it will be displayed for editing purposes. Otherwise, you will enter in the service description and then the charge of the service. When making an invoice for the service, the price may be edited at that time if necessary. There is also a field for a sales account number. It will default to the sales account in the general file. Enter in the appropriate sales account for each service. All revenue made from that service will be added to this particular sales account. This way you can get sales for different departments. You also have the option to add the sales account if it is not on file. Next indicate if the service is taxable. If it is not taxable no sales tax will be charged when making out an invoice. If you indicate it is taxable, sales tax will only be charge if the client has a tax rate other than zero. If you need to edit a service and do not know the service code, just press F5 and a list of all the services will be displayed on the screen. Pressing ESCape will take you back to the Files Menu. D. Message File All messages will be entered through this routine. First enter in the message code. If the message already exists it will be displayed for editing purposes. Otherwise, you will PAGE 7 enter in the message description. If you need to edit a message and do not know the message code, just press F6 and a list of all the messages will be displayed on the screen. Pressing the ESCape key will take you back to the Files Menu. E. Vendor File All vendor information will be entered through this option. First enter a vendor code. If the vendor already exists it will be displayed for editing purposes. Enter the vendor name and the person you have contact with at that company. Next enter the address and phone numbers of this vendor. The discount percent is any discount offered by the vendor if paid within the number of discount days. This is for your reference only. Due days is the number of days from the invoice date that the invoice is due. Enter in your credit limit next. The credit limit is for your reference only. The current balance is updated when any invoice or payment is posted in the Payables module. Enter in the appropriate Sales Tax Rate code. A window will pop up showing the tax rates you have entered through the F9 (Utilities) option. Enter in the appropriate code for the tax rate you are charged by the client for all services or products ordered. This rate will be calculated for you when making out Purchase Orders and Received Purchase Orders. The tax will only be calculated on taxable products. Last purchase date and last payment date are updated when any purchase or payment is posted in the Payables module. If you press F4, a list of all vendors on file will be displayed Pressing ESCape will take you back to the Files menu. F. Product File All products will be entered through this option. First you will enter in the product code. If the product is already on file it will be displayed for editing purposes. If you do not know the product code press F10 and a listing of all products on file will be displayed. Next enter in the description of the product, your selling price, and your cost of the product. The on hand units, on hand dollars, units on order, and committed units will be updated automatically. On hand units and dollars are updated when you post the Received Purchase orders or the Inventory adjustments. Units on order is affected when you make out a purchase order. Committed units is affected when you make out an invoice for the product. PAGE 8 Next you have the sales account and the cost of goods sold account. These accounts will default to the sales and cost of goods sold account in the general id file. You can enter in different accounts if you want to track your sales and costs by department. All sales from this product will be totaled in the sales account that you entered here. All costs for this product will be totaled in the cost of goods sold account entered also. These accounts may be added at this time if necessary. Next indicate if the product is taxable. If it is taxable, tax will be charged when the product is sold or purchased. If the product is taxable, the tax will be generated when the product is purchased only if the vendor has a tax rate other than zero. Also if the product is taxable, tax will be generated when the product is sold only if the client has a tax rate other than zero. If you are a manufacturer, you can specify the product as being manufactured. If you indicated the product is manufactured, a screen will appear so you may input the raw materials that make up the manufactured good. To add the raw materials press the F3 key. The products must already exist on file. Indicated the product number and the description will be displayed. You must then indicate the number of units it takes to make the finished good. If you need to delete an item, position the highlight on the item to delete and press the F4 key. To edit a raw material, highlight the item and press the F5 key. When generating the finished good, the raw material items will be decreased by the quantity entered. G. Records-Client 1. Add/Edit Client Records In this option you will be able to write notes of clients' visits or any other information you might want to keep on the client. First, you will enter the client code. If you are unsure of the code, press F3 and you can list all clients or search by name or company name. Enter in the code and press enter and the client's name will be displayed. Enter the date the information is entered. If information has already been entered with this code and date, it will be displayed for editing. By entering in a different date more information may be added for the client. For each new date entered there are ten lines to enter information about the client. This screen is like a word processor: just start typing in the information, and once the enter key is pressed that line is saved. By pressing the ESCape key after pressing enter to save the line, you will be taken out of the entry screen. The editing keys available will be displayed on screen at all times. 2. Print Client Records PAGE 9 This file grows rapidly in size as more information is entered. It is a good idea to print out the Client Records for a hard copy and then put them in a client file for future reference. When printing this information you have the option to print all clients' information or a range of clients. You may also specify certain dates to print. This may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper for your files. 3. Delete Client Records This option allows you to delete client records. This will reduce the size of the file and give you more disk space. It will prompt you for a date, and everything entered before this date will be deleted. It will ask you to verify your actions before it deletes out the records. After deleting these from the file, you should ALWAYS go to the utilities and reindex your files. 4. Reminder Labels You can print client reminder labels through this option. These mailing labels can be used to send clients reminders that it's time for their next meeting or just to keep in contact with them. When printing these you have the option to print for a range of clients or just for one client. Enter in the date, and it will print the labels for the clients specified by the range, and only for the client with a reminder date on or before the date specified. The reminder date it looks at is the date entered in when making out an invoice for the client through the billing module. This is also shown in the client file. It will prompt you to indicate if your labels have 9 lines or if they have 6 lines. Enter the appropriate number of lines. These reminder labels may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. Once the reminder labels are printed, the reminder date is blanked out. This means once you print out your reminder labels they may not be printed out again, unless you enter in a invoice with a new reminder date, or edit the client file and enter in a new reminder date. H. Appointment Schedule This option allows you to prepare an appointment schedule. All the appointments will be displayed on the screen by date. If you need to go to a specific date, press F10 and enter the date you need to go to. The F8 key allows you to print the daily appointments, add more days to the schedule, or delete out previous days. When printing out the appointments you will be asked to enter the first date and last date you want the report to cover. This report may be printed or displayed on the screen. Each day will be printed on a separate sheet of paper, with the PAGE 10 time, client's name, and any comments made. If you need to add days it will prompt you for the starting date, which will default to the day after the last date on file. Then you must enter in the number of days to add. If you need to delete days out of the scheduler, press F8 and select delete appointment days. This will reduce the size of the file and free up more disk space. It will prompt you for a range of dates to delete, everything entered between and on these dates will be deleted. Pressing F10 will display a monthly calendar. Pressing the left and right arrow keys will change the month and the up and down arrows change the year. This schedule starts at 7:00am and goes until 6:45pm in 15 minute increments. To enter an appointment arrow to the proper time of the appointment and press Enter. You will now be at the comment line on the bottom of the screen. You may then type in the client name and any comment you wish. The first character typed in will be displayed in the schedule at the time indicated. If you arrow to an appointment already entered the information concerning that appointment will be displayed on the comment line at the bottom of the screen. Escape takes you out of the scheduler and saves all entries. You may want to set up different codes for different types of appointments and type the codes in as the first character. I. General/ID File This is where your company name and address will be entered. There are also fields for a phone number and an emergency phone number. You may also enter a social security number and your tax number. General Information: The general information contains eight chart of accounts. These fields may not be left blank. These accounts are what control the integration of the different modules of this package when posting to the ledger. If you enter in an account number not found in the chart of account file, you can add it at this time. It will notify you that the account you entered is not in the file and ask if you want to add the account at this time. If you answer 'Y', it will take you to the Account Files where you can add the information for this account. If you are unsure of the account number, press F2 and all your chart of accounts will be displayed on the screen. For example, the cash account or CHECKING account entered will receive all receipts entered in the cash receipts option of the receivables module. When receivables are posted all receipts will be added to the cash or checking account in the Ledger. It will also receive any payment made at the time an invoice is entered. Any payment made to a vendor in the cash payments or Received Purchase Order will be taken out of this account. You have the option to override this account PAGE 11 when making out the cash receipt or payment, amount paid on a received purchase order or amount received on an invoice. The RECEIVABLE account will receive information of any invoice entered for clients. The total of this account in the Ledger will be all the outstanding balances due to you. The SALES account is used for the default account when entering in Services and Products. The total of all products sold and services rendered, when making out an invoice, will be sent to the sales account entered for each particular service and product. The PAYABLE account will keep a total of all bills which you owe. When making an invoice for any purchase, this account will track the total amount you owe. The INVENTORY account will be updated when merchandise is received and the Received Purchase Orders are posted. It will also be updated when the billing is posted for products sold. The COST OF GOODS SOLD is the default account used when entering a product. If you have different departments the appropriate account will be updated when the billing module is posted. The SALES TAX account will keep track of all tax charged to the client when making out an invoice. The SALES TAX EXPENSE account will keep track of all tax you are charged when making a Purchase Order or Received Purchase Order. Remember transactions for these accounts are only created in the general ledger after posting the Billing, Receivables, Payables, and Received Purchase Orders. The chart of accounts balances are only updated after posting the general ledger. Last Invoice Number: The invoice number entered in this field will be the last invoice number used. When making out an invoice the next number in sequence will appear as the invoice number used. Once an invoice is issued you will NOT be able to change the last invoice number used to a smaller number. So be sure the next number is the number of the invoice with which you wish to start. Last Purchase Number: The purchase number entered in this field will be the last purchase order number used. When making out a purchase order the next number in sequence will appear as the purchase order number used. Once a Purchase Order is issued you will NOT be able to change the last purchase order number used to a smaller number. So be sure the next number is the number of the purchase order with PAGE 12 which you wish to start. Next indicate if you are interfacing with EEG Payroll. If you answer 'Y' a box will appear for you to enter in the drive and directory of your EEG Payroll files. Password: For security reasons a place to enter passwords has been provided. The next screen asks if you want to edit your password. If you answer 'Y', it will prompt you for the master password. If this is the first time to edit the passwords press enter, otherwise enter in your master password. You will now have the ability to enter in four levels of passwords or change passwords already on file. After loading Painless Accounting and selecting the company you will be entering information for, it will prompt you for your password. Your access will be limited to the following depending on the level of the password entered. Level 4 password only allows access to enter Invoices and to enter Purchase Orders and Received Purchase Orders. Level 3 password allows access to Level 4 entries and General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable entries. Level 3 also has access to Check reconciliation, Appointment Scheduler, and Records-Client. Level 2 password allows access to Level 3 and 4 entries along with all Reports, Inventory Adjustments, Printing Checks, and File Maintenance (Accounts, Client, Service, Message, Vendor, Product, and General ID files). Level 1 password allows access to Level 2, 3, and 4 entries along with Posting, End of Period routines, and Customized Printing set up. The Master password has access to everything. Also it is the only password that will allow you to change the passwords. II. PURCHASES A. Enter/Edit Purchase Order This module is used to enter a purchase order for any inventory items ordered. The next purchase number will be displayed in the purchase number field. If you need to edit a previous purchase order just enter in that purchase number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not been posted. Pressing ESCape in the purchase number field will take you back to the purchase menu. Next enter in the vendor code. Pressing F4 will list all your vendors, sorted by code, on the screen for you. If the vendor code entered is not found, you may add it at this time. PAGE 13 Next enter the date of the purchase order. This will default to the DOS date but may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in the vendor file. The vendor balance and last payment fields are updated when any invoices or payments for the vendor are posted. Next you will be prompted to enter in all products ordered and any messages. You may press F10 for a listing of the products and F6 for a message listing. Services may NOT be entered in for a purchase order. If you enter in a product or message not on file, you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will prompt you to indicate if it is a product or message. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter in the product or message. You will not be able to enter the sales and cost of goods sold account number. They will default to the account numbers set up in the General ID file. They may be changed by editing the product through the product file option. After a product or message is entered that is on file, the description will be displayed for each line item entered, but may be modified. You can enter up to as many line items as necessary. If you fill up one screen you can page up and page down through all the line items. If a product is entered, the description will be displayed, but may be changed. Next enter in the number of units ordered. The cost will default to the cost entered in the product file but may also be changed. The extended amount will be calculated automatically. The Rec'd field and the first cost field will have zero's in them until you enter a Received Purchase Order and enter in the number of units received. If you edit a Purchase Order without entering a Received Purchase Order the first cost field will default to the cost in the product file. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the message file, it may be added at this time. Pressing Page Up while in the product field will move you up to the previous line item. Pressing Page Down takes you to the next line item. Leaving the product field blank and pressing return or just pressing ESCape will take you out of the purchase order entry. The sales tax will then be calculated and added to the total amount due. A description of the purchase order to be printed on statements and the aging report will be entered in next. You have the option to print the purchase order now if you wish, PAGE 14 or you may print it out later. You may select from a custom form that you have setup in (F9) Utilities under Customized printouts. To edit a previous purchase order just enter in that purchase number, and it will be displayed, providing it has not been posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the client code will delete the invoice. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the invoice is deleted. If you need to delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the product code field. This will delete that line item only. When editing Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes you to the previous line item. After a Purchase Order is entered, the on order field in the product file will be updated by the number of units ordered. B. Enter/Edit Received P.O. This module is used to enter a Received Purchase Order showing any amount of products received from a vendor. The next Received Purchase Order number will be displayed in the Purchase Number field. If you need to edit a previous Received Purchase Order just enter in that Received number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not been posted. If you have already entered a Purchase Order and now want to enter the number of units received, enter in the Purchase Order number. You can then move to the line items and enter in the appropriate number of units received for each product. If you do not use Purchase Orders you can just enter in a Received Purchase Order for the products received. Pressing ESCape in the Purchase number field will take you back to the Purchase menu. Next enter in the vendor code, unless you are editing a Received Purchase Order or are entering in received units for a Purchase Order. Pressing F3 will allow you to display the vendors on the screen. If the vendor code entered is not found, you may add it at this time. Next you will be prompted to enter in the date of the invoice and due date. The date of invoice defaults to the DOS date, unless you are editing a previous entry or entering in received products for a purchase order. The due date will be entered in automatically, but may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in the vendor file. The vendor balance and last payment fields are updated when any invoices or payments are made to the vendor and posted. Next you will be prompted to enter in all products received and any messages. You may press F10 for a listing of the products or F6 for a message listing. If you are entering received merchandise for a purchase order, the products from the purchase order will be displayed. PAGE 15 If you enter in a product or message not on file, you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will prompt you to indicate if it is a product or message. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter in the product or message. If you add a product you will not be able to enter the sales or cost of goods sold account number. They will default to the accounts set up in the General ID file. These account numbers may be changed by editing the product through the product file option. After a product or message is entered that is on file the description will be displayed for each line item entered, but may be modified. You can enter as many line items as necessary consisting of products and messages. If a product is entered, the description will be displayed, but may be changed. The cost will default to the cost entered in the product file but may also be changed. Next you will enter in the number of units received and you can enter in a new cost if it is different than what is in the product file. The extended amount will be calculated for you. The on hand units in the product file will be update once you post the Received Purchase Orders. If you are entering a Received Merchandise for a purchase order the number of units ordered and cost will be displayed. Otherwise the units order and cost will be zero. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the message file, it may be added at this time. Leaving the product field blank and pressing return or just pressing ESCape will take you to the amount paid field at the bottom of the screen. Any cash payment made at this time can be entered. The invoice generated will only be for the remaining amount due, if any. Once in the Amount Paid field the Sales Tax will be calculated. If the vendor was setup with a zero tax rate, no tax will be calculated. Otherwise, tax will be calculated only on the products that were setup as taxable. The Total is the total of all products received plus the sales tax minus any amount paid. If you enter an amount in the amount paid field, this amount will be posted to your default checking account, setup in the General ID File. This amount will also be posted to the check reconciliation under the default checking account. Pressing Page Up while in the amount paid field will take you back to the line items. Pressing Page Up while in the Product field will move you up to the previous line item. Pressing Page Down takes you to the next line item. A description of the purchase to be printed on statements and PAGE 16 the aging report will be entered in next. You have the option to print the Received Purchase Order now if you wish, or you may print it out later. To edit a previous Received Purchase Order just enter in that Received number, and it will be displayed, providing it has not been posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the vendor code will delete the invoice. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the invoice is deleted. If you need to delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the Product field. This will delete that line item only. When editing Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes you to the previous line item. Also Page Up will take you from the amount paid field to the last line item entered. C. Inventory Adjustments This option allows you make adjustments to your products after taking an inventory. You will only be allowed to make adjustments to products already on file. First you will enter in the product code. Pressing F10 will display all the products on the screen. After the code is entered the description and the current on hand units will be displayed. If there has already been an adjustment entered for the product, and not posted, the New on Hand Units will be displayed. Pressing CTRL+W while in the New on Hand Units field, will delete the adjustment. You may now enter in the New on Hand Units. If you enter in more units than currently on hand, after posting this will increase your inventory and update the current on hand units in the product file. Also, your Cost of Goods Sold will be decreased. If you enter in less units than currently on hand, after posting this will decrease your inventory and update the current on hand units in the product file. Also, your Cost of Goods Sold will be increased. D. Print P.O./Received P.O. 1. Print Purchase Order Through this option you can print or display a range of purchase orders. If you answer 'Y' to reprint purchase orders, it will print out all purchase orders that have already been printed. If you answer 'N', it will only print purchase orders that have not been printed. You also have a range of which purchase orders to print out. Select the form that you want the Purchase orders to print out on. 2. Print Received P.O. Through this option you will be able to print or display received purchase orders. If you answer 'Y' to reprint received purchase orders, it will print out all received purchase orders that have already been printed. If you answer 'N', it will only print received purchase orders that have not been printed. You also have a range of which PAGE 17 received purchase orders to print out. Select the form that you want the Received P.O.'s to print out on. E. Print Adjustments This option will allow you to print out all the inventory adjustments entered. You may display this report or print it out to the printer. This will display the Product code and description and the current on hand units and the new on hand units entered. F. Print Purchase Journal This report will show all Purchase Order and Received Purchase Order amounts and amount due. You have the option to display the report on the screen or print it out to the printer. This will show the Purchase Order or Received Purchase Order number, vendor code, vendor company, and date. It will also show the total of the invoice and any amount paid at the time of the invoice. Also the amount now owed on the invoice will be displayed. It will also give you totals for each of these columns. G. Post Received P.O. Be sure to print out all purchase orders, received purchase orders, and the purchase journal and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all vendor balances and put all received purchase orders in the open invoice file. Also the on hand units and the on order units in the product file will be updated. When posting you have the option to post Unprinted Received Purchase Orders. If you answer 'N' the unprinted Received Purchase Orders will stay in the file. If you answer 'Y' all Received Purchase Orders will be posted. You will no longer be able to edit any purchase orders or received purchase orders that had units received or any partial units received. The only thing that will be left in the file will be Purchase Orders that did not have any units received. Any units not received will have to be reentered as a Purchase Order. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in PO for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted on March 14, enter in 03/14 as the transaction number and PO as the journal. This will display the summary on the screen. PAGE 18 H. Post Adjustments Be sure to print out the Adjustments and make a backup before running this process. This process will update the product file with the new on hand units. It will take the new on hand units times the standard cost to get the new on hand dollar value. If the adjustment is made to decrease the inventory a credit will be made to inventory and the offsetting entry will be made to the cost of goods sold for each product. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in IV for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted on March 14, enter in 03/14 as the transaction number and IV as the journal. This will display the summary on the screen. I. Bill of Materials 1. Print Bill of Materials This report will show all products that are manufactured. It will show the finished product and the description. Below the finished good, all products that make up that product will be displayed. It will show the product code, description, and the number of units it takes to make up the finished good. This report may be displayed or sent to the printer. 2. Generate Bill of Materials This option will allow you to generate your manufactured products. All manufactured products will be displayed on the screen by code and show the description. You must now enter the number of units to generate for each product. Use the arrow keys to highlight the proper product and then press the F2 key to enter in the number of units to generate. When you are ready to generate the units press the F10 key. This process will increase the number of units on hand for the manufactured product by the number input. The on hand dollars will also be increased by the standard cost times the number of units generated. The on hand units for the raw materials, that make up the finished product, will be decreased by the number of units setup in the product file. Also the on hand dollars will be decreased. This process does not check to see that the raw materials have enough units on hand to generate the finished good. So it is possible to get a negative on hand units and dollar value for the products that make up the manufactured good. III. BILLING PAGE 19 A. Billing-Enter/Edit Invoices This module is used to enter client invoices that can be printed out showing each service rendered or product sold. The next invoice number will be displayed in the invoice number field. If you need to edit a previous invoice just enter in that invoice number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not been posted. Pressing ESCape in the invoice number field will take you back to the billing menu. Next enter in the client code. Pressing F3 will allow you to display the clients on the screen, by code or allow you to search by company name or name. If the client code entered is not found, you may add it at this time. Next you will be prompted to enter in the client's reminder date. This will be the date of the clients next visit. You will also be able to print out reminder labels for this date in the Records-Client option of the Files module. Date of visit and due date will be entered in automatically, but it may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in the client file. The client balance and last payment fields are updated when any invoices or payments are made for the client and posted. Next you will be prompted to enter in all services performed, products ordered, and any messages. You may press F5 for a listing of the services, F6 for a message listing, or F10 for a product listing. If you enter in a service, product, or message not on file, you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will prompt you to indicate if it is a service, message, or product. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter the service, message, or product. If you add a product you will not be able to enter the sales and cost of goods sold account numbers. They will default to the accounts set up in the General ID file. You may change these by editing the product through the product file option. After a service is entered, the description will be displayed but may be modified. The amount of the service will be also be displayed, but you may change the amount if necessary. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but you can modify it if necessary. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the message file, it may be added at this time. If a product is entered the description and price will be displayed, but can be modified. Next enter in the number of units ordered. You can then change the price if necessary. PAGE 20 If the number of units ordered is greater than the number of units on hand, a message will appear indicating that this entry will give you a negative on hand units. You then have the option to continue or reenter a smaller number of units ordered. Thus, if you continue you are able to sell units that you currently do not have. The extended amount is calculated by taking units times price. The sales tax will be updated once in the amount paid field. Leaving the service field blank and pressing return or just pressing ESCape will take you to the amount paid field at the bottom of the screen. Any cash payment made at this time can be entered. The invoice generated will only be for the remaining amount due, if any. The Total is the total of services rendered and products ordered plus the sales tax minus the amount paid. If the client is set up with a zero tax rate, no tax will be generated. If the client has a tax rate, tax will be calculated only on services and products that are taxable. If you enter an amount in the amount paid field, this amount will be posted to your default checking account, that is setup in the General ID File. This amount will also be posted to the check reconciliation under the default checking account. Pressing Page Up while in the amount paid field will take you back to the line items. Pressing Page Up while in the service/message/product field will move you up to the previous line item. Pressing Page Down takes you to the next line item. Next you will be able to make this a hold invoice. A hold invoice will not be posted when going through the posting process. Also when printing out invoices through the invoice-print option, a hold invoice will not be printed. This way you will be able to edit this invoice later. It will no longer be a hold invoice once a payment is entered and posted. A description of the invoice to be printed on statements and the aging report will be entered in next. You have the option to print the invoice now if you wish, or you may print it out later. You may also select a customized form to print the invoice by. To edit a previous invoice just enter in that invoice number, and it will be displayed, providing it has not been posted. Pressing Ctrl+W while in the client code will delete the invoice. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the invoice is deleted. If you need to delete a line item just press Ctrl+W in the service code. This will delete that line item only. When editing Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes you to the previous line item. PAGE 21 Also Page Up will take you from the amount paid field to the last line item entered. B. Invoices-Print This option allows you to print or display invoices entered. If you answer 'Y' to reprint invoices, it will print out all invoices that have already been printed. If you answer 'N', it will only print invoices that have not been printed. Any hold invoice will not be printed through this option. You also have a range of which invoice numbers to print out. Also you do not have to print invoices with a zero balance. It will prompt you for this option. You may select the proper customized form to print the invoices with. C. Revenue Journal-Print This option will print out a sales journal which may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. This report will display the invoice number, client code and name, and the date of the invoice. The total of the invoice and any tax charged will be displayed along with any amount that was paid at the time of the invoice. Also the net due on the invoice will be displayed. Each column will also show a total amount. D. Billing-Posting Process Be sure to print out all invoices and the sales journal and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all client balances and the product file and put all invoices in the open invoice file. This will NOT post any hold invoices. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices that were not hold invoices after this process is run. You will be asked to update the historical invoice/tax file, if you answer 'Y' all services, messages, and products sold will be kept in a file, which can be printed out later. If you need to keep your clients history on file, then answer 'Y'. That way you will be able to look at a clients history at any time. This will also update the historical tax file. Then you will be able to print a sales tax report for any range of clients who are charged tax. You may also print it out for a given date range to get a tax report for the month. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in BI for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted on March 14, enter in 03/14 as the transaction number and BI as the journal. This will display the summary on the PAGE 22 screen. E. Billing-Reoccurring Entries 1. Billing-Enter/Edit Invoices(Reoccurring) When making Billing reoccurring entries, editing and deleting the entry works the same as entering in a regular Invoice. The only difference is after the Invoice number is entered you will be prompted for a Reoccurring Code. You have codes 1-9 to choose from. Each invoice will be saved with this reoccurring code and when you want to generate the reoccurring entries you just specify what code to generate for. The invoice number in this option is just a reference number. When the invoices are generated they will not have this invoice number. It will take the last invoice number in the general id file and increment it by one and the first reoccurring invoice will have this invoice number and so on. You will not be able to enter in a reminder date. If you need a reminder date, after generating the entries, edit the invoice in the Enter/Edit Invoice option. The invoice date will be the date the reoccurring invoice is generated. The due date will be calculated for you. One thing to be aware of, if you enter in products for a reoccurring entry, it will not check to see if you have enough units on hand. When you edit the reoccurring invoice in the Enter/Edit invoice option and you will be able to check to see if you do have enough units on hand. 2. Billing-Print Reoccurring Entries This option will allow you to print or display all your reoccurring entries or a range of entries. This will print just like a regular invoice does. You can also select a customized form to print the invoices on. 3. Billing-Generate Entries This option will generate your reoccurring entries. It will prompt you for the reoccurring code to generate for. Only entries with this reoccurring code will be sent to the Billing invoice file. This process may be run as often as needed. There will be no indication that the process has already been run, so if you run it twice in one month and were only supposed to run it once, you will have to go to the Billing Enter/Edit Invoice option and delete the invoice. Remember the invoice numbers used in the reoccurring invoices entry will not be the invoice number given once it is sent to the regular invoice file. IV. RECEIVABLES A. Receivables-Enter/Edit Transactions PAGE 23 This option allows you to enter invoices or credits for your clients or edit any invoices entered but not posted through this module. The transaction number will be automatically displayed. If you need to edit a previous transaction, just enter in that transaction number, and it will be displayed for you. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the receivables menu. If you are adding an invoice or credit, just enter in the client code and the client information will be displayed. By pressing F3 you can list the clients on screen by code or search by name or company name. If you need to delete a transaction, just press Ctrl+W in the client code and that transaction will be deleted. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the transaction is deleted. If the client code entered does not exist, you may add the client at this time. The client balance will only reflect any invoices or payments that have been posted. The last payment date will be updated automatically after posting. It will then prompt you to enter an 'I' for invoice or 'C' for a miscellaneous credit. Most entries will be invoices. A miscellaneous credit will only be used if the client is to receive credit or if an entry was made in error and posted. Next, enter in an invoice number. When editing the transaction you will not have access to the invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number. When making adjustments to an invoice that has been posted, use the invoice number from the posted invoice. By pressing F7, a list of all invoices made for this client will be displayed on the screen. Enter the invoice date, and the due date will be generated, but may be changed. Invoice date will default to the DOS date but may be changed. Your receivable general ledger account will be displayed and you may enter in a description of the invoice and the amount in the debit column. If it is a miscellaneous credit, the cursor will stop in the credit column and you can enter in the adjustment amount. On the second line enter in your income account number and the proper amount. The income amount may be split up into two or more accounts by entering in two or more line items. A total of eight line items may be entered. This may vary depending on what you selected in video parameters. If you are unsure of an account number, pressing F2 will display a listing of the chart of accounts. Pressing Page Down will allow you to advance to the next PAGE 24 line. Pressing Page Up will allow you to move to the previous line item entered. If the account number entered does not exist, you have the option to add this account to your files at this time. When the debits equal the credits just press enter, and you will be prompted to enter in an invoice description which will be displayed on a client statement and the aging report. When editing an invoice, if you need to delete a line item, just press Ctrl+W in the account number field and that line item will be deleted. Page Up and Page Down will allow you to move up and down through each line item. B. Cash Receipts When a client makes a payment, you enter it through this option. The next transaction number will come up for you. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the receivables menu. Enter in the client code or press F3 to search for the client. Enter in the proper transaction date next. It defaults to the DOS date. Next you must enter in the invoice number the client is paying. If you do not know the invoice number press F7, and all invoices for that client will be displayed on the screen. When listing the invoices an 'I' is an invoice entered through this module. A 'C' is a miscellaneous credit. A 'P' is a payment. A 'B' is for an invoice entered through the billing module and a 'W' is for a write off. Enter in the proper invoice number and the amount they are paying. Only existing invoices may be entered. After the amount is entered it will prompt you for the checking account, it will default to the checking account in the General ID file. This is so if you have multiple checking accounts, you can have the receipts go into whichever checking account you enter. When editing the transaction you will not have access to the invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number. If the total amount is not paid, you have the option to write off the remaining balance. If you answer 'N', the remaining balance will remain as an outstanding invoice. If you write off the remaining balance, a screen will appear to enter in the account you want the write-off amount to go to. This transaction will appear on your journal report with type 'W' for write-off. It will also appear on your aging report with type 'W' for write off. You will then be prompted to enter a description for the write-off. This will be PAGE 25 displayed when printing the journal and the client statements and aging reports. You will then be prompted to enter in a description which will be displayed on the client statement and aging report. To delete a cash receipt, press Ctrl+W while in the client code field. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the entry is deleted. C. Journal-Print 1. Receivables-Invoices/Transactions This report will print out all invoice transactions entered through the Receivables module. This journal may be printed to the printer or displayed on the screen for verification. Type 'I' is for an invoice, type 'C' if for a miscellaneous credit, and type 'W' is a write-off transaction. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting. After the posting process is run you will not be able to edit the transactions. 2. Cash Receipts Journal This report will print out all of the cash receipts. It will display the transaction number, client code and name, the invoice number they paid, and the amount the client paid. The type will be 'P' for a payment. This report may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting. After the posting process is run, you will not be able to edit the transactions. D. Receivables-Posting Process Be sure to print out all journals and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all client balances and put all invoices in the open invoice file. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices or receipts made through this module after posting. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the general ledger. This total will be displayed on the screen when the posting process is finished, and the totals should always be equal. This summary may be viewed in the general ledger by entering in AR as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date. Example, if you posted on March 14, enter 03/14 as the transaction number and AR as the journal. The summary post will be displayed on the screen, but may not be edited. E. Receivables-Reoccurring Entries 1. Receivables-Enter Reoccurring Entries When entering reoccurring entries it will work the same as PAGE 26 entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction number will be incremented automatically, but is just a reference number. When the entries are generated, it will take the last transaction number used in the regular Enter/Edit transaction option and increment it by one. The first reoccurring entry will be given this transaction number when it is sent to the transaction file and so on. The reoccurring entries transaction number will not change. The first thing you will enter is the reoccurring code. This code will be used when generating the reoccurring entries. When you generate the entries it will ask for what code. You will pick the code and it will generate all the reoccurring entries that have that particular code. Everything else will work the same as when you enter a regular transaction. 2. Receivables-Print Reoccurring Entries When printing the reoccurring entries you may display the report or print it out to the printer. It will show the reoccurring number, client code and name, and each line item entered with a total of the debits and credits. It will also display the reoccurring code for each entry. 3. Receivables-Generate Entries This option will allow you to generate the reoccurring entries. It will ask you for the reoccurring code to generate for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries that have this reoccurring code. They will be sent to the transaction file and you can edit them through the Enter/Edit transaction option. The transaction numbers will be assigned automatically with the next numbers in sequence from the regular Enter/Edit transaction option. If you print out a Invoice/Transaction listing the reoccurring entries generated will be included in this report. V. PAYABLES A. Payables-Enter/Edit Transactions This option allows you to enter invoices for your vendors or edit any invoices already entered but not posted. The transaction number will be automatically displayed. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the payables menu. If you need to edit a previous transaction, just enter in that particular transaction number, and it will be displayed on the screen for you. When entering an invoice, enter in the vendor code, and the vendor information will be displayed. By pressing F4 a list of all the vendors will be displayed on the screen. If you are editing an invoice and need to delete that invoice, just press Ctrl+W in the vendor code and that invoice will be deleted. You will be asked to verify your actions before the invoice is deleted from the records. PAGE 27 If the vendor code entered does not exist, you may add it at this time. The credit limit is the limit you entered in the vendor file. The balance will only reflect any invoices or payments that have been posted. The last payment date will be updated automatically after posting. It will then prompt you to enter an 'I' for invoice or a 'D' for a miscellaneous debit. Most entries will be invoices. A miscellaneous debit will only be used if the vendor issues you a credit or if an entry was entered in error and posted. Then enter in an invoice number, pressing F8 will display all invoices made for this vendor on the screen. This invoice number cannot be changed when editing the transaction. If the wrong invoice number was entered, you will have to delete the transaction. If you are making an adjustment to a posted invoice, use the same invoice number. The date of the invoice defaults to the DOS date, but may be changed. The due date will be generated, but can be changed. Your payables General Ledger account will be displayed, and you may enter in a description of the invoice and the amount in the credit column. If it is a miscellaneous debit the cursor will stop in the debit column, and you can enter in the amount. On the second line enter in your offsetting account and the proper amount. If the account number entered does not exist, you may add it at this time. Pressing F2 will display all the chart of accounts on the screen. You may enter up to eight line items per invoice. This will vary depending on what you have selected in the video parameters. When debits equal credits leave the account number blank and press enter, you will then be prompted to enter in an invoice description. This description will be displayed when printing out the vendor aging report. When editing an invoice, Page Down will allow you to move down through each line item. Page Up allows you to move up to the previous line item. Pressing Ctrl+W in the account number field will delete that line item. B. Cash Payments When you pay a vendor you will enter the payment through this option. The transaction number will come up automatically. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the payables menu. Enter in a vendor code or press F4 and all the vendors will be displayed on the screen. Enter in the proper transaction date next. It will default to the DOS date. To edit a cash payment, enter the proper transaction number PAGE 28 and that transaction will be displayed on the screen. If you need to delete the payment, press Ctrl+W in the vendor code field. You will be prompted to verify you actions before the payment is deleted. Next you must enter in the invoice number to which you are applying the payment. If you do not know the invoice number press F8 and all invoices for that vendor will be displayed on the screen for you. If the invoice number entered does not exist, you will be notified that there is no open invoice with that number. Once this invoice number is entered and processed, you will not be able to edit this field. If the wrong invoice number was entered, you will have to delete the transaction. After entering in the proper invoice number it will ask if this is a Computer printed check or a manual check. If you answer 'C' for a computer check, you will not have to enter a check number, just enter the amount paid. We track the computer checks for you. Also, the computer checks must be printed out through the Print Checks option before posting. If you answer 'M' for a manual check, you must then enter in a check number and the amount. Next it will prompt you for the checking account number. This will default to the checking account number in the General ID file. If you have multiple checking accounts you can enter the proper account you want the payment to be taken from. You will then be prompted to enter in a payment description which will be displayed on the vendor aging report and statements. C. Direct Check Writing This option will allow you to write checks with or without setting up the vendor file. When writing direct checks you do not need to pay a particular invoice. These checks will also be sent to the check reconciliation file. The number will increment automatically. If you need to edit a previous check, just enter the number and it will be displayed for editing. If you need to delete a check press enter until you are in the Pay to the Order field, then press CTRL+W. Next enter the date of the check, it will default to the current DOS date. You may then specify a vendor code. If a vendor code is specified the company name and address will be filled in for you, but may be edited. You may set up the people you write checks to frequently, as vendors, so you do not have to type in their name and address each time a check is made out to them. You may also press F4 to display the vendors on the screen. If no vendor is specified you will need to enter in who you are making the check out to and the address, if necessary. Now you will need to enter in the amount of the PAGE 29 check. You may specify a memo that will print on the check. Remember customize your computer printed checks, select F9 (Utilities) from the main menu and then customized printouts. A screen will appear for the disbursement of the check. You may enter up to four disbursements. Enter in the account number of the disbursement and the amount. You may press F2 for an account listing on the screen. The total of the disbursements must equal the amount of the check in order to exit. Press the Page Down key to exit. In order to delete a disbursement, you must highlight the account number and then press CTRL+W. Now you must indicate if the check is a manual or computer check. Computer checks must be printed out through the print checks option. The check number of a computer check will be generated automatically when printing. If you indicate the check is a manual check it will then prompt you for the check number. D. Journal-Print 1. Payables-Invoices/Transactions This report will print out all invoice transactions entered through the Payables module. This journal may be printed to the printer or displayed on the screen for verification. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting, because after posting you will not be able to edit the transactions. The report includes the transaction number, vendor code and name, invoice number, date of the transaction, due date and type of transaction. Type 'I' is for an invoice and type 'D' is for a miscellaneous debit. Also the account numbers and account names along with the description will be shown. The amount debited and credited for each account will also be displayed and totaled. 2. Payments Journal This report will print out all payments made. It will display the invoice number, check number, and the amount paid toward the invoice. This report may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting because after posting you will not be able to edit the transactions. 3. Direct Check Journal This option will print a journal of all the direct checks. The report may be displayed or sent to the printer. It will show the check number and who each check was made out to. The type of check will also be displayed, either M for manual or C for a computer check. Next, all the disbursements will be shown. It will display the account numbers and the amount of each disbursement. The total of all checks will be PAGE 30 displayed at the end of the journal. E. Disbursements Journal This option will print out your cash disbursements journal. It is a breakdown of your cash spent for each account. It will display each account number and name with a description of what the cash was spent on. The amount made for each entry, either debit or credit, and a running total of each account. This report may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. F. Print Checks This option will allow you to print out your computer checks from the cash payments and direct check writing option. It will first ask if you want to reprint checks. If you answer 'N' it will print the checks that have not been printed. It will first ask if the printer is on-line and if the checks are aligned. Then it will prompt you for the starting check number. This will default to one more than the last check number in the Check Alignment option, but may be changed. If you answer 'Y' to reprint checks it will reprint any checks that have already been printed out. First it will ask if your printer is on-line and if the checks are aligned. Then it will ask which checks to reprint. Enter in the check numbers to reprint in the From and To fields. Then it will prompt you for the starting check number. This will default to one more than the last check number in the Check Alignment option, but may be changed. Remember to customize the print out to fit on your checks use the check alignment option in F9(Utilities) on the main menu. G. Payables-Posting Process Be sure to print out all journals and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all vendor balances and put all invoices in the open invoice file. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices or payments made through this module after posting. Before you can post you must print out all computer checks. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. The total debits and credits will be displayed on the screen after the posting process is finished, this total should always be equal. This summary may be viewed in the ledger by entering in AP as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date. Example, if you posted on March 14, enter 03/14 as the transaction number and AP as the journal. The summary post will be displayed on the screen, but may not be edited. PAGE 31 H. Payables-Reoccurring Entries 1. Payables-Enter Reoccurring Entries When entering reoccurring entries it will work the same as entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction number will be incremented automatically but is used as a reference number only. Once the entries are generated and sent to the regular transaction file they will be given a new transaction number. It will be the next number in sequence in the transaction file. The first thing you will enter is a reoccurring code. This code will be used when generating the reoccurring entries. When you generate the entries it will ask for what code. You will pick the code and it will generate all the reoccurring entries that have that particular code. Everything else will work the same as when you enter a regular transaction. 2. Payables-Print Reoccurring Entries When printing the reoccurring entries you may display the report or print it out to the printer. It will show the reoccurring number, vendor code and name, and each line item entered with a total of the debits and credits. It will also display the reoccurring code for each entry. 3. Payables-Generate Entries This option will allow you to generate the reoccurring entries. It will ask you for the reoccurring code to generate for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries that have this reoccurring code. They will be sent to the transaction file and you can edit them through the Enter/Edit transaction option. The transaction numbers will be assigned automatically with the next numbers in sequence. If you print out a Invoice/Transaction listing the reoccurring entries generated will be included in this report. VI. LEDGER A. Enter/Edit Transactions When making entries in the Ledger you first have to enter in a Journal code. There are five protected journals. These journals are BI, AR, AP, PO, and IV. After posting in the Billing, Receivables, Payables, Received P.O., Inventory Adjustments, and Fixed Assets, summary transactions are sent to the Ledger with these journal codes. The summary transactions may be looked at through the Ledger, but they may not be edited. To view the summary transactions in the Ledger, enter in the journal code and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted the purchases module on April 12, the journal would be PO and the transaction number would be 04/12. PAGE 32 You may use whatever journal codes you like when entering Ledger transactions. For example, you may use GJ for General Journal. Once a journal code is entered you can enter the Transaction Number, which may be any alphanumeric character. If a transaction has already been entered with the Journal Code and Transaction Number, it will be displayed on the screen and you may edit or delete the line items, providing it has not been posted. Posted transactions may be viewed but not edited. The Date field defaults to the DOS date. Next, you must enter the Chart of Account number which you are going to debit or credit. If you do not know the number, press F2 and the Chart of Accounts will be displayed on the screen. If the account number is not found on file, you have the option to add the account at this time. After the number is entered the Account Name will be displayed. Then enter in a description in the description field. Next, enter in the amount in the proper debit or credit column. The total of the debits and credits will be totaled at the bottom. A transaction has to be in balance, debits equal credits, before you are able to process the transaction. Once debits equal credits, leave the Account Number field blank and press enter and the transaction will be saved. You may enter as many lines items as needed, consisting of debits and credits. If you fill up the screen, the screen will clear and you will be at the top of the next screen. Page Up and Page Down will allow you to move through all line items entered. To edit a transaction, put in the proper Journal and Transaction number and the transaction will be displayed on the screen. To delete a line press CTRL+W in the Account Number field, and the line item will be deleted. When editing, Page Down takes you to the next line item and Page Up takes you to the previous line item. Pressing ESCape while in the Journal Code takes you back to the Ledger Menu. B. Account Activity Report This report will print out either current or historical activity for one account, all accounts, or a range of accounts in the ledger. Just specify the account range in the FROM and TO fields. You will be prompted for a current activity report or a historical activity report. The current report will print the current months entries that have not been closed out by the General Ledger end of month routine. If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when doing the end of month routine, the historical report will print these entries. Thus, you may get an activity report for the whole year. You have the option to print to the printer PAGE 33 or display to the screen. The column heading 'P' tells if the transactions were posted in the Ledger. A 'Y' indicates it has been posted and a 'N' indicates it has not been posted. Only posted transactions will be reflected in the trial balance and financial statements. Remember all posted information will be cleared out when the end of month is run. C. Journal Report This report will print out the current or historical transactions for one Journal, all Journals, or a range of Journals in the general ledger. Just specify the Journal range in the FROM and TO fields. You will be prompted for a current activity report or a historical activity report. The current report will print the current months entries that have not been closed out by the General Ledger end of month routine. If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when doing the end of month routine, the historical report will print these entries. Thus, you may get a journal report for the whole year. You may also display the report on the screen or print it out to the printer. The column heading 'P' tells if the transactions were posted in the General Ledger. A 'Y' indicates it has been posted, and a 'N' indicates it has not been posted. Only posted transactions will be reflected in the trial balance and financial statements. Remember all posted information will be cleared out when the end of month is run. The TOTALS of debits and credits should always be equal. D. Check Reconciliation 1. Check Reconciliation Through this option you can reconcile your check book. This has no affect on your actual checking account balance. First you will be prompted to enter in the checking account number. You will only reconcile for the checking account entered. If you have multiple checking accounts you have to reconcile for each individual checking account. Then you will be prompted to enter in the bank balance. This will be the balance from your statement you receive from the bank. The checkbook balance will be taken from your checking account balance in the general ledger. This will only include transactions that have been posted to this checking account in the general ledger. Any checks written through the payables and posted will be displayed on the screen, including direct checks. It will PAGE 34 also display any receipts you have received through the receivables and billing modules and also any payments made through the Purchase module. Remember the deposits and checks are displayed if they have been posted. Any unposted checks or deposits will not be displayed. You must then indicate if they have cleared with your bank. If they appear on your bank statement, highlight the check and Press F2 to indicate they have cleared. Press F3 and it will change it back to outstanding. If you need to add a check, Press F5 and then enter the check number, vendor, and amount of the check. To add a deposit press F6 and enter a reference, vendor, and amount. Press escape if you decide not to add a check or deposit with the enter check or deposit screen displayed. Press F7 to add miscellaneous charges such as interest or service charges that have affected your checking account. The charge will be subtracted, so if it is interest earned enter it as a negative amount. If the charges have been entered in the ledger and posted, then you do not enter it here. Otherwise, enter it here and you will also have to enter it in the ledger. Remember this has no affect on your actual checking account balance. The total of each category will be shown on the bottom of the screen. You will then be given a reconciliation report. It will show your bank balance plus any outstanding deposits and minus any outstanding checks. The total of your checking account in the general ledger will be displayed minus any miscellaneous charges. The totals will be given, and it will show you the difference between the totals. You then have the option to print this report out on paper. You will then be prompted to purge the check file. Answering 'Y' will delete all checks that were marked as cleared. Otherwise, the checks will be left in the check file. Be sure and print out a check register before purging the check file. If purging the check file, you will be prompted to update the historical check file. This will allow you to save the checks that you have written throughout the year, and when printing out the check register you can specify to print the historical check register file. Any checks entered, that were not entered through the billing and receivable modules will stay in the check file. These checks will now show up on the checks and deposits screen and you will not have to reenter them. If they have cleared you will have to go through and mark them as cleared. 2. Print Check Register This option will print out a current or historical check register journal. It will display the check number, vendor, amount of the check, and if the check has cleared. It will also give you a total of all the outstanding checks. This report may be displayed on the screen or printed out on PAGE 35 paper. You must first indicate if you want a current or historical check register. Then it will prompt you to enter in the checking account number. This will default to the checking account number setup in the general/id file. If you have multiple checking accounts enter the proper account number. E. Sales Tax Report This option will allow you to print a sales tax report for a range of clients with a given date range. The report may be displayed or printed out to the printer. The report will show the client number, name, and phone number. Beneath this the invoice numbers, date of invoice, description, and sales tax amounts will be shown for each clients invoice. The information for this report comes from the historical client file, which you can update when posting the Billing module. F. Ledger-Posting Process The posting process updates the general ledger account balances. Once this process is run, you will not be able to edit the transactions entered. If an error in input was made, you will have to make a reversing entry to correct it. Account balances will not be updated on the financial statements or trial balance until the posting process is run. Always be sure to make backups before doing any posting process. The 'N' in the column heading 'P' in the account activity journal report will now be set to 'Y', indicating the transactions have been posted. After answering 'Y', to start posting, you will be prompted to enter in the month to post. If you enter in month 3, it will only post transactions that have a March date. Any entries entered for another month will not be posted. After the posting process is complete, a screen will appear indicating the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process they will be indicated on the screen. The total debits and credits posted will also be displayed. The total debits should always equal the total credits. G. Ledger-Reoccurring Entries 1. Ledger-Enter/Edit Transactions(Reoccurring) When making Ledger reoccurring entries, editing and deleting the entry works the same as entering in a regular Ledger transaction. The only difference is after the Journal code and transaction number are entered you will be prompted for a Reoccurring Code. You have codes 1-9 to choose from. Each transaction will be saved with this reoccurring code and when you want to generate the reoccurring entries you just specify what code to generate for. PAGE 36 You will not enter a transaction date. This date will be generated when you generate the reoccurring entries. For example, if you generate entries with code 1 on March 31, all entries that have a reoccurring code of 1 will be sent to the Ledger with a transaction date of March 31. If you have an entry already in the Ledger with the same Journal and transaction number, the new entry will be appended to the entry already in the Ledger. One thing to be aware of, if you generate a reoccurring entry and you happen to have a posted entry already in the ledger with the same journal and transaction number you will not be able to edit the unposted reoccurring entry. You will have to close out the Ledger to clear out the part that is posted and the reoccurring entry will stay in the Ledger. If you do not need to edit it you can post for that month. 2. Ledger-Print Reoccurring Entries This option will allow you to print or display all your reoccurring entries. This report will show the Journal code, transaction number, account number and description, description of the transaction, debit and credit entries with totals, and the reoccurring code number. 3. Ledger-Generate Entries This option will generate your reoccurring entries. It will prompt you for the reoccurring code to generate for. Only entries with this reoccurring code will be sent to the Ledger. This process may be run as often as needed. There will be no indication that the process has already been run, so if you run it twice in one month and were only supposed to run it once, you will have to go to the ledger and delete out extra line items. VII. REPORTS A. General Ledger Reports 1. Trial Balance This report will give a listing of all accounts in the general ledger and their balances. These balances are updated when the posting process, is run in the General Ledger. It will display the accounts beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. The current balance is the beginning balance plus this month's balance. After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. The totals of all debits and credits are shown at the end of the report and should always be equal. This report can be displayed on the screen or printed out to keep for your records. 2. Income Statement This report displays all Revenue and Expense accounts in the PAGE 37 general ledger and their balances. The balances of these accounts will be updated when the posting process is run in the General Ledger. Like the Trial Balance it shows the beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. It will give you a total of all your revenues and the total of all your expenses. The net income displayed is the total revenues minus the total expenses. After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This report can be displayed or printed out for your records. 3. Balance Sheet This report displays all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity accounts in the General Ledger and their balances. The balances of these accounts will be updated when the posting process is run in the General Ledger. Like the Trial Balance it shows the beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. It will give you a total of all your Assets and the total of all Liabilities plus Equity. Liabilities plus Equity should equal the total Assets. After the end of the month is run, this month's balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This report can be displayed on the screen or printed out to keep for your records. 4. Chart of Accounts This report will print a listing of all your Chart of Accounts. It will print Account Number, Account Name, and the type of Account. This report can be displayed on the screen or printed out to keep for your records. B. Receivable Reports 1. Statements-Clients This option prints out the statements for each client. You are able to print statements for one client, all clients, or a range of clients. You can also specify a date range. The statements may be display to the screen or printed out on one of your customized formats. It will prompt you to select the customized form to print out on. The statements contain any invoices or payments made for a client. This reminder can be sent to a client to show how much the client was charged and show all payments the client has made on their invoices. Then it will display the amount that the client currently owes. It will also print out a line of text reminding the client that their invoice is past due or any message you have set up in the statement text in the Utilities menu. This report would be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's PAGE 38 statement. 2. Aging Report-Clients This report is designed to print out all invoices and payments made for all clients. It will display the client code, and client name and phone number. Then it will list all invoices, the date of the invoice, and when it is due. The column heading 'C' will tell where each invoice or payment was made. An 'I' stands for an invoice made through the receivables module. The letter 'P' is for any payment made through the cash receipts option of the receivables module. A 'B' is for an invoice made through the billing module. If a payment was recorded in the billing module at the time the invoice was made, only the remaining amount will be displayed on this report. If the invoice has not yet come due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'. For invoices that are zero to thirty days past due, they will be displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are recorded with a negative sign in front of the amount paid. The client totals give a total of how much the client owes for each column heading. This way you will know how much the client owes and if any of that amount is past due. You also have the option to display this report on the screen to look at the clients billing information. This report would be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's aging report. 3. Client-Directory This report will print out all information entered for each client in the client file. You may print out a directory for any range of clients by entering the range in the From and To option when printing this report. This report may be displayed on the screen before actually printing. 4. Client-Labels This option will print out labels for any range of clients. The client's name, employer, and client's address will be printed on the label. Enter the range desired to print out in the From and To option. These may be used for mailing purposes. 5. Client-Historical Invoices This option will print out all the services, products, and messages for each client that were made throughout the year. You may print this report to paper or display it on the screen. This report can be printed for one client, a range of clients, or all clients. If you are unsure of a client PAGE 39 code press F3 to list by code, or search by name or company name. C. Payables Reports 1. Aging Report-Vendors This report is designed to print out all invoices and payments made for all vendors. It will display the vendor code, and the vendor name and phone number. Then it will list all invoices, the date of the invoice, and when it is due. The column heading 'C' will tell if it is an invoice or a payment. An 'I' stands for an invoice entered through the payables module. The letter 'P' is for any payment made through the cash payments option of the payables module. The 'R' is for any Received Purchase Orders entered through the Purchases Module. If a payment was recorded in the purchases module at the time the invoice was made, only the remaining amount will be displayed on this report. If the invoice has not yet come due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'. Invoices that are zero to thirty days past due will be displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are recorded with a negative sign in front of the amount paid. The vendor totals give a total of how much you owe the vendor for each column heading. This way you will know how many outstanding debts you have and if any are past due. You also have the option to display this report on the screen to look at your status with a vendor. This report would be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's aging report. 2. Vendor-Directory This report will print out all information entered for each vendor in the vendor file. You may print out a directory for any range of vendors by entering the range in the From and To option when printing this report. This report may be displayed on the screen before actually printing. 3. Vendor-Labels This option will print out labels for any range of vendors. Your contact, vendor company, and address will be printed on the label. Enter the range to be printed in the From and To option. These may be used for mailing purposes. D. Service/Message Reports 1. Service Listing Through this option you can print a listing of your services PAGE 40 file. These may be printed out on paper or displayed on the screen. You also have the option of printing any range of services. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will show the code, description, and cost for each service. 2. Product Listing Through this option you can print a listing of your products file. These may be printed out on paper or displayed on the screen. You also have the option of printing any range of products. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will show the product code, description, price, cost, on order units, committed units, on hand units, on hand dollar value, and the associated Cost of Goods sold and Sales account number. Also a total of all on hand dollars will be displayed. 3. Message Listing Through this option you can print a listing of your message file. These may be printed out on paper or displayed on the screen. You also have the option of printing any range of messages. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. VIII. CLOSING A. General Ledger-End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. This routine will remove all POSTED transactions in the General Ledger file. This month's balance will be added to the beginning balance, and then this month's balance will reset to zero. Be sure to print out all General Ledger reports before this process is run. If a report was not printed, you can always restore your backup and print out the report and rerun the process. You will be prompted to Update the General Ledger Historical File, if you answer 'Y' all entries will be saved to the historical file. This will allow you to print out historical journal and account activity reports throughout the year. If you answer 'N' the entries will just be cleared out and not saved for historical reports. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. B. Receivables-End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. This routine will match up all POSTED cash receipts and invoices. If they have PAGE 41 a net balance of zero, they will be deleted from the file, unless it is a hold invoice. Be sure and print out all receivable reports before this process is run. You must POST the receivables module and the billing module before you can run this process. It will notify you if there are any unposted transactions in the receivables and billing modules. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer appear on the aging report or the client statements. The cash receipts will also be deleted from the file. You can restore your backup if you need to print any reports not printed out and rerun this process. C. Payables-End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. This routine will remove all open invoices with a net balance of zero from the payables file. Be sure to print out all payable reports before this process is run. You MUST post the payables module before this process can be run. It will notify you if there are any unposted transactions in the payables module. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer appear on the aging report or on vendor statements. The payments made on these invoices will also be deleted from the file. You can restore your backup if you need to print any reports not printed out and rerun this process. D. End of Year-General Ledger Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. It will clear out all revenue and expenses to your profit-and-loss account. The balance of all the revenues minus the expenses will now be contained in the profit/loss account. The expense and revenue accounts will now have balances of zero. At this time it will prompt you to Purge the General Ledger Historical file. If you answer 'Y' all previous historical information for the Ledger will be deleted. If you answer 'N' the information will remain on file. It will also ask if you want to Purge the Check Historical File. If you answer 'Y' all previous historical information in the check file will be deleted. If you answer 'N' the information will PAGE 42 remain on file. Also it will prompt you to Zero your Budget Balances. If you answer 'Y' all your budget amounts will be set to zero. If you answer 'N' your budget balances will remain in the account file. It will prompt you to verify that you have entered in your proper profit/loss account. If you are unsure of your profit-and-loss account, just press F2 and a listing of all your chart of accounts will be displayed on the screen. Then it will prompt you to verify that you want to run this process. E. Historical Invoice Purge Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. You will be prompted for a date range, all historical invoice information entered between these dates will be deleted. You will be asked to verify your actions before the records are deleted. F. Historical Tax Purge Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure to make a backup of your data files. You will be prompted for a date range, all historical sales tax information entered between these dates will be deleted. You will be asked to verify your actions before the records are deleted. G. Budgeting 1. Enter/Edit Budget This option allows you to enter in your budget for all your expense and revenue accounts. The arrow keys allow you to move up, down, and across the screen. You can also Page Up and Page Down through the accounts. Home will take you to the first field on the screen of the line you are on and End will take you to the last field on the screen of the current line. CTRL+Home will take you to the Account number of the current line and CTRL+End will take you to the December budget field of the current line. CTRL+Page Up will take you to the first Revenue account and CTRL+Page Down will take you to the last Expense account and keep you in the same field. When you are on the field you want to enter in the budget figure for, you must press Enter before you can enter an amount. After you enter the amount you must press enter again to save the entry. Then arrow to the next entry and press enter and then enter in the budget amount and then press enter to save it and so on. Press Escape to exit the budget. 2. Print Budget Report This report will print out all the budget figures for your expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the screen or printed out to your printer. It will show each PAGE 43 account name with the budget figures for each month along with totals for each type of account and total Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. 3. Print Actual Report This report will print out all the actual balances for your expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the screen or printed out to your printer. It will show each account name with the actual balances for each month along with totals for each type of account and total Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. 4. Print Variance Report This report will print out all the actual balances and your budget figures for your expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the screen or printed out to your printer. It will show each account name with the actual balances and the budget amount along with the difference between the two figures and totals for each type of account. Also totals for revenue and expense actual, budgeted, and the difference amounts will be displayed. The final total will show the Actual Net Income and Budgeted Net Income and the difference. H. Fixed Assets 1. Enter/Edit Fixed Assets Here is where you can enter in all your fixed assets and we will calculate the depreciation for you. First you must enter the Asset Code. This will be used to identify the asset. Next the description should be entered, and the Asset value. The residual value is the expected value of the asset after complete depreciation. The depreciation taken, is the total amount of depreciation that has been taken on the asset to-date. The current value will be calculated, this is the asset value less the depreciation taken. The asset life is the expected life of the asset, and the age of the asset is the number of years that the asset has been in use. You will have a choice of three types of depreciation: 1) Straight-Line 2) Declining-Balance 3) Sum-of-the years-digit. Finally, you must enter in the account for the Asset Depreciation, and the Asset Expense account. These accounts will be debited and credited when the Generate Fixed Assets option is run. Straight-Line Depreciation The straight-line depreciation method provides for equal periodic charges to expense over the estimated life of the asset. For example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000 with a residual value of $1,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as PAGE 44 follows: (16,000cost - 1000residual)/5years = 3,000annual depreciation Declining-Balance Method The declining-balance method gives a declining periodic depreciation charge over the estimated life of the asset. In this method you apply double the straight-line depreciation rate computed without regard to residual value. For example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as follows: New Yr Cost Accum. Dep Book Value Rate Dep Yr. Book Value 1 16,000 ____ 16,000 40% 6,400 9,600 2 16,000 6,400 9,600 40% 3,840 5,760 3 16,000 10,240 5,760 40% 2,304 3,456 4 16,000 12,544 3,456 40% 1,382 2,073 5 16,000 13,926 2,073 40% 829 1,244 Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method The sum-of-the-years-digits methods gives results similar to those derived by using the declining-balance method. The periodic charge for depreciation declines steadily over the estimated life of the asset because a successively smaller percentage is applied each year. The denominator of the fractions is the sum of the digits representing the years of life. For, example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000, with a residual value of $1,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as follows: The denominator is 5+4+3+2+1 or 15. Yr Cost-Residual Rate Dep Accum Dep Book Value 1 15,000 5/15 5,000 5,000 11,000 2 15,000 4/15 4,000 9,000 7,000 3 15,000 3/15 3,000 12,000 4,000 4 15,000 2/15 2,000 14,000 2,000 5 15,000 1/15 1,000 15,000 1,000 2. Print Fixed Assets This will allow you to print out all fixed assets entered through the Fixed Asset module. You may display the report on the screen or print it out on paper. The report will show the asset code and description along with the depreciation asset account number and expense account number. It will also show the Life of the asset, original value, depreciation taken, residual value, age of the asset, depreciation method code, and the current value. 3. Generate Asset Entries This will generate the depreciation for your fixed assets. PAGE 45 The entry will be sent to the Ledger with a transaction code of FA and the current date as the transaction number. All the proper fields for the fixed assets will be updated. This should only be run once a year. If it is run more than once a year by accident, you will have to go in and reenter the fields with their proper numbers. If the life is zero or if the Age is equal to or greater than the life, no depreciation will be calculated for that particular fixed asset. This entry may be viewed in the ledger by entering in FA as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date. Example, if you generated on March 14, enter 03/14 as the transaction number and FA as the journal. IX. UTILITIES A. Color Parameters This option allows you to customize your screen color attributes. All possible color combinations will be displayed with a corresponding number. Just enter this number in the option you wish to change. Following is a brief description of each option available for change. Standard: This is the color of all menus and data entry routines. Enhanced: This will be the color of the fields currently available for input. Active: This is the color to the current field, i.e. where the cursor is located. Calc/Npad: This is the color of the pop-up calculator and notepad. Status: This will be the color of the status line displayed at the top of the screen at all times. Window: This is the windows that pop up for various input options. View: This will be the color of the screen when displaying lists of clients, vendors, etc. on the screen. Help: This is the color of all help panels. It will then ask if you want to set the intensity off. If you set the intensity off, the blocked cursor will no longer be in a blocked form. It will display the colors you chose and ask if these are the colors you wish to use. If you answer yes it will save these as your colors. If you do not like the colors you have chosen answer no and it will take you back to the color options and you may change them. B. File Sizes PAGE 46 This option will display how many records are used for each file. The Accounts file contains your chart of accounts. The Client file contains your clients. Service, Message, and Product file are one file that contain all the services, messages, and Products. Vendor file contains all the vendors entered. The invoice file contains the invoice information entered through the Billing module. The invoice lines are each line item entered for each invoice. The AR Open Invoice file contains all the open invoices entered. The Receivable file contains all receivable invoice information. The Receivable Lines are each line item entered. This will reset to zero after posting. The GL transactions file is the number of transaction lines. This file takes up one space for each line item entered in the Ledger and for each summary transaction sent to the Ledger. The GL reoccurring file is the number of reoccurring transaction lines. It also takes one space for each line item. The AR Reoccurring contains the Receivable reoccurring entries header information for each transaction. The AR Reoccurring Lines contain the line items for each Receivable reoccurring entry. The BI Reoccurring contains the Billing reoccurring invoice header information for each invoice. The BI reoccurring lines contains the line items for each reoccurring invoice. The check file contains any check made to a vendor through the Payables module. The direct check contains any check made through the Direct Check Writing option. The Purchase file contains the Purchase orders and Received Purchase Orders header information. The purchase lines contain the line items for each Purchase Order and Received Purchase Order. The AP Open Invoice file contains all the open invoices entered. The Payables file contains all payable invoice information. The Payable Lines are each line item entered. This will reset to zero after the posting process is run. The physical inventory contains each line item entered through the Adjustments option. The Client Records contain information entered through the Maintenance-Client option. This is where you have ten lines to enter any information on each client. The Historical Invoices contains all line items for each client if answer yes to update the historical file when PAGE 47 posting the billing. This also contains the historical sales tax information. The Historical checks contains all the checks that were saved when you purge the check file by answering yes to update the historical file. Historical Ledger contains all the ledger transactions that were saved when you answer yes to update the historical ledger during the closing out of the ledger. The AP Reoccurring contains the Payable reoccurring entries header information for each transaction. The AP Reoccurring Lines contain the line items for each Payable reoccurring entry. The fixed assets contains each fixed asset entry. The appointment schedule contains all appointments entered. The Build materials contains the products that make up the manufactured goods. C. Reindex Files This will go through all your files and reindex them and give you more disk space. For example, when you delete out information or post, this information is actually still in the file but it is marked as deleted. The program will not access this information but it is still there. Reindexing will get rid of all records marked as deleted and pack the other records together giving you more disk space. D. Sales Tax Table This is where you enter in your sales tax rates. If the tax rate is 8% enter it as .08 and press enter to save the rate. If the tax rate is 7.125% enter it as .07125 and press enter to save the rate. You can enter in up to five different rates. In the client and vendor file enter in the corresponding number for their particular tax rate in the tax rate field. If they are not charged tax or do not charge you tax, enter in zero for no tax. E. Calculator First enter the beginning number and press enter, followed by the math operation and enter, then the second number and enter. Repeat this process as many times as needed. The total number will be saved, while in Painless Accounting. F. Notepad This option will allow you to edit a text file. Enter in the name of the file, you may also specify a path name. F3 will delete the line your on and F4 will insert a line before the line you are on. F5 will wrap words when you get to column 69. F6 turns scroll lock on and off, when off the text will scroll when arrowing up and down. Press Escape to exit and you will have the option to save the changes. Some others PAGE 48 keys are as follows: Page Up and Down - moves up and down a screen, CTRL+Left and Right arrow moves to the previous and next word, CTRL+Page Up and Page Down takes you to the top and bottom of the file, End and Home takes you to the end and beginning of a line, CTRL+Home and End takes you to the top and bottom of a screen. G. Statement Text This is where you can enter in messages that will show up on client statements depending on their status. When printing out a client statement, one of the messages will appear at the bottom of the statement depending on if they have past due invoices or not. If they do not have any past due invoices the message associated with Current Due will be printed on the statement. If they have an invoice that is one to thirty days over due the message associated with 1-30 Days Over Due will appear on the statement and so on. H. Backup/Restore Files 1. Backup Files This option allows you to backup your data(dbf) files without leaving the program. It will copy your files into another subdirectory or you can specify the A:drive. It will prompt you to enter in the Backup Drive and Directory. If you enter A:\ as the backup directory it will copy the data files to the A:drive. It will only use one disk, so if the disk fills up you should back them up to the Hard Disk. If an invalid drive\directory is entered no action will be taken. 2. Restore Files This option will allow you to restore your data(dbf) files without leaving the program. It will prompt you to enter in the drive and directory to restore from. Once the files are restored it will reindex the files. You should always reindex the files once they have been restored. If you do not reindex the files the data may not be processed properly. If an invalid drive\directory is entered no action will be taken. I. Customized Printouts 1. Client Invoice This option will allow you create customized Invoices. You must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the line you are on and F4 inserts a line above the line you are on. Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66 lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26 lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79 columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The draw box will PAGE 49 let you draw double or single line boxes. Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your printer manual. In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts. Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to retype some information. The next time you edit the form, the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions. These are the ascii characters sent to the printer to tell it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for all the printer fonts. Information can be pulled from the client, invoice, and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise, it will pull the information from the data files. When entering the line items for the invoice you MUST put the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file. If this is not in your format, all the information for the invoice may not be printed on the invoice. You will have to create a line in the format, for the number of line items that you want to appear on your invoice. Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You will always have the option to select from any one of the formats when printing invoices or editing the formats. 2. Client Statement This option will allow you create customized Statements. You must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the line you are on and F4 inserts a line above the line you are on. Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66 lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26 lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79 columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes. Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your printer supports. PAGE 50 To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font press F2. Then you can enter a description and the decimal codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your printer manual. In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts. Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to retype some information. The next time you edit the form, the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions. These are the ascii characters sent to the printer to tell it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for all the printer fonts. Information can be pulled from the client, invoice, and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise, it will pull the information from the data files. When entering the line items for the statement you MUST put the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file. If this is not in your format, all the information for the statement may not be printed. You will have to create a line in the format, for the number of line items that you want on your statement. Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You will always have the option to select from any one of the formats when printing statements or editing the formats. 3. Purchase Order This option will allow you create customized Purchase Orders. You must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the current line and F4 inserts a line above the line you are on. Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66 lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26 lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79 columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes. Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font press F2. Then you PAGE 51 can enter a description and the decimal codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your printer manual. In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts. Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to retype some information. The next time you edit the form, the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions. These are the ascii characters sent to the printer to tell it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for all the printer fonts. Information can be pulled from the vendor, purchase order, and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise, it will pull the information from the data files. When entering the line items for the purchase order you MUST put the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file. If this is not in your format, all the information for the purchase order may not be printed. You will have to create a line in the format, for the number of line items that you want to appear on your statement. Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You will always have the option to select from any one of the formats when printing invoices or editing the formats. 4. Received P.O. This option will allow you create customized Received Purchase Orders. You must first select the format to modify or press F2 to create a new format. Once in the format, F3 will delete the line you are on and F4 will insert a line above the line you are on. Press F5 for the setup options. This first one allows you to indicate the number of lines per page. If you enter 66 lines and only fill out the format for 40 lines, the last 26 lines will just be blank. The print type lets you select condensed or normal print. If you select normal you have 79 columns to use. Condensed will give you 131 columns. The draw box will let you draw double or single line boxes. Printer fonts will let you set up different fonts that your printer supports. To edit a font press F4, the F3 key will delete the font the cursor is on. If you want to add a font press F2. Then you PAGE 52 can enter a description and the decimal codes for the font. The decimal codes can be found in your printer manual. In creating a form you may type anything you want to appear on the form. If you want it to be bold, position the cursor prior to what you want to be bold then select printer fonts. Highlight the bold font and press enter. This will write over the next 15 or so positions and you might have to retype some information. The next time you edit the form, the 15 or so positions will only display up to 3 positions. These are the ascii characters sent to the printer to tell it to print in bold. If you do not want everything in bold you will have to select the cancel bold font and put it where you want the bold to stop. This works the same for all the printer fonts. Information can be pulled from the vendor, purchase order, and company files. Press F10 to display all the fields that are available. Highlight the desired field and press enter and it will then be put in the format surrounded by upside down exclamation points. The fields that have a 1,2, and 3 are the state fields. Any text without upside exclamation points surrounding it will be printed as text. Otherwise, it will pull the information from the data files. When entering the line items for the received purchase order you MUST put the field 'Skip To Next Line Item' at the end of the line. This is so it will skip to the next line item in the data file. If this is not in your format, all the information for the received purchase order may not be printed. You will have to create a line in the format, for the number of line items that will fit on your received purchase order. Press Escape to exit. You will then have the option to save your changes. If no changes were made, this option will not appear. You may create as many formats as you wish. You will always have the option to select from any one of the formats when printing invoices or editing the formats. 5. Check Alignment This is where you enter in the proper coordinates to customize computer printed checks to print on your own checks. We have supplied some defaults, so the best way to figure out the proper information for your checks would be to print out an alignment test on a plain piece of paper, then hold it up to your check and go from there. We suggest you do this on paper until you have your checks properly aligned and nothing overlaps. That way you will save some checks. First you will enter in the number of lines on your check stub. This number should be the number of lines from the top of the stub to the bottom of the stub. Next enter in the number of lines on the bottom portion of the check. This number should be the number of lines, starting one line below the perforation between the stub and check, to the bottom of the check. PAGE 53 Now you must enter the first row and the proper column for the information that is contained on the stub. The row will be the same for each bit of information. If you change the row, don't worry that the row did not change for the other fields. We know it has been changed the next time you edit this information it will display the proper row. This information if just for the first line item on the stub and we allow up to ten line items per stub. See the Cash Payments help to see how to get up to ten line items on each stub. Next you will enter the information that goes on the check portion. The number for each row must be the same or in Ascending order. If any row entered in the check information fields is in Descending order your checks will not print out properly. That means the check date row must be the same as, or greater than the check number row. The text amount row must be the same as, or greater than the check date row and so on. First you will enter the row and column for the Check number and date. Then the row and column for the text amount. The text amount is the amount of the check spelled out. Then you will enter in the row and column for the dollar amount and vendor name. Lastly, you will enter in the last check number. This means when you print your first check it will start with the next number in sequence. From then on we will update this number for you as you print out your checks, but you may change it if necessary. J. Video Parameters This option allows you to indicate the type of video adapter card you have. If you select a type you do not have an error message will be displayed. If you select EGA or VGA, when entering invoices or transactions, you will have more lines displayed on the screen to make line item entries. K. Printer Setup Select the type of printer you have. If your printer is not on the list select a printer compatible to yours. Your printer manual will indicate the type of printers yours will emulate. L. Default Descriptions This option will allow you to put in your own descriptions that will appear on statements and aging reports. When making invoices, P.O.'s, Received P.O.'s, AR and AP transactions, Cash Payments and Receipts, and AR write offs you are prompted to enter in a description that will appear on statements and aging reports. This option allows you to let it default to what you want, but may also be changed. M. Country Setup PAGE 54 This option will allow you select various date formats. It also allows for Canadian Providences and Zip Codes. If you select American it will use State. If you select Canadian it will use Providence and allow for a Canadian Zip Code. You may also select a date format which will display the date in the format displayed on the screen. N. DOS Functions 1. Format Floppy Disk This option will allow you to format a floppy disk. You can select either A or B drive only. If the disk you put in the drive contains any files, they will be lost! 2. Check Disk This option will run the DOS utility program CHKDSK. See your DOS manual for more information. 3. Rename File This option will allow you to rename a file. Enter the file name to rename in the File Name field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. Enter the new file name in the Rename To field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. If a file already exists with the name and path specified in the Rename To field, the file will not be renamed. 4. Copy File This option will allow you to copy a file. Enter the file name to copy in the File Name field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. Enter the name of the file to copy it to in the Copy To field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. If the file specified in the Copy To field already exists, it will be overwritten! 5. Delete File This option will delete a file. Enter in the file name to delete. You can specify a path name along with the file name. The file entered will then be deleted! 6. Move File This option will allow you to move a file. Enter the name of the file you want to move in the File Name field. You may specify a path name along with the file name. Enter the file name you want to move the file to in the Move To field. You may specify a path name along with the file name. If a file already exists with the path and name specified in the Move To field, it will be overwritten! If you try to move a file to the same file, the file will be deleted! 7. Backup to Floppy Disk This option will allow you backup files to a specified PAGE 55 disk drive. Enter the parameters in the Backup Parameters field. The parameters work just like the DOS backup parameters. For more information see your DOS manual. 8. Restore from Floppy Disk This option will allow you restore files from a specified disk drive. Enter your parameters in the Restore Parameters field. The parameters work just like the DOS restore parameters. For more information see your DOS manual. 9. DOS Window This option will allow you to exit to DOS. To return to Painless Accounting type in 'EXIT'. 10. Tree Directory This option will display your directories in a tree like format. When you highlight a directory and press enter, the files in that directory will be displayed. If you highlight an ascii file the text will be displayed on the screen. PAGE 56