TPOVU Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 9 Weeks Holidays Press F5 to start, F6 to end Press F9 to start, F10 to end Press H - move remove a holiday exit/accept changes exit/abort store current setup retrieve stored setupU .Magic Gradebook Manager Current Semester SetupU Please wait. I'm thinking ...U -Revise Magic Gradebook Manager Semester SetupU &Enter beginning Year (YYYY): &Enter number of beginning Month (MM): *New Magic Gradebook Manager Semester SetupU Z j o &Save printer selection to disk? (Y/N) %Save new custom setup to disk? (Y/N) Saving ... U Custom Printer Setup Press or Enter to highlight the line you wish to change Custom Printer Name:B Below, enter the control codes for your printer which are listedB in your printer manual. Use decimal and not hexadecimal codes.+ Bold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On:+ Off:+ Compressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . On:+ Superscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . On:+ Normal Line Spacing (1/6 or 12/72 inch):+ Half Line Spacing (1/12 or 6/72 inch):+ Quarter Inch Spacing (1/4 or 18/72 inch): Press to accept changes, to ignore them ... Custom Printer U CLASS AVERAGEU WD -exit -first -last -prev page -next page -scroll -exitU GRADE Percents Pts Letters U Marking Period: 9 WKS EXAM Percent Class Method: Percents Letters Average Rank Percentage Wt: % U Activity: Percent Class Method: Average Rank Percentage Wt: % U terminalU Class Grade Summary Date: Class name: Count: Period Period Semester Print now? (Y/N) Printer Test'If test is successful, you will see ...' Welcome to Magic Gradebook Manager! !... plus several more test lines. Please inspect them carefully. ... Printer test for % Welcome to Magic Gradebook Manager! FIf you see dashes (----) instead of box characters above and below theGwelcome message, Magic Gradebook Manager will use dashes instead of box(characters to print your class summaries This is bold type This is not bold type;This line is compressed (condensed), 17 characters per inch2This line is normal (Pica), 10 characters per inch This is superscript This is superscript also,This is superscript, but one-half line below This is compressed superscript, 'ever so tiny, used to print mini-labels'This is superscript, but not compressed,This is superscript, but one full line below This is normal print again,This is normal print, one-quarter inch below,And this line is also one-quarter inch below5And this line is normally printed one full line belowEIf any lines above don't look like they should, it means that (1) youDhave entered a wrong control code, (2) your printer does not support=the required code, or (3) you have selected the wrong printer End of printer test Done. Press Esc ... U + 0 B G Y ^ p u ! 8 = O T a w | !#!D!Q!^!c!}! ",";"@"T"Y" #,#:#N#V#a#n#y#~# $ $0$=$H$M$i$n$~$ %"%5%B%P%d%l%w% & &:&G&L&e&j& ' '('3'@'K'P'o' (Q)V)h)m) *4*9*T*Y*m*r* ,(,-,?,D,Q,g,l, , -3-@-E-^-k-v-{- .@.E.f.s. .L/Q/Y/^/u/ 0E0J0c0p0{0 2J2Y2j2 3[3i3 4.4=4N4r4 4/545E5J5O5b5g5q5{5 6 626?6D6\6i6w6 72777A7r7 8,898F8K8c8h8 9 9#9(9>9K9P9j9r9 :(:Q:`:z: ; ;%;9;N;o; <"+>8>G>U>b>p>u> >,?@?E? @-@>@ A0A@AUAiAnAsA B,B1B;BNBdBnBwB C4CMCZC_CiC D&DSDgDlD}D K#K,K>KCKLK^KcKlK~K L"L,L>LWL\LfLxL}L M M3M@MNM[M`MeM{M N$N:N?NRN_NdN O'O,O>OKOPObOoOtO P#P(P:PGPTPYPkPpP Q&Q+Q=QBQLQ^QcQmQrQ -exit -first student -last student -prev student -next studentU Class: Period: U % of Grade Activity: Grading Method: POINTS Total: Average: * Withdrawn Class Rank: out of Final Average: Final Grade: U C You can't view a student'StudentToView individual summary because no students' names have been entered yet. terminalU Class: 9 Wks Period: Ave: Grade as of % Withdrawn Class Rank: out of U Individual Student Summary Date: , Pd: Summary date: Grade: Withdrawn Class Rank: out of U , , Period Nine Weeks Grade: Final Exam Grade: Semester Grade as of NineWks % U Exam Pts Semester Grade *U Ave of Pts * U Period Page U Fall Spring Activities: Class Averages: Description No: Description Summary No. Date Description FINAL EXAM: U # 9 > e j o " / 4 \ i n ! !0!=!B!X!]! "1"C"H"u" "d#i#{# $($-$R$]$b$t$y$ %5%D%Q%V%h%m%}% &-&F&\&l&y&~& '5'B'G'd'i' )&)6)J)O)]) *6*F*Y*^*l* +6+E+a+k+z+ +6,K,U,p, /B/o/ 0'050H0a0s0 1.1?1m1 1D2f2x2 2#3A3S3h3v3 3-4H4 415G5 :?:p: :8;g; ;M"S"Y"j" #$#r#}# $'$/$_$ %,%>%C%H%d%i%n%x% -grid help -edit help Alt A -change activities -main menuU The Editing Keys& Move up( Move down) or Tab Move right( or Shift Tab Move leftD Ctrl Display dates one screen to the rightC Ctrl Display dates one screen to the left= PgUp Display previous page of names9 PgDn Display next page of namesA Ctrl PgUp Move to next empty date column andJ re-display names beginning with the firstG Ctrl PgDn Display last name and move to the column4 under the last date@ Home Display first name and move thereB End Display last name and move to blank5 line that follows itFPress Enter for help with Power Keys, Esc to continue editing ... The Power Keys0 Alt A Change Activities> Alt D Only while on a description ...> If the column below is empty,@ a date is added to the columnD Otherwise the Date Handling Options4 menu is displayedC Alt N Toggles direction of cursor movement; after Enter is pressedC Alt Q Quick Save. Saves your file without7 exiting the edit grid.H Alt S Sorts names (and their scores, of course)@ Alt W Marks a student as "withdrawn" or0 "not withdrawn"HPress Enter for help with Editing Keys, Esc to continue editing ... U has scores recorded! Delete and erase the scores? (Y/N) U Sorting ... U Sort?U Desc: This date has scores!"Delete date and its scores? (Y/N) U Date Handling Options Press Esc to continue editingU FINAL EXAMU Change Activities "Press Esc not to Change Activities Press to highlight an activity Enter to select Nine Weeks Semester q*Y*c*u*z* +*+/+;+Y+f+k+w+ ,C,t, -D-s-}- -,.E.L. /70W0f0z0 1G1V1 2$2)282l2 4%4-424 :*:A:F:n:s: ;9;E;N; ;/<@Select File or Directory\ with cursor keys and press Enter Press Esc not to select a File --new file--U Save file before copying!/To copy all but dates and scores to a new file,"enter the new file name below ... Invalid file name. File already exists. Press Esc ... Copying to ... U A file named does not yet exist. Create a new file? (Y/N) Enter a password or press to use as a password ... Your password: Disk trouble! Press Esc ... is an invalid data file. Not enough memory. Disk trouble! Press Esc ... Enter 's password: GBF1.0UNLOCKU Current Drive is Enter new drive: Unable to change to drive Drive not ready is invalid . Press Esc ...U Enter current password: GBF1.0UNLOCK Enter revised password: U The current File Mask is Enter new File Mask: is invalid. Press Esc ... U 1 D K P ` j } !%!3!U ....U U ZrRSP ZrY^_ ZrRSP ZrY^_ ZrRSP TrRSP ZrY^_ Edit Grading Scale EPress cursor keys to move, F10 to accept changes, Esc to ignore them.E(F3 stores current scale. F4 retrieves any previously stored scale.)% Enter only the minimum percentage &that is assigned to each letter grade.6At least ... But less than ... Gets a grade of ...U Edit Letter Values EPress cursor keys to move, F10 to accept changes, Esc to ignore them.G(F3 stores current values. F4 retrieves any previously stored values.)' Enter only the minimum range values for each letter grade.!At least ... But less than ... $Gets a grade of ... Assigned to ...U Activity Setup Report for the Semester of Class Name: Period : 'Activity Grading Method % of Grade Nine Weeks: % [No Activities] This Nine Weeks Average is % of the Semester Grade. Semester: FINAL EXAM Final Exam is Grading Scale6At least ... But less than ... Gets a grade of ... Letter Grade ValuesEAt least ... But less than ... Gets a grade of ... Assigned to ... U O T l t y 3 8 [ ` #!(!;!h!v! Current class name: Enter new class name: U Current period: Enter new period: U Plus/Minus Option enables you to select/whether pluses (+) or minuses (-) are allowed/with letter grades. When it is OFF, pluses and/minuses following a letter grade are not allowed./NOTE: Changing this option re-initializes your& Grading Scale and Letter Values#The Plus/Minus Option is currently Turn it OFF? (Y/N) Turn it ON? (Y/N) You have chosen to turn the *, however letter grades have been found with pluses and minuses!-To turn the Option OFF, these pluses and minuses must be removed.#Remove them and turn it OFF? (Y/N) U Warning!U You can't exit yet!U Press ... U Semester Percentage Weights ? Activity Grading Method % of Grade Nine Weeks Semester FINAL EXAMU to highlight an item to change Type a revised activity name new activity name Press for Percents Letters and Points Type percent of grade percentage weight for the The nine weeks total MUST be 100 Semester Final Exam Nine Weeks AverageU %Setting up Activities for file named Activity Setup Press F1 anytime for help Press Esc to exit Activity contains data! Delete activity and erase data? (Y/N) FINAL EXAM has scores as &Change methods and DELETE old scores? %Percents of Grade for each Nine Weeks do not total 100!&Nine Weeks and Exam Percentage WeightsU $<;u 2 > C a f u ' < G _ l y ~ !^!g!q! "6"E"_"n" #@#n#s# $J$a$t$ %!%3%8%=%M%R%[%f% '*(=(T(g( (8)L)d) +?+m+ ,<,c, -..G.L.`.n.s. /&/+/0/@/E/N/Y/ /60{0 0!13181G1Y1^1 2#2-2 Printed Page U Print now? (Y/N) Spooling ... ... Help file not found.U Esc/PgDn Esc/PgUp/PgDn Esc/PgUp Page U Help with Dates and Descriptions! This space is provided for you" to note what the assignment was. Examples: CHAPTER 1 PG 134:14-26 More on dates ... Page 1 If no date appears in this column, pressing Alt D will add a date. Otherwise the Date Handling Options menu will appear. Page 2 When you see the menu, you can insert, delete, or change a date. Note that deleting a date erases its scores! Page 3 Help with Student Names! Enter each student's name, last name first, one name on each line. If you use commas, be! consistent so that names can be alphabetized correctly by pressing Alt S . In order to delete a student's name, space over it. If the student has scores that would be lost, you will be asked to verify the deletion first. Help with Percents Put a number from here, or if the grade is excused." Remember that these are percent- ages so means perfect! You specify the letter grade equivalents by selecting Grading Scale from the Setup Menu Any percent left blank will be counted as a Help with Letter Grades" Enter any letter grade of , or Enter an to indicate an excused assignment. Any grade left blank will be counted as an If the Plus/Minus Option is then A, B, C, or D may be followed by , and F by Select Grading Scale from the to assign percentage equivalents to your grades. Help with Points See Report Help, page 4 , for an explanation of how POINTS compiled. Suggestion You might find it useful to enter a fictitious student name MAX POINTS , for instance, marked as withdrawn, and! assign that student the maximum points for the day. Any points left blank will be Setup Help Activity Setup Help File Help Report Help Calendar HelpU