W E L C O M E to the EZSHOPPER Shopping System ************************* You can find out about each of the following topics: 1. Creating, printing and deleting EZSHOPPER shopping lists. 2. Entering, browsing and deleting your discount coupons. 3. Keyboard layout. 4. Future Trends Software. Just press 1,2,3, or 4 to see the information on your screen. Press the ESCAPE key (it normally has Esc on it) to return to the main menu. While you are looking at any of the menus, you will notice that one choice is highlighted. The computer is ready to select that item. To select one of the other items, use the up and down arrow keys that are normally located on the right side of your keyboard. If your arrow keys do not work, press the Num Lock key. Press the Enter key to tell the computer to select the highlighted item. You can always get helpful information by pressing the F1 key. 1. SHOPPING LISTS. EZSHOPPER makes making shopping lists easy and convenient. How many times have you forgotten something that you need when you wrote out your shopping list? Or made three trips around the store looking for an item because you didn't know what aisle it was on? EZSHOPPER is designed to eliminate shopping frustration, decrease the amount of time it takes you to shop, and increase the money you can save each trip by utilizing all of your discount coupons. When you return to the main menu, you will see these choices: HELP MENU SHOPPING LIST COUPON FILER FUTURE TRENDS EXIT will be highlighted. Use the arrow keys to highlight , and press the Enter key to select it. In the next menu, you will be given five choices. If you choose , you will be asked if you wish to create a new shopping list or revise an existing list. Type the letter C or the letter R to make the selection. If you select to revise an existing list, you will be asked to type in the name of the list that you want to change. If the list does not exist, you will be asked for a new choice. When you choose to create a new list, or when the program finds the list that you wish to revise, you will then see the fruits and vegetables category appear on your screen. will be highlighted. Use all the arrow keys to move around. When you highlight an item that you want, press the Enter key. You will see a checkmark appear in front of the item. The checkmark indicates that you have selected that item. If you later decide that you do not want the item, highlight the item and again press the Enter key. The checkmark will disappear. When you select an item, a special box will appear in the middle of the screen. This is the "Quantity/Comments" box. The information you type in here will appear on your shopping list. You may type in a particular brand name for the item or a specific quantity of the product. This information is only for your convenience, and does not affect the program. If you don't want to type anything, just press the Enter key. You may now continue to choose more items. In the middle of the screen, you will see a box with ten items. These are the categories where you will find all the items for your shopping list. To go to another category, first press the Pg Dn key. Next, use the arrow keys to move to a new category, and press the Enter key. The new category will appear and you may select more items. In several of the categories, you will see certain items displayed in a different color. These are special products and services offered by companies in your area. We encourage you to choose these high quality, competitively priced products and services when you shop. When you have chosen all the items you want from each category, press the Esc key. You will be asked if you want to save, erase, continue or add to your shopping list. You only have to type the first letter of your choice. If you choose to save your list, you will be asked to type in a name for your shopping list. If you do not type in anything, or you press the Esc key, your list will be erased. Your list will also be erased if you answer No. If you choose to continue, you will return to the categories. Often, you will want specific items that are not listed in the categories section. You can still have these items appear on your list by choosing to Add to your shopping list. Even though EZSHOPPER may not know what aisle the item is on, it will still check your coupon database to see if you have any money-saving coupons for that item. Another way to make your shopping lists is the section. This is a convenient way to make a short shopping list with a lot of specialty items. When you type in an item, EZSHOPPER searches for the specific aisle in the store where the item is located. If the item is misspelled, or if it is not in the store database, EZSHOPPER will ask you if the item is correct or not. If it is correct, type the letter "C" and the item will be placed on the "Unknown" aisle. Several items are found in more than one place in the store. If you choose one of these items, you will be given a choice of which category the item you want is found in. For instance, CORN is in the produce, canned goods and frozen foods sections. Use the arrow keys to choose the correct category, and press the Enter key. Similar to the categories section, you will be asked to type in information in the "Quantity/Comments" box. If you want a specific Brand Name item, or a particular amount of an item, then type it in this box. When you are ready to save the shopping list, press the Esc key. Remember, if you leave the name blank, or you press the Esc key while EZSHOPPER is waiting for you to type in a name, the shopping list will be erased. If you type in a duplicate name, you will be asked if you wish to replace the previous list. Type the letter "Y" or "N" in response. You now have a list that you can take to the store. You may now print your shopping list with the section. You will be shown all the shopping lists that are currently on your diskette. Using the up and down arrow keys, you highlight the list that you want. If you want to print your shopping list, press the Enter key. You can even have a map of the store printed above your list. When a list is obsolete, you can delete it with the F10 key. When you first receive your program you will need to design the store map file MAIN.LYT for your particular store. A template is provided to assist you in mapping out your store. Any line editor will do, but DAVINCI GRAPHICS has a special monochrome section that makes it a breeze. For more information on DAVINCI GRAPHICS, please read the Future Trends section in this help text. You may set up your program for any store you shop at. In the section, you will see the categories appear similar to the section. You will also see the current aisle listings to the left of the item. Use the arrow keys to highlight the items you want to change and press the Enter key. You will see an asterisk appear. If you make a mistake, just press Enter again and the asterisk will disappear. After you have selected all of the items for one particular aisle, press the F10 key. You will be asked to type the new aisle number. When you press Enter, you will see the aisle listings automatically updated. Similar to the categories section, you press the PgDn key to move to the next category. If you think you are running out of space on your diskette, exit EZSHOPPER and type BACKUP at the computer prompt. You will be given instructions on the screen. Before you enter the section, make sure that you have the diskette in the default drive that has the shopping list you want to print. 2. COUPON FILER. When your local stores have "Coupon Wars", do you find yourself wishing that you had a better way of finding out what coupons you have? And when was the last time you found the coupon you wanted, only to discover that it expired last month? Now you can quickly and easily find out everything you need to know about all of your discount coupons. When you select in the main menu, you will see three choices. is the section where you type in all your discount coupons. You will see a flashing number at the top of your screen. This is the number that EZSHOPPER has assigned to the coupon. Please write this number somewhere on the coupon, and keep all your coupons in numeric order. This number will appear on your shopping list when you choose an item for which you have a coupon. The first thing you must type in is the specific product this coupon is for. In order for EZSHOPPER to match the coupon to the items on your shopping list, the product information must be the same as the item name found in the category section. For example, "CLEANER" will match with any item on the list marked "CLEANER", while "CLEANER - CARPET" will only match when you choose "- CARPET" in the categories section. Anytime you want to return to the main menu, just press the Esc key. The next item you type is the product "Brand name". This will allow you to view all the coupons that you have for a particular brand name or company. You must type something into both "Product type" and "Brand name". You will then be asked to type in the amount of discount the coupon is worth and the expiration date. The expiration date should be typed in as MM/DD/YY. If you type in an invalid date, you will be asked to retype it. If you notice a mistake before you answer the "More Coupons" query, use the up arrow to go back and fix it. If you press the Esc key before you answer "More Coupons", the current coupon will not be saved. The section allows you to view your coupons numerically by coupon number or alphabetically by product or brand name. You can specify a certain group of coupons with the "Start With" and "End With" questions. Type in the numbers, letters or words that you want to start and end with. Your coupons can also be printed on your printer. You can view expired coupons and delete coupons while you are in the section. You will be asked to verify the date when you choose to view your expired coupons. This feature allows you to find out if you have coupons that will expire in the near future. When you are asked to type in the date, input a date that is several weeks later than today's date. You will then know which coupons will expire soon. To delete a coupon, just type in the assigned coupon number. Each diskette can hold as many coupons as there is disk space available. EZSHOPPER will inform you if you have run out of disk space. You then have two choices. You may delete used or expired coupons, which will free up disk space, or you may exit the program and type BACKUP to create a new disk. Remember, you can always check your shopping list against any coupon database you've created by placing the appropriate diskette in the default disk drive. 3. KEYBOARD LAYOUT. Not all keyboards are created equal. The arrow keys are usually part of the 10-key pad located on the right side of the keyboard. The function keys (F1 to F10) are normally located on the left-hand side of the keyboard. The Enter key is often depicted with an arrow pointing to the left. If you find that the arrow keys or the Pg Dn key do not work, it is probably because the Num Lock is on. You can solve this problem by pressing the Num Lock key once. The Escape key almost always has Esc written on the key. 4. FUTURE TRENDS SOFTWARE. We at Future Trends believe that the time has come to offer quality consumer software at a price that everyone can afford. We will continue to improve EZSHOPPER according to your desires and suggestions. You are our best method of advertisement. If you feel this program is of exceptional value, please tell your friends and associates about us. We are also looking for distributors throughout the U.S.A. If you are interested, please contact us. We have a wide variety of other software programs now available by mail. For example, you can create a variety of color or monochrome pictures with DAVINCI GRAPHICS, a powerful pixel-based graphics utility for your home PC that doesn't need a mouse to run. Artists, doodlers, and serious programmers alike agree that this program is a unique, useful package. To receive DAVINCI GRAPHICS, and get future Future Trends announcements, just send $5.00 + $1.00 postage/handling by check or money order (Texas residents add 8% sales tax), to: Future Trends Software P.O. Box 2122 Round Rock, Texas 78680 (512) 443-6564 Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.