Chekbook Quick Startup With the CHEKBOOK.EXE, CBCONFIG.EXE, and CHEKBOOK.CFG files in the same directory or on the same floppy disk; run the CBCONFIG program to setup the configuration of accounts for both programs. You might want to change the account names somewhat to reflect the way your expenses are structured, the sample configuration files provided with this package reflect what was useful to me. Be sure to heed the warnings the CBCONFIG.EXE module gives as you consider changing "reserved" account names. The menu selections should be self explanatory, if in doubt try the function and you will see what it does. When changing the color setup bear in mind that you must type in a color number at the prompt, hitting will input a value of zero and the color will be black so if you press for both the text color and background color you will get black on black and not be able to read the screen. Starting the Chekbook Program You can begin a new file at any time, but the data might be of most benefit to you at tax time if a complete accounting period is entered and available, so I recommend that you go back to Jan 1 of the current year and enter your checkbook transactions from that point on. Depending on how many check and deposit transactions you do in a year the capacity of the program may allow a whole year's data or could require you to run it on a quarterly basis. If you have less than 900 checks and deposit transactions annually there should be room for a full years data within the 900 transaction capacity of the program. Otherwise you will need to maintain a quarterly (3 months) data file. To start off, after the accounts are "configured" with the CBCONFIG.EXE module type CHEKBOOK at the DOS prompt, input the system date at that prompt, and from the main menu select the "A> Entry" command. Input the date as 01-01 (Jan 1) and at the Item prompt enter the "#" symbol which will assign 1 as the Item number. For "name" type in "Balance Forward" and at the "account" prompt enter the "$" character. (Account code flagged "$" will add into checkbook balance but will not sum into a tabulation of "D" for deposits. Use "D" for subsequent deposits since the "$" is intended for initial balance forward entries only.) At the "subacct" prompt just press at this time, and at the "amount" prompt enter the dollar amount of the balance forward as of Jan 1st to two decimal places unless that balance forward is in whole dollars. If you don't know what the Jan 1 checking account balance was either make the best educated guess you can or create this entry but with a zero dollar amount at this time anyway. You have to balance your checkbook to bank statements at some time and can then edit the computer initial balance forward to an adjusted figure that will cause the recalculated checkbook balance to agree with your next reconciled bank statement. Now you can begin entering checks and deposits from your check stubs. The first check number will have to be entered manually at the item number prompt, from there entering "n" will assign the next check number in sequence. If skipping a "voided" check, enter the next valid number manually and the "n" function will pick up the sequence for the next check number. If you happen to be starting this process out with a brand new bank account use the "#" deposit transaction item number sequence until you recieve your preprinted checks. In this program it's not wise to have both check number and deposit transaction number sequences start with 1. Each item number has to be unique for the "D> Change" data function to work. Most new bank accounts begin the check number sequence with #101 as I remember. Remember to make periodic saves (about every 10 entries and before each save do a file summary - "E> Summaries" command on the main menu and enter zero for the month) to insure against significant work loss in case of power failure. And at the end of the entry session be sure to save the data, the program will warn you ONCE ONLY if you attempt the exit the program without saving new data or data changes. When you have the first whole month's data entered try out the various LIST and SUMMARIES options and you will begin to see just how useful this package can be to you. During each subsequent data entry session remember to load in the current data file before adding entries, otherwise the first save using the data filename will overwrite all your previous work. CAUTION: BEFORE doing the end of accounting period procedure in the next paragraph BACKUP DATA FILES TO ANOTHER DISK OR DIRECTORY!!! At the end of an annual (or quarterly) accounting period rename the MAINACCT.HOM to something else (I use CHECKS88.HOM, CHECKS89.HOM, CHECKS90.HOM or QTR1-90.HOM, QTR2-90.HOM etc) that can be accessed using the SPECIAL filename option on the load/save menus. Then you can start a new MAINACCT (or ALTACCT) file by making a balance forward entry as before and proceeding from that point. Final note: Good luck and BACKUP data files frequently. The greatest potential for losing data files will be from getting in a hurry with the end of accounting period "close old file" and "begin new file" procedures. Be careful the old file you've been working on is not overwritten with the new file before you've copied the old one to another disk. Proper and wise backup practice will allow you to recover from this kind of disaster a lot easier. If you operate a small business and like the approach this program takes to maintaining a personal\household checkbook, there is a similarly structured and easy to use business accounting package. It uses 2 versions of this program concept, one to record sales transactions coded by sales department with a feature to identify and report recievables too, and one to record and summarize expense data, maintain checkbook balance, and figure profit and loss. Priced at $35 its an incredibly effective small business accounting package that not only tells you where your money went and how much (or little) is left, but also how much others owe you! And that with much the same ease of implementation and use as this checkbook program you are looking at now. To order, send payment to: Bruce Foreman 2643 University San Angelo TX 76904