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HTML Color Pickers


HTML Color Pickers help you in setting background and text colors in your web pages by providing some sort of graphical interface from which you pick a color or set of colors you like, and it provides the code. These are built into most modern HTML Editors, but for those of us who prefer to use a simple tet editor, these can come in extremely handy to make sure that your text is attractive and visible on the page you're working on.


Color Manipulation Device

  • Version Number: 2.1
  • Revision Date: May 19, 1997
  • File Name: cmd32.exe
  • Byte Size: 567,015
  • License: Shareware
  • HomePage:
  • Also Available: Windows 3.x Version
  • Description: Helps you pick the correct background and text colors for your HTML docs with a live updated preview window. Lets you save schemes or colors you like, as well as loading background images in the preview window.

    5 Cows

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