~Dungeon Master II (From INTERPLAY by FTL) Cheats by J.Johnson-Appoo (mainly) & Lu Richardson There are two problems with cheating at this game; one is that the offsets change on you; two, is that it is well night impossible. However, John applied his brains to it and managed it and then explained it all to me and I fumbled on like this: I started the game, picked three characters (doesn't matter which, if you are cheating) and saved my game. I copied my saved game in another directory, to be safe, and used the NU editor on the game1.dat file. I found the offsets below and typed the pairs of numbers you can see, just as John told me, and I found that all my characters had very high health, stamina and mana points: AAE1 07 25 69 8D 07 CE 1F 3C E5 39 AB63 10 37 ED F8 3E 70 F9 E6 69 98 ABE6 01 9B E6 E1 F3 87 CF 09 C2 60 AC69 0E 7F 9F 0F 9C 3E 78 4E 13 00 13 Then I found that by typing FF between AAF2 and AAFD (inclusive) AB74 and AB7F ABF7 and AC03 AC7A and AC85 all the characters had 225 for each attribute. Finally, still following instructions from John, I went to AB06 and I found this number: D0. If, after it, you type 90 90 90 00 00 00 60 90 90 60 90 90, lo and behold, your first character is an arch-everything. Therefore, all I had to do is to type the same thing, beginning with D0, in the same relative position for all the other characters. The actual offsets for them are difficult to predict, they could be at AB0A, AB0D and AC10, but you'll be able to see for yourselves when looking at the actual file. At any rate, I ended up with pretty strong characters, even if I had to fiddle around a bit. I am certain someone will come up with a sure-fire edit, but in the meantime you might be glad of John's efforts. Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.