~Tek War Cheats From: Douwe Achterkamp Here's some cheats for the TEKWAR demo (there's probably more...I found these in the TEKD1.EXE file): If you just start the game using TEKD1 (instead of TEKWAR.BAT) you bypass the beginning screens and go straight into the game! This isn't really a cheat but it sure helps if you want to get quickly to the game action! If you hit the Pause (Break) button on the keyboard, the word HOLY appears on the top middle of the screen and you become invincible and can't be hurt by the enemy. BTW, I couldn't get this cheat to work running the game under WIN95. This would only work when I ran TEKWAR straight out of MSDOS. Use the following parameters after TEKD1 for more cool stuff: NOENEMIES--- Turns off all guards, enemy shooters, and innocent bystanders. You are the only living thing in the game and are all alone to explore the city! NOGUARD--- Removes the guards from the game. NOCHASE--- Removes the shooting enemies from the game. NOSTROLL--- Removes the innocent bystanders from the game. For example, to run TEKWAR with no guards in the game type in this to run the game: TEKD1 NOGUARD.