~The Cyberplasm Formula Comic Book Adventure by SANTUARY WOODS Solution -------- By Lu Richardson THE START After the talk is over, click on the Junk Shop and pick up the magnet and the can, which you mustn't eat because you'll need it later. Click on the doorway and go up the stairs. Click on the bell to the right and the door will open. Go in and have a chat. Click on the cupboard and get the champagne and the Elvis disk. Out, click on the dog bowl to restore energy. Leave and, as you come out of the block, you get arrested. THE CAN Chat to the other inmate and then use the champagne. This frees you and you now have a new friend. BACK AT THE START Click on the distant bulldozer, then on the hole in the ground. THE SUBWAY Go right, by clicking anywhere on the screen to the right and you'll come to the loos. Click on the ball dispenser on the right of the screen, activate the slide and get the coin. Don't be tempted to use it to get a gum ball. Click on the men's loo and watch what happens. At the end, get the gizmo. Once outside, go up and then click on the left of the screen. Click on the ladder to the left to go up. AT THIS POINT YOU MIGHT LIKE TO STOP READING AND GO IT ALONE. YOU NOW HAVE THE ESSENTIALS TO FINISH THE GAME. THE ROAD Watch. Click on the road and save your game. This is a Frogger sequence in which you have to get across safely without being squashed. Click on each lane to move. Click on the pavement at the end. It really isn't all that difficult if you pick your moment. Once through, you'll note that a red car has stopped by the kerb. Click on it. You meet Delta - watch. THE BUILDING If you try to pick up whatever it is that's on the ground, a robot comes out of a niche and picks it up. I tried various things, but nothing seemed to work; it turned out to be window dressing. Ignore it. Go in and use the magnet on the robot. Enter. You can have a bit of fun by entering the Museum and the Visual Reality demo. At the museum, a mechanical doll gives you an important message, i.e., you'll need the coin. Once you've done, leave and click on the red door, which is the lift. THE LIFT Use the gizmo and then click on floor 14. A sequence of colours will appear on the white light. Make a note of it (click again on 14, if necessary), and click on the right colours to get to floor 14. Pick up the note and you'll get a code. You can use this code to get to every floor. If you attempt at anytime to enter Security, you get arrested and the game ends. Using the new code, go to floor 5, order burgers or dogs and replenish energy. Go to floor 12 and click on the door to meet Modo. Look around and give him the Elvis disk - he gives you his key to floor 257. Enter the lift and use the key. Go to floor 257 and click on the Curator. Then click on the robot Ygor to see what pieces are missing. Leave, but don't bother to visit Modo, he won't be available. Go to floor 9 and click on the keypad, then enter 1-3-5 to find out about part C5, 4-1-3 for K3 and 5-2-1 for P1 - pick up that one. Please note that the numbers of the parts change, so click on the correct last number for each, thusly: for C2, 1-3-2, and so on. OK, go to the Snack Bar in floor 5 to replenish energy to 100, then go to floor 2. THE MAZE Save. Click on the door and go in. This is the sequence: A1-B1-C1-D1-D2-D3-E3-E4-E5. Click on a robot and use the coin. Get C5 (or whatever) and none other. Eat the can to replenish energy and leave the way you came. THE KITCHEN ROBBOT Go to floor 5, replenish energy by ordering a few burger. Then click on burger and dog one after the other several times and, while the robot is trying to produce both orders at once, click on the compartment on his chest, which will open. Get the part you are after. THE FINALE Go to floor 257 and use the three parts on the robot. He tells you the formula is on a disk in floor 13. Go to floor 12 and go through the door. Modo is missing, go in behind the bookcase and up the stairs into the room. Watch what happens. At the end, pick up the disk. That's it. THE END Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.