~Dungeon Master II (JJA/LR) (From Interplay by FTL) Compiled by J.Johnson-A & Lu Richardson ~The magic list ~-------------- As you know there are no magic compendium supplied by the FTL team so you will just have to make up your own. Anyway, this is the list that Lu and I came up with. I hope that it helps in some small way. FUL = Light YA = Heal potion (brown) YA BRO = Orange sparkling potion (blue protection) YA BRO NETA = Potion (white) YA BRO DAIN = Potion (light blue) FUL BRO KU = Potion (red) OH BRO ROS = Potion (green) VI BRO = Potion (light green) neutralise poison. VI = Potion (blue) health ZO = Blast (small blue arrow-type) OH KATH RA = Blast (large blue arrow-type) OH KATH ROS = Blast (sparkling) OH KATH KU = Blast (another sparkling one) FUL IR = Fireball DES IR SAR = Darkness OH IR ROS = Accelerator spell ZO EW DAIN = Porter minion ZO EW NETA = Guard minion ZO EW KU = Fighter minion Do add to this list if you find any new spells or find out what some of the above spells are. Thanks JJA P.S. Since most of the spells are identical to those for DM1, you might do worse than look at the list included in the Cheet Sheets CD vol. 1.