~Mickey Mouse Magical Quest From Capcom for the SNES Walkthrough & Solution, obtained via the Cheet Sheets BBS. The game is spread over 6 levels, with three or four stages and a boss in each one. Don`t expect to get much help from me during the levels themselves - there`s not really a lot I can tell you that you won`t be able to work out easily for yourself. Instead, I`ll make sure you don`t miss any secret rooms, bonuses or shops, and tell you the best way of dealing with each of the end-of-level bosses. ~* Treetops - Level 1/1 * Enter the house and talk to the old man. Upon leaving, use the gold blocks to jump up onto the roof. Then walk left to find a clump of gold blocks which conceal a secret room. A little further on from the house, grab a tomatoe and use it to fly up and forwards. You should see a row of little platform clouds. Keep moving from cloud to cloud, and as you reach the last one jump as far forward as you can to reach a platform and a block containing an extra energy heart. ~* Level 1/2 * No big secret for this level - just try to stay on the runaway tomatoes. As the second tomatoe runs off the ramp and over the pond, jump onto the single silver block and then onto the top of the trees. Proceed forward to find some gold blocks hiding a shop. ~* Mid-Level Boss * The difficulty setting dictates how many hits the boss will take. As he flies about, take any oppurtunity to 'bottom bounce' on his head. When he stops to release the baby bats, get as far away from him as possible. Bounce on a bat and throw it at the boss. He shouldn`t take too long to die. ~* Level 1/3 * No advice here - just head right and be careful. ~* Level 1/4 - Boss * There are several ways to kill this boss, and they`re all dead easy. You can either use the gold bricks (from the pink one), or use the bits of shell that the boss discards when you hurt him. Or you can simply bottom bounce on him. Be careful towards the end though, as he tries to jump on you. A well-time jump, aimed so that he leaps up underneath your bottom bounce, should see him off quickly. ~* Dark Forest - Level 2/1 * Near the beginning of this bit, just before you reach the swamp with a monster in it, there are some gold blocks. Go into the swamp and swim underneath the branch to reach these blocks. They lead to a secret passage which contains an extra eneergy heart. ~* Level 2/2 * Simple. Swim through the tree sap (Bwueak!) and walk off the branch when you emerge. Push LEFT whilst falling to land on a branch leading to a shop. ~* Mid-Level Boss * Simply avoid the spines, power up and blast him. ~* Level 2/3 * The mallet-wielding tree-stumps are a pain in the neck, but they`re not too hard to avoid. ~* Level 2/4 - Boss * This boss is a real doddle! Change into your magician`s outfit, power up and go get `m ! Try to keep away from him whilst blasting continuously and you`ll dispose of him rather quickly. ~* Fire Grotto - Level 3/1 * My only advice here is to suggest that you always clear a path for yourself, and don`t bust a gut going for a particular block. (Although hard-to-reach ones do contain nice things) ~* Mid-Level Boss * This one can be quite hard. Your best bet is to keep moving, and keep blasting him with magic. ~* Level 3/2 * Here you get the firemen`s outfit. Walk along until you reach a big square block on a platform. Push it off with your hose onto the platform below. Now you can use this to reach a platform moving up and down. At the top is a door leading to a secret room. Also, by the sea of flame, where a platform moves diagonally (which keeps catching fire), jump past the platform to the right to reveal some blocks. The big block contains a 1-up. Finally, after going up the slope, stay on the fifth platform and it will go through the gap in the ceiling, leading to some coins. ~* Level 3/3 * The room down the little shaft near the start is more trouble than it`s worth. Where the fire goes up and down, go down the second drop of water for an energy heart. At the scattering of silver blocks there`s a 1-up near the bottom and a shop at the top. Use your hose to position the blocks. ~* Level 3/4 - Boss * This fiery boss changes colour to blue as you hose him. Don`t give him too much of a break, as he heals himself if you leave him alone for long periods (especially on the "hard" setting) And don`t foget to keep topping up your water level. ~* Pete`s Peak - Level 4/1 * On the third ledge above the area where there are lots of eggs, look for a silver platform mving from side to side. Hook onto the platform and you should be taken to another platform underneath a large gold block containing a 1-up. Drop off the platform and punch LEFT to land on a ledge with a shop door on it. ~* Level 4/2 * Go down the third hole and swing to the right for an extra eneergy heart. ~* Level 4/3 - Boss * Is this boss easy or what? Simply keep hanging onto the pegs until the bird flies past you, and then nick his egg before he cracks it and then just throw it at him. ~* Snowy Valley - Level 5/1 * Use the fireman on this level, and keep an eye out for the little ice jewels in the sky. By spraying these, temporary platforms are raised which can lead to coins and - on this particular level - a 1-up. ~* Level 5/2 * Not much on this level except sky, stars, ice etc... It`s still not all that easy, though, and success or failiure basically hangs on whether or not you can memorise the layout of the level, so you know when it`s best to hitch a lift in the saucer-things, and when it`s best to leap out and strike out on your own. Manage that and you`ll be fine. ~* Level 5/3 - Boss * Wimp1 This one`s a case of working out a routine to stay out of his way while inflicting lots of damage on him. Use the magician, and blast the fiendish baddy from the other side of the screen. Also, for safety - and this means a fair amount of character-changing - use the hose to stop his snowballs in their tracks. ~* Pete`s Castle - Level 6/1 * Keep to the floor and go right untill you reach the trampoline, and go down the water-filled hole beneath it. Swim around to find some coins. A little further on, a big stretch of water conceals a shop at the bottom. Swim down to reach it. Further still, grab an "up"-block and use it to go straight up to reach an archer and a door to your left. Go thtough to reach a 1-up, and then get yourself to the end of the level. (When interested, there are some coins on the platform below the exit door) ~* Level 6/2 * If you can`t do this, you`re a pretty hopeless case. ~* Level 6/3 * Use the hose to shift the silver blocks and avoid the cannon-balls. An extra energy heart is hidden in a big gold block by a door facing right. Look around - it`s not hard to find. For the final fight with Emperor Pete, find two doors facing eachother and enter the one on the left. ~* Emperor Pete * Pete`s just as easy as the rest to dispose of. Keep blasting him with magic and once in a while wait for the flying lamps to appear so you can top up your magic gauge. Then blast him until he dies. Now, sit back, relax, and watch the end sequence!