~Phantasmagoria A collection of quick hints obtained via the Internet. ~I'm stuck at a day three. I can't get the key once I knock it out ~with the nail! Use the poker you get from the fireplace in the dining room (or is it some other room) to pull it under the door. ~At the end of the game, they say I need human blood to put on the ~book. Where do you found a cutting emplement to cut yourself ? In the chest, located in the attic, you should find a a pin. ~I know you have to give a bone or food to the dog to get past him ~to knock on the door to talk to the old guy.. where do you find ~said item ? I've tried the refrig in the house and the general ~store in town.. and nada.. any answers appreciated! Go to the grocery store in town. Look around real good !!!! ~I'm playing this game and I am on Day four. I don't know what ~to do. I've talked to the Kid and His Mom (vagabonds), and the ~Skull-HintKeeper told me I need to "Check out the view from the ~highest room in the house...." ~I don't understand what he's talking about. I've been to the ~upstairs of the house, and I don't know what to do... Please help. To get to the highest room in the house you'll need to open the door that has a key stuck in the keyhole. A newspaper will help you get the key. ~I'm on disc four and am stuck. I can't seem to get past the vapor ~ghost. (For those who don't know, the vapor ghost is a really ~promising-looking apparition, but I can't really get close enough ~to have a good look! Each time it seems like it's going to float ~closer to me and become solid, I reach out for it and it just ~dissolves back into a fine mist. Very odd, very irritating.) GO to coffee table...CLICK on magazine with picture of Dole, Falwell and Limbaugh holding hands under American flag. LOOK DOWN for birthday fax from Nixon. FEED GEIGER CHOW TO PEROT. SET TIMER. (S.P. Harvey - sharvey@interaccess.com) Here's a rough priority of Adrian's personal horrors, based on her reactions when each of them happened (from most to least upsetting): 1. Getting her head cleaved in two (Ok, that's understandable) 2. Having her laptop computer smashed 3. Watching someone get killed by a trowel in the mouth 4. Being chased by a demon from hell 5. Finding her cat, Spaz, dead at the age of 3 6. Watching sundry murders in sundry mirrors 7. Getting raped by her husband Personally, I'd think the last one would rank a bit higher. And #2 is upsetting, for sure, but I'd prefer it to most of the others.